The October 2016 issue (Volume 28, Number 2) of the electronic journal Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL) is now online.
April 3: Dissertation Defense – Gavin Lamb
Announcing PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense Gavin Lamb The nexus of discourse and practice in sea turtle tourism and conservation at Laniākea Beach, Hawai‘i Chair: Christina Higgins Wednesday, April 3, 9:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m. Moore Hall, 258 Abstract This…
March 1: Dissertation Defense – Jay Tanaka
Announcing PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense Jay Tanaka Qualitative Content Analysis of Reflection in Language Teacher Practicum Settings Chair: Elizabeth Gilliland Friday, March 1, 1:30 p.m.– 3:30 p.m. Moore Hall, 258 Abstract At least one element of second…
February 27: Dissertation Defense – Junko Imai
Announcing PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense Junko Imai L2 Learning to Write Through Writing Conferences: A Mixed Methods Research Study Chair: James Dean Brown Wednesday February 27 10:00 am – noon Moore Hall 258 Abstract A writing conference (WC) is…
ARCHIVE Spring 2019 Brown Bags
January 10 Research in Progress: Health communication in home care for elders in Hawai‘i Presenter: Kendi Ho, PhD Student, Second Language Studies, UH-Mānoa The silver tsunami is reaching Hawai‘i’s shores with the aged population in Hawai‘i expected to reach 28.5%…
November 19: Dissertation Defense – Priscila Leal
Announcing PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense Priscila Leal Becoming and being a critical English language teacher: A mixed methods study of critical consciousness Chair: Graham V. Crookes Monday, November 19, 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Moore Hall, Room 258 Abstract…
SLS Alumna Peggy Kang Selected as English Language Fellow
Congratulations to SLS Alumna Peggy Kang, who recently completed an English Language Fellowship in Cameroon with the U.S. Department of State, from 2016-2018. Peggy’s primary job during her fellowship was to provide English language instruction to university students in medicine,…
November 9: Dissertation Defense – Hyunwoo Kim
Announcing PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense Hyunwoo Kim Cross-linguistic activation in Korean L2 learners’ processing of remention bias in English Chair: Theres Grüter Friday November 9, 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Moore Hall, Room 258 Abstract Effects of cross-linguistic…
MA Student R. L. Hughes Awarded FLAS Fellowship to Study Indonesian
Congratulations to MA student R. L. Hughes, who was recently granted a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship to study Indonesian in Yogyakarta, Central Java this past summer (2018). Hughes attended language classes full-time in her pursuit to attain…
Professor & Graduate Chair Dr. Higgins Named Co-Editor of Applied Linguistics
Congratulations to Dr. Christina Higgins, who was appointed to serve as co-editor of Applied Linguistics, a prestigious peer-reviewed academic journal published by Oxford University Press. Dr. Higgins joins co-editor Dr. Anna Mauranen (University of Helsinki), for a five-year term. Applied…