Congratulations to TIRF doctoral dissertation grant awardee, Kendi Ho!

Her dissertation project title is “Health Communication in Home Care for Elders in Hawai‘i”, and her research interests include language assessment for program development and evaluation, workforce English for adult immigrants, and health communications in elder care. Kendi Ho (PhD…
Second Language Research publication graphic

New publication in Second Language Researchby PhD candidate Wenyi Ling and Dr. Theres Grüter

PhD candidate Wenyi Ling and Dr. Theres Grüter’s Online First publication in Second Language Research is available now. The article is entitled “From sounds to words: The relation between phonological and lexical processing of tone in L2 Mandarin”. Check it…
graduate student organization graphic

Yuka Matsutani awarded the Hannah Liebreich Merit Based Award for Teaching

The Graduate Student Organization (GSO) celebrates and honors exemplary teaching by currently enrolled graduate students. The Hannah Liebreich Merit Based Award in Teaching is important because it honors outstanding graduate students, reminds the campus that teaching is a central part…

Mental Health Resources for students during COVID-19

Counseling services At UH Mānoa – Counseling & Student Development Center (CSDC) – (though in‐person hours are now limited). In the community – various providers listed on Mental Health America of Hawaii’s “Finding Help” directory –‐content/uploads/Updated‐2018‐Finding‐Help‐Directory.pdf. Community 24/7…