Moore Hall 554
Areas of Expertise
- Language and social interaction
- Socially grounded approaches to SLA
- Qualitative research methodology
Selected Publications
Kasper, G., & Ro, E. (2022). Student essays as evidential resource in placement meetings. Linguistics and Education, 72
Burch, A. R., & Kasper, G. (2021). Task instruction in OPI roleplays. In M. R. Salaberry & A. R. Burch (Eds.), Assessing speaking in context (pp. 67-108). Multilingual Matters.
Kasper, G., & Monfaredi, E. (2021). Storytelling as instructional practice in Persian language classrooms. In J. Wong & H. Z. Waring (Eds.), Storytelling in multilingual settings (pp. 119-159). Routledge.
Hoffmann, S. & Kasper, G. (2021). Arbeitsanweisungen zu Videomitschnitten in digitalen Lehrendenbildungskonferenzen [Instructions for using video clips in digital teacher development conferences]. Zeitschrift für Interaktionsforschung in Deutsch als Fremd/Zweitsprache [Journal of Interaction Research in German as a Foreign/Second Language], 1(1), 143-168.
Eskildsen, S. W., & Kasper, G. (2019). Interactional usage-based L2 pragmatics: From form-meaning pairings to construction-action relations. In N. Taguchi (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and pragmatics (pp. 176–191). Routledge.
Kääntä, L., & Kasper, G. (2018). Clarification requests as a method of pursuing understanding in CLIL physics lectures. Classroom Discourse, 9(3), 205-226.
Kääntä, L., Kasper, G., & Piirainen-Marsh, A. (2018). Definition talk in CLIL classroom interaction: a multimodal perspective. Applied Linguistics, 39(5), 694–717.
Kasper, G. & Ross, S. J. (2018). The social life of methods: Introducing the special issue. Applied Linguistics Review, 9(4): 475-486.
Kasper, G., & Wagner, J. (2018). Epistemological reorientations and L2 interactional settings: A postscript to the Special Issue. The Modern Language Journal, 102 (Supplement 2018), 82–90.
Kasper, G. & Youn, S. J. (2018). Transforming instruction to activity: Roleplay in language assessment. Applied Linguistics Review 9(4), 589–616.
Kobayashi Hillman, K., Ross, S. J., & Kasper, G. (2018). Achieving epistemic alignment in pre-experimental instruction. Applied Linguistics Review, 9(4), 617–641.
Roever, C., & Kasper, G. (2018). Speaking in turns and sequences: Interactional competence as a target construct in testing speaking. Language Testing, 35(3), 331–355.