Go Global Teaching ESL Panel on Monday, November 15 from 3:30-4:45 pm

Meeting ID: 964 6449 7210
Passcode: 107976

About this seminar:
Members of the Department of Second Language Studies (SLS) will
share their experiences and tips related to teaching English as a Second
Language overseas in a variety of programs. Additional information will
be provided about options for learning how to be an effective ESL
teacher, via courses in the Department of SLS or the Certificate in
English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA).

The Peace Corps: Rickey Larkin (PhD student, SLS)
Fulbright English Teaching Assistants program: Michelle Kunkel (PhD student, SLS)
English Program in Korea (EPiK): Michelle Kunkel (PhD student, SLS)
Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET): Scott Andrada (MA student, SLS)
Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF): Hayley Cannizzo (alumna, MA in SLS)
Learning how to teach ESL: SLS courses: Kenton Harsch (Undergraduate Coordinator, SLS)
Learning how to teach ESL: CELTA: Joel Weaver (Hawai‘i English Language Program, SLS)

Inquiries: email Kenton Harsch at kenton@hawaii.edu