PhD student Rickey Larkin Jr.’s book review of “A World of Indigenous Languages: Politics, Pedagogies, and Prospects for Language Reclamation” is available now. Check it out here!
New publication in Language Learningby Dr. Kara Moranski and Dr. Nicole Ziegler
Dr. Kara Moranski and Dr. Nicole Ziegler’s publication in Language Learning is available now. The article is titled “A Case for Multisite Second Language Acquisition Research: Challenges, Risks, and Rewards.” Check it out here!
New publication in Journal of Sociolinguisticsby Dr. Christina Higgins and PhD alumnus Dr. Gavin Furukawa
Dr. Christina Higgins and PhD alumnus Dr. Gavin Furukawa’s publication in Journal of Sociolinguistics is available now. The article is titled “Localizing the transnational call center industry: Training creole speakers in Dominica to serve Pidgin speakers in Hawai‘i.” Check it…
PhD student Parvaneh Rezaee receives Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Fellowship for Excellence in Persian Studies
The Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute has awarded an Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Fellowship for Excellence in Persian Studies award to our PhD student, Parvaneh Rezaee. She will receive $10,000 towards the completion of her dissertation “The Persian Particle dige in Professional – Client Interaction.” This fellowship was awarded to…
New chapter in the Routledge Pop Culture in Language Educationby PhD student Hyeyoung Jung and Department Chair Graham Crookes
PhD student Hyeyoung Jung and Dr. Graham Crookes’ chapter in the Routledge Pop Culture in Language Education will be available soon. The chapter is entitled “The use of K-Pop culture in a critical EAP classroom.” Check it out here!
Special Session of the SLS Brown Bag Lecture SeriesTeaching ESL in the Peace Corps
Special Session of the SLS Brown Bag Lecture Series: Teaching ESL in the Peace Corps Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:00 to 4:00 pm To register, please visit Presenters: Stephanie Sang (Peace Corps Representative, UH Mānoa) Dr. Betsy Gilliland (Associate…
PhD in SLS Dissertation Defense on Wednesday, November 18 at 11:00 am HSTGeorge Smith
George Smith will be defending his dissertation on Wednesday, November 18 at 11:00 am HST over Zoom. Zoom meeting link: (no registration required). Title: An investigation of vocabulary size, individual differences, and metacognition in L2 listening comprehension Abstract: Research…
New chapter in the Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studiesby PhD alumnus Dr. Gavin Lamb and faculty member Dr. Christina Higgins
PhD alumnus Dr. Gavin Lamb and Dr. Christina Higgins’ chapter in the Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies is available now. The chapter is entitled “Posthumanism and Its Implication for Discourse Studies.” Check it out here!
New publication in Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSLA)by PhD alumnus Dr. Hyunwoo Kim and faculty member Dr. Theres Grüter
PhD alumnus Dr. Hyunwoo Kim and Dr. Theres Grüter’s publication in Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSLA) is available now. The article is entitled “Predictive Processing of Implicit Causality in a Second Language: A Visual-World Eye-Tracking Study.” Check it out here!
Keynote presentation by Dr. Dongping Zhengfor the VietTESOL International Convention 2020
Dr. Dongping Zheng will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming VietTESOL International Convention 2020 (October 15-16, 2020). The title of her keynote talk is “Creating Translanguaging Spaces for Skilled Linguistic Action.”