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In conjunction with the Living Reef Program, the Coral Reef Outreach Network (CRON) has developed an annual Living Reef Awards Program. The goal of the Living Reef Awards Program is to honor groups and individuals that take actions to care for and preserve our coral reefs.


  • A clear statement of the nominees’ reef ecosystems goals and objectives.
  • Evidence that the program enhances or preserves Hawaii’s reef ecosystems.
  • The program exhibits innovative and creative ways in applying resources and developing new tools to address the problems our reefs face.
  • Identification of general program budget and sources of funding and/or in-kind donations.
  • Evidence of achievement of the objectives for the project (i.e. letters of endorsement, positive press coverage, etc.)
  • Submissions must be received by January 31, 2005.


Five awards will be given in the Industry Division:

  • Fisheries (aquaculture, commercial, aquarium trade, etc.)
  • Ocean recreation (dive shops, snorkeling tours, whale watching, etc.)
  • Travel/visitor industry (hotels, cruise lines, car rentals, etc.)
  • Business (corporations and small business)
  • Agriculture/land owners

Two awards will be given in the Community Division:

  • Non-profit organizations (individuals and groups)
  • Education (students, student groups, teachers, all levels of schools)


Nominees may self-nominate for this award. Nominated programs or individual activity must have taken place between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2004.


A panel of representatives from Hawaii’s environmental community will undertake judging. Judging will take place in February 2005 and winners will be notified by March 15, 2005.


Winners in each category will receive a specially designed award and acknowledgement at a luncheon banquet scheduled to be held in March 2005. Community Division winners will receive monetary and/or in-kind donations.

Nomination Forms (PDF)

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• Copyright © 2004 Coral Reef Outreach Network •
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 330 • Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 • (808) 221-2102 • livereef@hawaii.edu