SLS Letter

Volume XXXII

Spring 2004


We are in the waning days of the 2003-2004 academic year and it is time once again to bring you up to date on the happenings in and around the Department of Second language Studies. This has been, and will continue to be a year of transitions. After four years of able, and from my perspective, inspired leadership, Robert Bley-Vroman ended his term as department chair. Another Robert, this time Gibson, is now the department chair. In another transition, we must bid a fond aloha to Mike Long and Cathy Doughty, who have decided to leave the University of Hawai`i for positions at the University of Maryland. It is never easy to say goodbye to such strong scholars. We do wish them the best in their new positions. As if these losses were not enough, we have learned that Diana Eades and Jeff Siegel will be returning to Australia at the end of the semester. Even the gentle trade winds of Hawai`i and the love and respect of students and colleagues could not overcome the pull of family in Australia. We will surely miss these four colleagues.

Although the university and the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature continue to struggle under difficult funding constraints, the department is fortunate to be able to fill three of the four positions with new tenure-track assistant professors. As the newsletter goes to press, the department is in the final phase of the search for these new scholars. We look forward to welcoming them in the Fall 2004 semester.

With Mike and Cathy on leave and Richard Day on sabbatical leave for the academic year, the department hired two visiting professors for the Spring 2004 term. Joining the department for this semester were Dr. Karl Diller, Professor Emeritus from the University of New Hampshire and Dr. Hanh Nguyen, a recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin. Some of you may recall that Karl was a visiting professor here in 1979-80. Both have brought fresh perspectives to the department’s offerings.

Those of you who remember the annual department retreat and auction will be pleased to know that this year’s auction raised a total of $2,633 for the Ruth Crymes Scholarship Fund. This fund continues to provide travel grants for students who make presentations at major conferences. I know that Dr. Crymes would be happy to know that this important work continues in her name.

Finally, the department continues to thrive. Enrollments are up in both the graduate and undergraduate programs. The Hawai`i English Language Program (HELP) and the English Language Institute (ELI) are also flourishing. You can read about the individual initiatives and accomplishments in the rest of the newsletter.

As always, we would enjoy hearing from any of our graduates, colleagues, and friends. If you have any news to share with us, please send it via e-mail or snail mail. My e-mail is And if you are in the islands, please stop by and visit.

Bob Gibson, Chair



The SLS Department has begun an initiative with institutions in Vietnam to increase the English capacity of teachers and students in Vietnam through a grant from the Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation. This is a UH system-wide initiative including the community colleges and representatives from the College of Business Administration, the Department of Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures, SLS, and the University of Hawai`i Foundation. Thom Hudson is the Co-Principal Investigator for the project. Robert Bley-Vroman has also been working hard on the project, and is on the project steering committee. It currently involves workshops for teachers, primarily those at the Hanoi University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), as well as ESP for business at other sites. We are currently in the first year of what hopefully will be a three-year project, if not longer. This spring Thom, Robert, and Graham Crookes will present a series of teacher workshops at HUFS for its own teachers as well as teachers from other universities.



Under the National Foreign Language Initiative (NFLI), the National Security Education Program selected and allocated seed money for the establishment of pilot Flagship programs at four US institutions -the University of Hawai`i at Manoa and U.C.L.A. for Korean, Brigham Young University for Chinese, and the University of Washington for Arabic. The primary purpose of the NFLI is the production of a critical mass of advanced foreign language speakers with a proficiency level of Superior on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) scale or Level 3 on the Interagency Language Roundtable scale, defined as “professional working proficiency” in listening, reading, and speaking. UHM was awarded approximately one million dollars to implement an innovative three-year pilot program for Korean.

Staff at the UH-KFP, as of the 2004 spring semester, include Dr. Michael Long (SLS) as Principal Investigator and Director (on leave 2003-2004), Dr. Youngkyu Kim (SLS) as Acting Director, Dr. Dong Jae Lee (EALL) as Coordinator of Curriculum Development, Dr. Young-Geun Lee as Coordinator of Instruction, Dr. Joe Ree as Instructor, and Mr. Charles Hill as Office Manager, as well as a number of talented PhD and Master’s students as graduate assistants. You are invited to send comments, suggestions, and any questions to the Korean Flagship Program via email at or via phone at (808) 956-8469. If you wish to visit the KFP, you can find it in the Temporary Portables, Room 110 located adjacent to the Center for Korean Studies on the UHM campus or at



In the fall of 2001, Richard Day and Thom Hudson became co-editors of Reading as a Foreign Language, a scholarly, refereed journal, first published in 1983 by the Modern Languages Department, University of Aston, Birmingham, England. With the support of the Department of Second Language Studies, the National Foreign Language Resource Center, and the College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, the journal was relocated to the department. It is available exclusively online and free of charge. Professors Day and Hudson urge everyone to subscribe:



Second Language Studies (formerlyUniversity of Hawai`i Working Papers in ESL) can no longer be ordered in hard copy. However, it can be found online at:


August 2001

MA: Hye-Sun Cho, Heather Lorene Colwell, Carol Babbs Foye Eyal, Jo Ann Hiroko Kadooka, Vivian Yumi Machida, Renae Lynn Skarin

PhD: Carsten Roever, Yuichi Watanabe

December 2001

MA: Eri Akiyama, Sambi Ishisaki, Jean Kim, Karen Hiroko Kinoshita, Chin Yin Leung, Laura Ann Taylor Long, Hoky Min, Rachel Alison Rivers

PhD: Albert Joseph Lehner, Jr.

