2016 Conference Presentations by SLS Graduate Students and Faculty
Webinar by Dr. Betsy Gilliland
For TESOL Second Language Writing Interest Section
The webinar took place on November 1, 2016, and its recording is now publicly available:
Title: Theorizing Your Practice: Action Research in L2 Writing
Facilitator: Dr. Betsy Gilliland, Assistant Professor of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i
Information and Q&A Session
ARCHIVE Fall 2016 Brown Bags
Dissertation Defense
PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense
Wei-Li Hsu
Constructs of L2 Chinese Reading
and the Influence of Language Background
Chair: Thom Hudson
12 October 2016, 9:00–10:30 a.m.
Moore Hall, Room 155A
Dissertation Defense
PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense
Prem Phyak
‘For our Cho:tlung’: Decolonizing Language Ideologies and
(Re)Imagining Multilingual Education Policies and Practices in Nepal
Chair: Kathryn A. Davis
12 October 2016, 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Moore Hall, Room 258
Get Pidgin?
T-shirt and Reusable Bag Giveaway

Da Pidgin Coup, a language awareness and advocacy group associated with the Charlene J. Sato Center, is giving away free t-shirts and free reusable canvas bags on FRIDAY, October 14 in the Campus Center Courtyard. The event is from 10AM to 1PM, or while supplies last. Stop by, participate in a short activity, and then choose a t-shirt or bag. Das right, free, brah.
For more information: cmhigginhawaii.e
Dissertation Defense
PhD in Second Language Studies Dissertation Defense
Jennifer Holdway
Mathematics and Multilingual Learners: Transformative Learning Through In-Service Teacher Professional Development
Chair: Kathryn A. Davis
14 October 2016, 2:00–4:00 p.m.
Moore Hall, Room 155A