Moore Hall 402
Dr. Crookes’s main research and teaching interests at present are critical language pedagogy and language teachers developing philosophies of teaching. Very recently he has begun exploring the role of dialogue in professional development. More generally, he remains broadly interested in the methodology of second language teaching and teacher development. In recent semesters his teaching has included material on emotion and motivation in second language teaching and learning, as well as a survey of alternatives in L2 pedagogy. Besides teaching regular graduate and undergraduate courses for the Department of SLS, he has conducted courses and workshops for teachers especially on teaching methodology, action research, and critical pedagogy, in a variety of settings around the world, including Colombia, Denmark, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Singapore, and Vietnam.
Selected Recent Publications:
2023 English for a critical mind. Klett (with A. Coco & S. Siqueira).
2021 Starting points in critical language pedagogy. Information Age Press (with A. Abednia).
2013 Critical ELT in action: Foundations, promises, praxis. Routledge.
Articles and chapters
2021 Critical language pedagogy: an introduction to principles and values. ELT Journal, 75(3), 247-255.
2021 Research timeline: Critical language pedagogy. Language Teaching, 55(1), 46-63.
2021 Critical Language Pedagogy and Task-Based Language Teaching: Reciprocal relationship and mutual benefit. Education Sciences, 11(6), 254-273. (With N. Ziegler)
2019 Raising quality through critical pedagogy in TESOL. In J. Martinez Agudo (Ed.), Quality in TESOL and Teacher Education. Routledge.
2019 On-line language teacher education for a challenging innovation: Towards critical language pedagogy for Iran. In C. Combe, D. Tafazoli, H. Reinders & A. Littlejohn (eds.), Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: The Case of the Middle East (pp. 241-261). Palgrave Macmillan. (with A. Abednia)
2019 Critical literacy as a pedagogical goal in English Language Teaching. In X. A. Gao (ed.), Springer Second Handbook of English Language Teaching (pp. 255-275). Springer. (with A. Abednia)
2019 Conceptions of L2 learning in critical language pedagogy. In J. W. Shwieter (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning (pp. 641-646). Cambridge University Press.
2018 “How did you become political?”: Narratives of junior researcher-practitioners in applied linguistics. In Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini (ed.), Special issue, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. (with Bluth, P., Haeusler, A., Parba J., & West, G.).
2017 Critical language pedagogy given the English Divide in Korea: A suite of practices, critique, and the role of the intellectual. English Teaching [Korea], 72(4), 3-21.
2017 Critical practitioner research in language education: Developing a research response under difficult circumstances. In Seyyed Abdolhamid Mirhosseini (ed.), Reflections on Qualitative Research in Language and Literacy Education (pp. 139-156). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. (with West, G.).
2016 Educational perspectives on ELT: society and the individual; traditional, progressive and transformative. In G. Hall (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching (pp. 64-76). New York: Routledge