Laulima Faculty Tutorials
Using the Clog tool
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The Clog (Collaborative Log) tool enables site participants to create and manage a blog or an online journal. Participants can post comments on others’ messages, and they have the option of making their messages private or readable to other participants.
Clog is not a default tool and will need to be added to a site. If needed, this tutorial illustrates the process of adding tools to a site:
Home - The Home page displays all of the Clog messages posted for the site in reverse chronological order, with the latest message at the top.
Post a message
1. Click on the Create new post button.

2. Enter a title (required) and type the message body using the text editor.

3. Click Publish.
The following options can be left as default, otherwise
- select whether others can comment on the message
- select who can see the message