Get Pidgin?

T-shirt and Reusable Bag Giveaway


Friday (October 14), 10AM–1PM
Campus Center Courtyard


Da Pidgin Coup, a language awareness and advocacy group associated with the Charlene J. Sato Center, is giving away free t-shirts and free reusable canvas bags on FRIDAY, October 14 in the Campus Center Courtyard. The event is from 10AM to 1PM, or while supplies last. Stop by, participate in a short activity, and then choose a t-shirt or bag. Das right, free, brah.

For more information: cmhigginat


T-shirt and Reusable Bag Giveaway

(October 14), 10AM–1PM
Campus Center Courtyard


Da Pidgin Coup, a language awareness and advocacy group associated with the Charlene J. Sato Center, is giving away free t-shirts and free reusable canvas bags on FRIDAY, October 14 in the Campus Center Courtyard. The event is from 10AM to 1PM, or while supplies last. Stop by, participate in a short activity, and then choose a t-shirt or bag. Das right, free, brah.

For more information: cmhigginat



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