
Language Analysis and Experimentation (LAE) Labs

The Language Analysis and Experimentation Labs are a research and teaching facility dedicated to human language and the cognitive mechanisms responsible for it. The labs are a facility for the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, supporting research on the articulation, acoustics, and perception of speech, the production and recognition of words, and the processing of sentences and discourse.

Tools are available in the labs for use by students, faculty, and visiting researchers interested in all areas of language; these tools include audio and video recording hardware, acoustic analysis software, articulatory measurement devices, eye-tracking equipment, large language corpora, tools for building computational models of linguistic and cognitive behavior, and experiment design and analysis software.

See Laboratories to learn about the General Lab, Phonetics Lab, Tracker Lab, Acquisition Lab, Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism Lab (SLAB), and Sociolinguistics Lab.