May 2002

MA: Josh D’Andrea, Nichola Bartlett, Aurelie Capron, Sookyoung Cho, Keita Kikuchi, Fen-Chuan Lu, Carrie Mospens, Sun Young Shin, Chika Sumita

August 2002

MA: Mi-Hyun Kim, Yan Liao, Michael Francis Morrison IV, Rafaella Negretti, Noah Haskell Silbert

December 2002

MA: George Harrison, Yun-Hee Ko, Dong-Kwan Kong, Leslie Ono, Naoko Ouchi, Chanho Park, Yukio Tanji, Sarah Toohey, Dorothy Wheeler, Jeffrey Witzel

AGCSLS: Tomomi Hasagawa

May 2003

MA: Michael Beamer, Heather Caban, Antonio da Silva, Gina Fontejon, Yuki Hashimoto, Tyler Hawkins, Tomoko Iwasaki, Jinhee Kim, Younhee Kim, Duksoo Lee, Yow-Yu Lin, Carolyn Mori, Kevin Nitta, Moana Rosa, Hisako Saito, Tomomi Sasaki

AGCSLS: Leon Richards

August 2003

MA: Yue Cui, Melissa Fehrman, Hyun Jung Shin, Jia Tian

AGCSLS: Marta González-Lloret

PhD: Young Kyu Kim

December 2003

MA: Honor Arganbright, Taehee Choi, Chia-Hsien Chu, Elizabeth DiPaola, Jean-Paul Duquette, Shawn Ford, Saori Ishida, Hyun Ju Kang, Alice Lin, Isao Nakasone, Keiko Noguchi, Philip Roe, Janice Yamanaka, Yao Zhang

AGCSLS: Hye-sun Cho

PhD: Eric Hauser



Our graduate programs advance apace. All programs have continued strong performance in terms of admission demand, graduation rate, course enrollment (continuing at the top of Arts and Sciences graduate programs), and student research productivity.

MA program. With applications up (on a course to set a record this year), by highly selective admissions decisions, the MA in ESL has maintained a regular arrival count of almost exactly 30 students each fall. We have received several Fulbright student grantees (from Brazil, and again from Japan), a Rotary scholar, and a second Prince Akihito Scholar (this past fall, 2003). As seen in the list of graduates, we have also maintained high rates of graduation, with 25 in 2002 and 34 in 2003. A number of outstanding scholarly papers and theses have also been presented at major conferences such as SLRF, PacSLRF, AAAL, and JALT, and several have appeared in our Second Language Studies, or have been submitted for publication.

Advanced Graduate Certificate in Second Language Studies. After three years of probationary operation, the AGCSLS already is up for review by the Council on Program Reviews. The report recently presented to the Chancellor’s office demonstrated the great success of the program: increasing rates of application (about 15 per year), with 21 students accepting admission since 2000, and already six graduates. The recent admittees are evidence of the program’s intention to widen the boundaries of research focus in the department, with several students enrolled in or having completed doctoral programs in other departments, for example East Asian Languages and Literatures (two in Chinese language, one in Japanese), and Educational Psychology. The topics of recent research by graduates of the program also demonstrate this diversity, as they include the following: electronic portfolio assessment, designing task-based CALL (for Spanish language teaching), the acquisition of Japanese L2 relative clauses by children, the effect of recasts on acquisition of JSL, and an analysis of hospitality discourses and encounters.

PhD program in SLA. Since our last summary, Al Lehner completed his doctorate, as have Young-kyu Kim and Eric Hauser. Al’s dissertation was on bilingual students’ writing and academic discourse, Young-kyu’s on input elaboration in ESL vocabulary acquisition through reading, and Eric’s on a conversation-analytic respecification of recasts in negotiation for meaning. In the meantime, applications to the doctoral program have, like those to the MA program, increased considerably, while we have persisted in maintaining a high degree of selectivity. Our new students since fall, 2001, have included three graduates of our Advanced Graduate Certificate in SLS program, Tomomi Hasegawa, Midori Furukawa (Ishida), and Hye-Sun Cho (the latter two also graduates of our MA program). In addition, also studying with us now are Younhee Kim (also an MA graduate), Hyun-Sook Ko, Doug Margolis, Barbara Schulz, Annie Tremblay, and Yao Zhang. This outstanding and diverse group of students come from Korea, Japan, China, Germany, Canada, and the U.S., and their research interests are equally varied, including the study of UG in SLA, corpus-based analysis, language teaching methodology, L2 testing, conversation analysis, and interlanguage pragmatics, on the typically wide-ranging set of languages: Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, and German. Since we expect a number of our continuing doctoral students to complete their dissertations during this current calendar year, we will have a great deal to report by the next SLSletter.

As usual, we look very much forward to hearing from you about your news, professional or otherwise, your views of our research and training activities, and any other ideas and concerns you wish to write us about.

Craig Chaudron, Graduate Chair



The last SLSLetter coincided with a change in ELI Director; Graham Crookes took over from Kate Wolfe-Quintero, who returned to HELP (where Graham had been temporarily in charge), and thus a greater amount of administrative effort was available to each of these two important programs.

