Jieun Kim

Jieun Kim

MA in English Language Education, Seoul National University

Research Interests: language testing, second language reading, second language instruction


Isbell, D., Kremmel, B., & Kim, J. (In press). Remote Proctoring in Language Testing: Implications for Fairness, Justice, and Validity. Language Testing Quarterly.

Yaw, K., Andringa, S., Gass, S., Hancock, G., Isbell, D., Kim, J., Kytö, M., Larsson, T., Plonsky, L., Sterling, S., & Wood, M. (2023). Discussions on the past, present, and future of quantitative research ethics in applied linguistics. Language Teaching, 56(4), 557 - 561 https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444823000253

Isbell, D., & Kim, J. (2023). Developer involvement and COI disclosure in high-stakes English proficiency test validation research: A systematic review. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 100060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmal.2023.100060

Grüter, T., Kim, J., Nishizawa, H., Wang, J., Alzahrani, R., Chang, Y., Nguyen, H., Nuesser, M., Ohba, A., Roos, S., Yusa, M. & Zhu, Y. (2023). Language proficiency modulates listeners’ selective attention to a talker’s mouth: A conceptual replication of Birulés et al.(2020). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263123000086

Kim, J., & Lee, B. (2020). Effects of topic prior knowledge and English language proficiency on EFL reading comprehension of two types of expository text, Korean Journal of Applied Linguistics. 36(3). 31-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.17154/kjal.2020.