“ I ola no ke kino i ka mā‘ona o ka ‘ōpū. ”
The body enjoys health when the stomach is well filled.
Click the link below to connect with a UH Basic Needs Café Assistant who can help UH students with locating and securing basic needs including food, housing and financial resources. Café hours are Sunday to Thursday 8pm to midnight and Monday to Friday 8am to noon.
Students are also welcome to reach out via email uhsbn@hawaii.edu. Responses are provided promptly during café hours.
Supporting Student Success by Ensuring Basic Needs Security for All
Basic needs includes, but are not limited to, food and housing, clothing, childcare, mental health, financial resources and transportation. At some point in your educational journey, you may face challenges in accessing adequate amounts of food, housing, financial or other resources. This is called basic needs insecurity and millions of college students experience it each year. To ensure that basic needs are met for all UH students, a list of on-campus resources and those available in the surrounding community are listed below.
I Need Help
If you are experiencing any form of basic needs insecurity, please enter your zip code below to find help.
News, Research and Current Events
Reflections on the Groceries to graduate scholarship program at Missouri Southern State University 9/14
Most in Hawaii not prepared for natural disaster, study finds | Honolulu Star-Advertiser 7/18
Biden’s Plan B on student loan forgiveness relies on Higher Education Act: What to know 7/5
UHERO releases new report on state of housing in Hawaiʻi 6/29
UH campuses prepare for Skyline launch 6/29
New Oʻahu housing database to provide insight to residents, policymakers 2/21
An Expert Explains the Importance of Supporting Student Parents 11/22
Student Resources
Use the map below to find basic needs resources available to students on each UH campus.
The UH System is partnering with findhelp.org to provide students with access to community, state and federal basic needs resources.
Support students with a donation to the UH Foundation.