Graham was able to take up Kate’s reinstatement of the lead teacher system (lead GAs in each of three curricular areas have some release time to support teachers, work on curriculum, etc). The ELI was also able to hire Priscilla Faucette [MA(ESL) UH 2000] as Teacher Development and Curriculum Coordinator, again firming up ELI efforts in the areas of her job title.

Efforts early on involved the development of a mission statement, followed by statements of “curriculum philosophy” in each of the curricular areas. Senior staff and lead teachers moved on to clarify goals and objectives in those areas and across the various levels of courses. We also established an ELI research agenda and firmed up procedures for research access to ELI classes.

A very major initiative was started from scratch in 2001 and has continued since then: the development of online versions of the ELI courses. With some UH degree programs entirely available online, it is possible for international students to graduate from UH without ever setting foot in the U.S. However, they may still be in need of additional academic English support; thus the ELI (as with the rest of the world of education) has gone online and digital over the last few years. A succession of tech-minded educators (GAs) have put much energy into developing a body of inhouse experience in this area, and Priscilla has been a tremendous help in coordinating the online curricula. Also, our own webmaster (Kenny Harsch) has produced increasingly sophisticated ELI webpages, while lead teachers have developed online depositories for materials and syllabi. Thanks to Priscilla, this even includes “testimonials” (with pictures) from ELI students who had a good time in the ELI and aren’t afraid to say so publicly.

The ELI placement test (ELIPT) has undergone gradual transformation, though more slowly than we might like; basic spadework rechecking reliability and validity and establishing a better infrastructure for test development was done over several years by doctoral student Martyn Clark, and we continue to move forward with the development of parallel forms with a view to making the test, eventually, webbased; current ELI testing (half)GA Yao Zhang is making headway in this area, although with the ELI only having 10 hours a week on this, progress is slow. ELI is particularly interested in hosting and providing GAships to prospective test specialists!

As we come up to the present we can report that by the time the SLSLetter is out, ELI will be teaching its first overseas courses in a couple of decades. ELI once offered courses in the Marshalls, if I remember aright; in summer we will be offering one course in Vietnam, in association with an Executive MBA course that UHM is providing there. We also expect to re-establish a beachhead for curriculum above the 100 number, as we have resuscitated the 111 number for our course supporting international teaching assistants.

And having straightened out basic curriculum to our satisfaction, and not being satisfied with what’s being published these days, we are moving forward to bring the vast collection of handouts, teacher-made bits of materials, etc., into some sort of order for at least one course per curricular area, as a preliminary to doing proper inhouse materials writing and in short order thereafter publishing them, either with UH Press or with whatever conglomerate (AddisonWesleyLongmanCambridge, etc) seems appropriate.

There are more details, since it’s hard to compress three years of hard work into a small space, but I think this provides the basic outline. A great deal of valuable work has been and is being done by successive generations of overworked and underpaid department GAs and the crucially important Asst. Director and Curriculum Coordinator. Just so you don’t think it’s all work, we also recently completed our mid-semester pau hana (drinks) meeting at Mnoa Gardens. We will be uploading the photos to the ELI website in due course! For most recent news of ELI events and photos of ELI teachers and staff, go to

Graham Crookes, ELI Director



The University of Hawai`i English Language Program (HELP) is happy to report continued changes and innovations in curriculum, student population, and faculty in 2003/2004. Keeping the program fresh and vibrant, while maintaining close ties to the SLS department is what we are all about!

Our steady move towards a more content-based curriculum continues under the direction of our curriculum coordinators and the hard work of many of our faculty in creating exciting language learning opportunities for our students. Recent courses have included Hawaiian culture/history, current events, world religions, sociology, psychology, reading about science, American culture through film, volunteering, and many others. We also continue to provide a full-range of TOEFL preparation courses.

In Spring of 2003 we entered into a partnership with the East West Center to provide English language instruction to international scholarship recipients — Ford Foundation scholars from Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Egypt, etc., as well as East Timor scholarship students. This has helped our student population continue to grow and diversify while also strengthening our position as the preeminent academic preparation IEP in Hawai`i. And we have expanded our mission vis-à-vis SLS grad students. We continue to provide approximately 15 GAships per term, and are proud to announce the addition of an ‘internship’ per se, for recent graduates of the department looking for an opportunity for a full-time teaching position for a few years. In January 2004 we hired the first three of these and will be adding more in the future. Feel free to contact our Assistant Director, Steve Jacques, at for any further information.

Kate Wolfe-Quintero, HELP Director


Alumni establish `Oihana Maika`i Fund

Susan Proctor, who earned her MA in ESL from UH in 1987, and Jonathan Hull, who received his MA at UH in 1986 and a PhD from the University of Glasgow in 2000, have made a generous gift to the University of Hawai`i Foundation to establish the “Second Language Studies Graduate `Oihana Maikai`i Fund for Professional Development.”

Susan and Jonathan are co-authors with Jack C. Richards (former UH faculty member) of the well-known Cambridge University Press text series Interchange and New Interchange. As noted in the memorandum of understanding establishing this new scholarship fund, as graduate students in the department, they received both financial support (in the form of tuition waivers, GAships, and travel awards) and important experience teaching ESL writing and reading courses in the ELI, giving them the professional development they needed to pursue careers in teaching and writing. In establishing the fund, they stated that they wanted to show their gratitude by helping students in the department reach their own career goals in second language studies. They encourage others, including faculty and former students to make additional donations to the `Oihana Maika`i Fund, by contacting either the SLS department chair or the UH-Foundation directly.

