Dissertation Defense

Announcing PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense Munassir Alhamami Using Ajzen’s Theory to Examine Beliefs in EFL Face-to-Face and Online Lessons Chair: James Dean Brown Monday January 25, 11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Moore Hall, Room 155A This mixed-methods dissertation investigated…

SLS Undergraduate Raquel (Rocky) Reinagel Receives $1,500 Undergraduate Research Award

Raquel (Rocky) Reinagel is the first SLS major to receive a research award from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP, http://manoa.hawaii.edu/undergrad/urop) for her project “Study Abroad Students’ View of their L1 Community.” Rocky will conduct this project in the Spring…
Photo of the Great Wall of China

Thursday “Brown Bag”: Dr. Patricia Duff

November 5, 2015

12:00–1:15 p.m.

Researching Chinese as a Global Language: Trends, Issues, and Opportunities

Patricia A. Duff, Professor
Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia

Photo Credit: “Creative Commons Chinesische Mauer” by Bernd Thaller is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Congratulations to Priscilla Faucette and Christina Higgins!

Congratulations to Ms. Priscilla Chen Faucette, Associate Director of the English Language Institute & SLS Undergraduate Advisor, for her promotion to Assistant Specialist. Congratulations to Dr. Christina Higgins for her promotion to Professor and 10 years of service at the University…

Second Chuo-UHM Student Conference on Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Second Language Acquisition

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Held at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Moore Hall 258 & 119

14:00-15:20 Plenary Lecture — Moore 258
Professor Kazue Kanno

15:30-16:50 Poster session — Moore 119
Posters presented by Chuo and UHM students

17:00-18:30 Reception
Networking, with snacks and drinks

We hope many SLSers can come for some or all of the conference! See you there!