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Laulima Faculty Tutorials

Determining Student Date Last Attended (for grading/financial aid requirements )
Calculating a student's last attended date can be determined by faculty based on several factors: the time the student disenrolled from the course (in Banner and in turn Laulima), the frequency and quality of work demonstrated by the student (by adding the student back into your course), last site visit by the student.

Disenrollment from course: In your course site, to view info about Banner student enrollment add/drops click on Site Info, then User Audit Log. Banner, our student information system, is the "Entity Broker" source.

Click on Site Info
Site Info

Click on User Audit Log
User Audit Selection

List of student add/drops:
User Audit Screen
There is online help on the user audit log.

Looking at the frequency and quality of student work : If a student drops/withdrawls from a course, the faculty/site owner can put a student back into the site (Site Info -> Add Participants), and all their associated work will "reappear". The student will have access to the site as well. If the faculty/site owner adds the student back in, then sets the student to be "Inactive" it would function in a similar way as if the student was not associated with the site - the student can't login and the faculty would not see the student's submitted work. So if the student is not currently in the course site, add them in, look at their work submitted, then make them inactive in the course site.

Screenshot of a portion of the Add Participants screen. Add your student's UH username, then click on the Continue button.
Site Info->Add Participants screen

Related info: Adding a student into your class | Removing a user from your site

Last site visit: Now that your student is part of your course site, use Statistics to view the last time the student visited your class

If Statistics not enabled:
Click on Site Info then Manage Tools
Site Info->Mangage Tools

Scroll down to select Statistics then Continue
Scroll down, choose Stats, then continue

If Statistics are enabled, click on Statistics, then Reports, then Add:
The Statistics tool

Choose search range (365 days, 30 days, etc.):
Choose when to search for, 365 days

In the Add report, scroll down to select Custom user:
Scroll down and select Custom user

Select your student, then Generate Report:
Select your student, then Generate Report

View Visits info for your student:
View Results

Related info: Using the Statistics Tool To View Activity of Dropped Student


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