Awards from the fund may be used for a variety of purposes, to be established by a committee appointed by the SLS department chair. Recipients must be full-time graduate students pursuing an MA or PhD degree or an Advanced Graduate Certificate in the Department of SLS and doing pedagogically-oriented academic work in second language studies. Preference will be given to the areas of writing, reading, and curriculum development and evaluation.



The Charlene Junko Sato Endowed Memorial Fund was established in honor of the late Dr. Charlene Sato, Associate Professor in the Department of ESL, who died in 1996. Dr Sato (‘Charlie’), who was much loved by readers of SLSletter, was well known internationally for her work in sociolinguistics, and pidgin/creole studies. She devoted her academic career to the study of Hawai`i Creole English and language policy in Hawai`i, and her early death has left a huge gap in the on-going struggle to have HCE accepted and legitimated as a valid language.

The Sato fund provides study awards to students of the University of Hawai`i who are pursuing academic work involving or related to HCE. To contribute to the fund, please make checks payable to “UH Foundation” (mentioning the Charlene Junko Sato Endowed Memorial Fund) and send to the University of Hawai`i Foundation, PO Box 11270, Honolulu, HI, 96828.

Since the Charlene Sato Center for Pidgin, Creole and Dialect Studies began operations in January 2003, several positive developments have occurred. The Sato Center has become well established in terms of furniture and equipment in its current premises at TP 101. The Center was given $10,000 of seed funding by the University. The SLS Department has provided a 0 .25 FTE Graduate Assistantship to the Center. The current GA is Will Dressler.

The Center received wide recognition by hosting the summer conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics from August 14-17, 2003, attended by over a hundred delegates from around the world. The conference featured readings in “Pidgin” (Hawai`i Creole) by local writers as well as papers on academic topics.

An Australian Research Council funded project on Hawai`i Creole has been conducted at the Center, using local people (including undergraduate and graduate students) as field researchers. It has compiled a database on the current form of the language. A $177,000 grant has just been received from the U.S. National Science Foundation to continue research on this project.

Kent Sakoda, the current Director of the Center, and Jeff Siegel have written the first grammar of Hawai`i Creole aimed at non-linguists and teachers (Bess Press, Honolulu, 2003).

At present, the Center is collecting everything written in and about Hawai`i Pidgin and Creole. This collection will be housed at the Sato Center and made available to anyone interested in doing research on the language. A database of the collection will soon be available on the web. The Center is also working on encouraging U.H. students to learn more about pidgin and creole languages in general and to conduct research on Hawai`i Creole.


National Foreign Language Resource Center

The National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawai`i has been in existence since 1990 under a grant from the US Department of Education to improve the quality of foreign language instruction nation-wide. Dick Schmidt is the director of the NFLRC, David Hiple is Associate Director, Robert Bley-Vroman is Associate Director for Technology, Jim Yoshioka (SLS alum) is Program Coordinator, and Deborah Masterson is Publications Manager. The NFLRC undertakes research, develops materials, carries out professional development projects, and sponsors two online professional journals, Language Learning & Technology (Editors: Dorothy Chun and Irene Thompson,, Managing Editor: Pam DaGrossa) and Reading in a Foreign Language (Editors: Richard Day and Thom Hudson, Managing Editor: Kerri Russell,

NFLRC projects for the 2002-2006 grant cycle focus on the teaching and learning of the less commonly-taught languages of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, drawing on institutional strengths in the teaching of these languages at the University of Hawai`i as well as in applied linguistics, ESL, and second language acquisition. Each project includes the selection of one or more less commonly-taught languages as the demonstration language; the incorporation of advanced educational technology; integration of research and materials development projects with teacher training activities; and dissemination of research findings, instructional materials, tests, and other products to the broadest possible audience of potential users.

Current NFLRC projects include the following:

Conversation Analysis as an Approach to Second Language Acquisition. (Project Director: Gabriele Kasper, GA: Younhee Kim)

Corpus Linguistics for Language Teaching and Learning (Project Director: Robert Bley-Vroman, GA: Hyung Sook Ko)

Distance Education, Distributed Learning, and Introductory Language Instruction (Project Team: David Hiple (Director), Stephen Fleming, Cyndy Ning, Chunlian Hao (GA), Bin Li (GA), Irene Upingco

Elicited Imitation as an Oral Proficiency Measure (Project Team: Craig Chaudron (Director), Uli Kozok, Hanh Nguyen, and Matt Prior (GA)

Heritage Language Education (a partnership with the Center for Second Language Research, Director: Kathryn Davis)

Issues in Placement (Project Directors: J.D. Brown and Thom Hudson, GA: Martyn Clark)

For information about current projects, upcoming workshops and conferences, and NFLRC publications, we invite you to visit our website at

Dick Schmidt, NFLRC Director


The CSLR was awarded two federal DOE grants in 2001. The Studies of Heritage and Academic Language and Literacy grant (SHALL, $525,000) funds the development of a high school program designed to foster academic success among Ilokano and Samoan students. Although the three-year funding cycle for this grant ends in June 2004, collaboration with the Farrington complex GEAR-UP (i.e., gearing up for college) grant will enable the project to continue. The Careers for Language Education and Academic Renewal grant (CLEAR, $1,235,000) funds an undergraduate Samoan/Ilokano teacher-training program in ESL and Bilingual Studies (see program advertisement, this newsletter). In addition, the CSLR and State Civil Rights Commission are co-sponsoring a pilot middle school diversity project that aims to raise awareness of discriminatory and inequitable practices as well as provide tools for advancing social justice among public school students.

