Newly Published Article: Dustin Crowther, Daniel Isbell and Hitoshi Nishizawa

Dustin Crowther, Daniel Isbell, and Ph.D. student Hitoshi Nishizawa was recently featured for their newly published article in Applied Psycholinguistics on Cambridge Core, published by Cambridge University Press. Title: Second language speech comprehensibility and acceptability in academic settings: Listener perceptions…

B.A. student Shannon Pederson receives Boren Scholarship

Congratulations to Shannon Pederson, an SLS student in our BA program, who was recently awarded a prestigious national Boren Scholarship! The Boren Scholarship will support Shannon during her 2023-2024 Korean Flagship Capstone Program at Korea University in Seoul. As a…

Ph.D. Student Jieun Kim wins 2023 MwALT Best Student Paper Award

Ph.D. Student Jieun Kim won the 2023 MwALT Best Student Paper Award! The paper is titled “Test takers’ interaction with context videos in a video-based listening test: A conceptual replication and extension of Suvorov (2015)” Abstract The present study conceptually…

Ph.D. Student Mayuko Yusa Receives Center For Japanese Studies Fellowship

Ph.D. student Mayuko Yusa has received the Takie Sugiyama Lebra scholarship, a graduate fellowship from the Center for Japanese Studies, for Fall 2023 to Spring 2024. The Takie Sugiyama Lebra scholarship is for full-time graduate students enrolled in Japanese Studies…

Krissa Guevarra selected for the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program

Congratulations to Krissa Guevarra who has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship! Krissa will be teaching in South Korea in 2024. The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is the nation’s largest study abroad fellowship program, facilitating cultural exchange through…