Professors EmeritiRecently Retired


Thom Hudson
Emeritus Professor

PhD, University of California Los Angeles


Thom Hudson is Professor Emeritus of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and co-editor of the electronic journal Reading in a Foreign Language.  Dr. Hudson received his B.S. degree in sociology at the University of California at Berkeley, MA degree in TESOL and Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at the University of California at Los Angeles. He has lived and taught in the U.S., Egypt, Mexico, and Japan.

Dr. Hudson's research has concentrated on second language testing, reading, language for specific purposes, and curriculum and program development, with a long-term interest in criterion-referenced testing.

Robert Bley-Vroman
Emeritus Professor

PhD, University of Washington


Robert Bley-Vroman received his MA in Germanics and his MA and PhD in linguistics from the University of Washington. He concluded his employment at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa as chancellor before briefly returning to the faculty in fall 2017.

Dr. Bley-Vroman's research has concentrated on applied linguistics, syntax, and second language acquisition theory. His most influential papers are "The logical problem of foreign language learning" and "The comparative fallacy in interlanguage studies." His latest research interest concerns the relationship between pitch in linguistics and perfect pitch in music.


JD Brown
Emeritus Professor

PhD, University of California Los Angeles


JD has spoken and taught courses in more than forty countries ranging from Brazil to Yugoslavia. He has also authored or co-authored a number of books and published numerous journal articles and book chapters (on wide-ranging topics including language curriculum development, language testing, language testing in Japan, testing L2 pragmatics, performance testing, criterion-referenced language testing, ideas for classroom assessment, using surveys in language programs, doing quantitative and qualitative research, connected speech, quantitative research methods, mixed methods research, and heritage language curriculum). More importantly, every single day, JD enjoys doing his photography, playing guitar and piano, and watching the clouds roll in across Kane’ohe Bay.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Language Testing
  • Language Curriculum Development
  • Language Program Evaluation
  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Mixed-Methods Research
  • Connected Speech

Selected Publications:

Brown, J. D. (2020). World Englishes and international standardized English proficiency tests. In C. L. Nelson, Z. G. Proshina, & D. R. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of World Englishes (2nd ed.) (pp. 703-724). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Lanteigne, B., Coombe, C., & Brown, J. D. (Eds.) (2021). Challenges in language testing around the World: Insights for language test users. Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Brown, J. D. (2021). Problems caused by ignoring descriptive statistics in language testing. In B. Lanteigne, C. Coombe, & J. D. Brown (Eds.), Challenges in language testing around the world: Insights for language test users (pp. 15-24). Singapore: Springer.

Lanteigne, B., Coombe, C., & Brown, J. D. (2021). Introducing Challenges in language testing around the world. In B. Lanteigne, C. Coombe, & J. D. Brown (Eds.), Challenges in language testing around the world: Insights for language test users (pp. 1-12). Singapore: Springer.

Lanteigne, B., Coombe, C., & Brown, J. D. (2021). Reflecting on Challenges in language testing around the world. In B. Lanteigne, C. Coombe, & J. D. Brown (Eds.), Challenges in language testing around the world: Insights for language test users (pp. 549-553). Singapore: Springer.

Brown, J. D. & Cirocki, A. (Eds.) (2021). Special issue on classroom assessment. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 10(2), i-viii, 1-215.

Brown, J. D. & Cirocki, A. (Eds.) (2021). Editorial for special issue on classroom assessment. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 10(2), 1-2.

Brown, J. D., & Grüter, T. (Published online 2021). The same cloze for all occasions? Using the Brown (1980) cloze test for measuring proficiency in SLA research. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.

Richard R. DayRichard R. Day
Emeritus Professor

PhD, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa


Richard is well-known for his work in extensive reading. He was the co-editor of the scholarly journal, Reading in a Foreign Language, and is the co-founder and chairman of the Extensive Reading Foundation. He has traveled extensively to conduct workshops and presentations on reading and teacher development. Richard is the co-author of Impact Issues Books 1–3 (Pearson Longman) and Cover to Cover 1–3 (Oxford University Press).