Former graduate students from the Department of SLS who develop and implement CSLR projects are Gina Clymer Rupert (SHALL Academic English), Pamela Minet-Lucid (CLEAR curriculum coordination), and Julius Soria (SHALL Ilokano). Current Department of SLS GAs who work on center projects are Hye-sun Cho (literacy and technology), Younghee Her (diversity and social justice), and Midori Ishida (oral language assessment). Additional staff includes Michelle Aquino (SHALL Ilokano), Leonor Briscoe (administrative assistance), Jacinta Galeai (SHALL Samoan), Randy Gomabon (educational technology), and Flora Switzer (program administration).

Since 2002 CSLR employees have participated in yearly colloquiums at AAAL, TESOL, AAA (American Anthropological Association) conferences and the international Language, Education, and Diversity Conference held in New Zealand, Fall 2004. Additionally, the staff has co-authored two book chapters based on CSLR projects. These colloquiums and publications focus on language planning as a sociopolitical process, transformative educational policies and practices, and critical/participatory approaches to Academic English and Heritage Language instruction. In addition, the Center publishes newsletters intended to inform students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and community members about our programs.

The CSLR and NFLRC have also worked together on a 2002 conference and an upcoming September 2004 conference on language education. For more information on the September Conference on Diversity and Language Education see the announcement in this newsletter or visit

CSLR projects represent our commitment to fostering research and program development that benefit linguistic minorities. Center research and publications are intended to contribute to theories and practices that address the academic problems and scholarly potential of second/foreign language learners in Hawai`i and worldwide. For more information, see our web site at

Kathryn Davis, CSLR Director




The Honolulu Advertiser’s Island Life section on September 25, 2002 featured a koi painting by Naomi Hirata. Naomi was our former department secretary, who retired in Spring 2001 after thirty-six years’ outstanding contribution and dedication to the program. She has been trying painting therapy since her accident and has demonstrated her inherent talent and skill in painting. She has had several successful exhibitions, and another of her paintings, “Nala and the parakeet,” won best in show. Earnings were donated to REHAB Hospital of the Pacific. To contact the UH center that sponsored her T-shirt, contact either Susan Miller or Juana Tabali Weir, RRTC, Center on Disability Studies, 1776 University Avenue, #UA4-6, Honolulu, HI 96822, phone: (808) 956-3975, Fax: (808) 956-5713. For more information, visit the website of the larger organization:

The Hawai`i Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (HITESOL) 2004 Conference was held on February 21 at Leeward Community College. SLS alumni Shawn Ford, Michelle Bell, Tyler Hawkins, and Kevin Ballou participated, turning the entirely volunteer run conference into a success. Many SLS faculty, students, and alumni also participated by giving presentations: Professor Kate Wofe-Quintero and Takayuki Okazaki discussed a content-based grammar course in which students did input analysis to learn grammar; Ann Ching, currently an assistant professor at Kapi`olani Community College, presented special features of a team-taught courses based on an integrated skills approach and CBI; Kevin Ballou of TransPacific Hawai`i College presented his attempt to transform an American culture and communication class into a more effective, task-based course; and Shawn Ford gave a talk on input analysis in an ESL writing classroom.

People who attended the HITESOL conference could see Tyler Hawkins with cool short hair fixing the microphone for the speakers. Currently, he is a full time instructor at Leeward Community College, teaching credit and non-credit classes in ESL programs. He has also been helping out with marketing a new IEP program that started last year.

Elaina Malm displayed her weaving craft at the weavers’ exhibition of the Academy Art Center at Linekoa and was featured with a photo in the Honolulu Advertiser. Her interesting piece of art, “Lion’s Roar”, was crafted by weaving together cotton threads and strips of Lion’s coffee bags.

Joel Weaver from ICC dropped a line and reported on the recent success of ICC and its close relation to UH alumni. ICC ranked third in bringing in the most international students in 2003. According to Joel, alumni who went though the SLS program while working at ICC include Nicky, Liz, JP, Hisako, Maris, Polly Taylor, Chris, Steve Jacques, Earl Morihara, Stacy Shiroma, Lesley Riley, Enid Wakeman, Marshall, Donna Revard, John Mussack, Al Bowman, Rob Wilson… the list goes on and on. Joel is now considering enrolling in the executive MBA at UH since he is finding much more of his current job demanding biz skills that he doesn’t have.

Besides having taken a job in the DOE as a Special Ed teacher, John Mussack has been making an avocation of doing acrylic paintings of Hawai`i landscapes, on the order of the things we see in the poster shops.



Lourdes Ortega, an assistant professor in the English Department at Northern Arizona University, is currently on a teaching leave for the Spring semester thanks to a Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship. Not only is she participating in the Spencer project (a synthesis of longitudinal research in applied linguistics), but also she is working on a special issue for the Modern Language Journal that she is guest-editing. She is also co-editing a collection of meta-analyses for John Benjamins with John Norris. When she moved to Flagstaff almost two years ago, Lourdes took up running and hiking. Although she is still going through some adjustments with the copious snow that is typical of the high altitude region of Northern Arizona during the winter, she enjoys living an hour away from the Grand Canyon to the North and half an hour away from Sedona to the South! She can be contacted at


Michelle Winn wrote us from UC Berkeley with information about a symposium on multilingual writers that was held in March 2004 in Berkeley. She organized the symposium, successfully recruiting over 40 people. After spending time in Arizona, Michelle is now settled in UC Berkeley’s college writing programs as a lecturer. If you want to be welcomed when going over to the Bay Area, e-mail her at

Tom Hale, who earned his MA in ESL in the late 60s, passed away on March 24, 2003. Tom served in Palau in the mid 60s as district ESL supervisor and in the early 70s as the Hawai`i State Coordinator of the new ESL program. He retired from the State Department of Education and moved to Vallejo, California. Tom was one of those rare, dedicated public servants who cared deeply for his teachers. At his memorial, one of the speakers described Tom as an ordinary man who did extraordinary things. Anyone who knew Tom would agree.

Hoki Min ( is now in PhD program in Applied Linguistics at UCLA.


William Bonk, 1996 graduate, is at the end of his third year of studies toward a PhD in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Colorado. He loves to make midnight runs gathering breadfruit, avocados, flowers, or ti leaves on the Boulder campus. His other pleasure is his new house, which his family loves for its big yard for gardening and a place for their puppy. If you want to hear about their recent trip to Mexico and Montana for holiday, contact


After many years in Laos and Vietnam and three years working as general manager of Crystal Lake Camps in Pennsylvania where she oversaw international programs, Chris Elliott is now living in Delaware, working in the superintendent’s office of the Brandywine School District and thinking about resuming her learning of Chinese and pursuing a PhD in second language education and international education policy.


Ricky Jacobs, former faculty member in Linguistics and SLS, lives in Atlanta now. The area he lives in has one of the largest concentrations of refugee children in the nation—from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Rwanda, Sudan, among others, and they face great challenges in the school system. He and his wife Suzie have been working with a group opening a charter public school, one serving K-2 initially, with 55% refugee children, the rest local white, African-American, and Latino. They’ve been recruiting teachers and developing an after-school program to deal with the languages and cultures of the children. Ricky was also heavily involved in a court case concerning a Bosnian Muslim family threatened with expulsion of their mother, which came to a successful conclusion. He can be contacted at


Noah Silbert has been in the linguistics and cognitive science PhD program at Indiana University since fall 2002. He and his wife have been amused with their daughter’s first language acquisition experiences.


Lester Loschky has recently accepted a tenure track assistant professor position in cognitive/engineering psychology at Kansas State University. He has been exploring issues related to a particular human-computer interaction display technology and gaze-contingent multi-resolutional displays. Lately he explored issues regarding how much information people can pick up from a scene as a function of the distance from the center of vision, and how this interacts with what information draws peoples’ eyes (and their attention) while they are viewing scenes. His paper regarding this topic was published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (a flagship journal of the APA), and won the “Outstanding New Researcher of the Year” award for that journal from the APA in 2003.


Shannon Peterson is recruiting students for 2004-2005 at Lakes International Language Academy. As one of Minnesota’s newest public charter schools, the tuition-free school has a Spanish-immersion elementary program with an internationally focused curriculum. Visit or call 651-464-0771 for more information.


After a stint teaching at the University of Iceland, Bev Cannon returned to the US to teach in the special education department of Cal State Northridge, and has now moved to Western Oregon University. She seems to be fond of cold rain and rugged beauty.


It has been two years since Laura Talyor Long relocated to the state of Utah, which has a fairly large Hispanic population. After teaching English in a university in Utah, Laura started her new career as a full-time junior high school ESL teacher in downtown Ogden. She wrote that it has been quite an adjustment with some big challenges with adolescents having family problems, drug abuse, etc. To share concerns and ideas for teaching in pubic schools, contact Laura at


Yan Liao delivered the news that Language Learning (v. 54, no. 2, June 2004) will include her paper, co-authored with Yoshi Fukuya, on “Avoidance of phrasal verbs: The case of Chinese learners of English,” which is based on her 2002 SP. Yan is currently working as a librarian at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. She catalogs books and journals, does reference, and also teaches sessions for different classes on campus on how to do library research. Librarians at UW have faculty status, and a great thing about the library profession is that she is free to do research in her subject field or in fact any field and get credit for that. Right now she is finishing a small book on traditional Chinese festivals, targeted at 6-9th graders.


Heather Colwell is teaching ESL at FATE and works as a research assistant at the University of Western Australia in Perth. She can be reached at


Ronald L. Brown is currently a professor in the Department of Language Education at the University of Brunei Darussalam.


Edmonton: Mary Jane Henning is currently a chartered psychologist working with school age children doing assessment and counseling. She is teaching aerobics and having lots of fun with her daughter.

Vancouver: It is with sadness to hear of the death of Janet Essig on August 16, 2003. Janet received her MA in ESL in the early 1970s, specializing in articulatory phonetics. Having worked at Vancouver Community College for 30 years, Janet gained a reputation for her classes of expertise and numerous workshops on teaching pronunciation, both to practicing instructors and to students in the TESL program at VCC and UBC. The president of Vancouver Community College stated that Jane is remembered for her extraordinary dedication to students as well as her unique “improve your pronunciation” classes. Her reputation spread by word of mouth, her classes were always packed, and it is said that at the time she became ill, there were over 300 students on a waiting list for her classes.


The Honolulu Advertiser interviewed SLS alumnus Aki Shimura and his wife Tomoko during their annual visit to Hawai`i from Tokyo in September 2003. Their visit this time was to attend the Aloha Music Camp, where Aki learned Keola Beamer’s slack key and Tomoko learned hula. In his Advertiser interview, Aki said, ” We didn’t get involved in Hawaiian culture while we were going to school. We were too busy!”

Mitsuyo Toya, recently promoted to associate professor at the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, and mother of 5 year-old Satoko, wrote, “I feel that I have gained a new perspective on life after my daughter’s birth, and now I can take an advantage of this unique experience of being the mother of a handicapped child. She is much more stable and healthier with lots of smiles.” As an associate professor, she will be teaching in the MA program starting this April. She has been deeply involved in a faculty development project as well as English language curriculum development.

Tomomi Sasaki has become a part-time instructor at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, where Professor Satomi Takahashi, UH PhD graduate in SLA, is teaching. She wrote that she felt lucky to be able to work with an UH alumnus. Her e-mail address is

Seiji Fukuzawa, a visiting colleague in 2000-2001, wrote to wish success to faculty and graduate students. He is an associate professor of the Department of English Language and Culture Education in Hiroshima University. Recently, his dissertation titled “An empirical study on the development of pragmatic competence through explicit instruction: Focusing on politeness in requests in English as a foreign language,” was approved by the graduate division of Hiroshima University, and he was given a doctorate this March. He said he had worked on the dissertation after his visit to Hawai`i, and he expressed sincere gratitude to our faculty for their inspiration and encouragement.

Yuichi Watanabe is at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba. He can be contacted at

From Kobe Women’s University, John Rylander dropped a line to say hello to all. He wrote he has been spending time listening to Johnny Cash, reading “One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, learning Japanese, and using his newly purchased Weber grill. He is reachable through

Josh D’Andrea ( wrote from Hakone that he is having a unique teaching experience, teaching grade 1-12 at a private Catholic girl’s school.

Kanako Cho is teaching at Seinan Gakuin University and Kyushu Institute of Technology in Fukuoko, after finishing her PhD at Seinan Gakuin in March 2002. She can be contacted at

Christy Winskowski is teaching at Iwate Prefectural University in Morioka.

Jason Hollowell has been teaching EFL and working on reconstructing ELP as the assistant director at Nihon University in Mishima. He has also been working as the administrative facilitator on the Japanese side for a summer UH Outreach program. His e-mail address is Michael Beamer, assistant program director of the English Language Program at Nihon, passed level 3 of the Japanese proficiency test this year. He also passed his Japanese driving license test recently, after failing the written test in his first trial because of a very poor translation that invalidated the test.


Alan Taylor is now living on Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands, where he grew up. He got married to Gwyne on February 8th, 2003. Congratulations! He is currently the manager of Marshallese Employee Relations, but he is expecting a sabbatical soon to make some decisions about the second half of his life. Alan just finished putting together a Marshallese Language Learning CD, which is a product of his own Marshallese learning experience. Not many people would know that Alan used to grow papayas when he was in Saipan — on some land that a neighbor let him use — and he made a small success, taking home about $500 a month. He enjoyed growing papayas a lot, and hopes to do that again in the future. He also bought a house in Hilo last summer for eventual retirement. His e-mail address is


David Chen-ching Li wrote from Taipei to say that he got together with Patricia Duff of UBC, another alumnus of UH, while they were in Beijing in January for the APEC Education Reform Summit. Patricia had written a series of ESL papers and was invited as an expert to the APEC meeting. David recently applied for early retirement from the Ministry of Education, and now is serving as the Dean of College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shih Hsin University in Taipei.

Crystal Fen-chuan Lu is back to work at the Language Training Division, National Chenchi University in Taipei after graduation. She can be reached at


Pamela Pine’s 2003 was full of excitement, including attending a peace rally in Bangkok against the US presence in Iraq, canceling an April trip to Japan to see Santana in concert due to the SARS outbreak, but eventually enjoying a Santana concert later in the year, experimenting with coffee roasting at home and selling to friends and colleagues, and volunteering as middle school representative for the faculty’s salary negotiations team. Pamela also took a memorable whirlwind solo trip to Santa Rosa, New Mexico, Honolulu, and Japan to met her friend, sister, and parents. In September she was happy to learn that her cancer has now been in remission for three years. In December, she had a visit from her Dutch colleague’s family, and in January two British friends visited. She is a very warm person, and is always open to visitors. You can contact her at



Robert Bley-Vroman continues to work on construction-based approaches to second language grammars, focusing especially on accounting for variability and utilizing the tools of corpus linguistics. He has been centrally involved in the department’s participation in the project to improve English language capacity in Vietnam, and has made several trips to Hanoi. He has also been active in university faculty governance, serving as chair of the Senate Committee on Administration and Budget. In the non-academic side of Robert’s life, “New England Fiddler’s Repertoire”, edited by Robert together with Randy Miller, appeared in 2003.

JD Brown served on five editorial boards (TESOL Quarterly, JALT Journal, Language Testing, Language Learning and Technology, and RELC Journal) from 2001 to 2003 in addition to his normal teaching, advising, research, and committee work, and was also the editor of Second Language Studies. He also received three Fulbright-Hays academic specialist grants from the US State Department to travel to the United Arab Emirates and Oman, Turkey, and the Russian Federation. In addition, he was a co-author with Thom Hudson of an NFLRC research sub-grant. He also taught during all three summers in Tokyo and Osaka at the Japan campuses of Temple University and Teachers College, Columbia University. He gave eight plenary speeches at conferences in Oman, the UAE, Japan, Turkey, Singapore, Thailand, and the Russian Federation, as well as nine regular conference presentations and 23 invited lectures/workshops at various institutions around the world. He also found time to do four brown-bag presentations at UHM, one in the Department of Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages & Literatures and three in the Department of SLS. More importantly, he and Kimi bought a comfortable new house in Kaneohe.

Craig Chaudron has served his sixth consecutive year as Graduate Chair of the MA, advanced graduate certificate, and PhD programs. He has continued to teach a diversity of the department courses, including some “new” ones for him in second language testing and second language acquisition, as well as revivals after three years of second language classroom research and applied psycholinguistics. For the past two years he has been conducting research on the use of elicited imitation as a measure of L2 proficiency, using Vietnamese and Indonesian as trial languages (with the collaboration of Drs. Hanh Nguyen and Uli Kozok, and Matt Prior, an MA student). He also completed a research review on the study of learning strategies.

Graham Crookes has been fairly busy for the past three years with his administrative duties as Director of the ELI (for details see that section). However, he has managed to get to a few conferences, including an invited plenary at the TESOL Arabia Convention, on professional knowledge and administrative matters in ESL contexts; and continued to talk about action research and critical pedagogy at various times, including at the TESOL Convention last year, and about the knowledge an ESL administrator needs, at the local HiTESOL Convention last year. He has continued to work with visiting teachers and curriculum specialists, including a couple of groups of senior materials writers from China, hosted by the East-West Center, and a continuing series of visiting groups from Korea. His book supporting a teacher development group focus for the practicum was published by Cambridge last year, and he reports that he is moving forward steadily on the next one. Last but not least, Graham recently became a father; in August he and his wife Hildre became parents of Ikaika Curtis Victor Abel Crookes Herrera.

Kathy Davis has focused on diversity and language education in research, program implementation, and publications over the past several years. In addition to the federally funded CSLR Studies of heritage and academic language and literacy(SHALL) grant ($525,000) she received in Spring 2001, she was awarded a federal career ladder (CLEAR) grant ($1,235,000) in Fall 2002. These grants fund the development of a high school program for Ilokano and Samoan students and an undergraduate teacher-training program in ESL and bilingual studies (Samoan and Ilokano), respectively. Since 2002 she has organized yearly colloquiums on SHALL and CLEAR projects for AAAL, TESOL, AAA (American Anthropological Association) conferences and the international Language, Education, and Diversity Conference held in New Zealand, fall 2004. Kathy’s recent publication work includes co-authored book chapters based on CSLR projects, a TESOL Quarterly special issue on gender and language education, and an upcoming book on qualitative research in second language studies.

Richard Day was on sabbatical leave in 2003-04. He spent most of his time in Thailand, where he was a visiting professor at Assumption University’s MA program in ELT. He was able to do the final work on an edited book with his colleague Julian Bamford that deals with extensive reading activities.

Diana Eades has taugh t the core sociolinguistics course, as well as advanced sociolinguistics courses on language and identity, language and the law, and language and power. Her on-going research on Aboriginal English in the legal system is examining issues of power and second dialect use. She has also been involved in applied linguistics advocacy in Australia in highlighting problems in the government’s use of ‘language analysis’ in the determination of the nationality of refugee claimants. She has served for several years as a member of a subcommittee on cultural dispute resolution of the Hawai`i Supreme Court’s committee on equality and access to the courts.

Priscilla Faucette has been enjoying working in the English Language Institute (ELI) since spring 2002 as the coordinator of curriculum and teacher development, and has also had the opportunity to teach SLS 303 (Second Language Teaching) to local, public school (DOE) teachers. Currently, she is pursuing a graduate certificate in conflict resolution at UHM and looks for applications from the field of conflict resolution to language program administration. This year she will give two presentations at the TESOL Convention — one entitled “Conflict management in an English language program” and the other (co-presenting with Steven Talmy, doctoral student, SLA) entitled “Convention analysis for graduate-level EAP writing.” In addition, she is co-editor of the Hawai`i TESOL newsletter. Priscilla is thrilled that she will be going to Hanoi in May as part of the ELI-Vietnam-Executive MBA initiative.

Kenton Harsch continues as Assistant Director of the English Language Institute (ELI) and employment officer for SLS. In addition to working with ELI teachers and students, he has been involved in the further evolution of the ELI in a number of ways, including development of online sections of ELI courses, business-focused ELI courses for special-purpose MBA programs, and making additions to the ELI website (foremost of these is probably the students’ online resource center, which includes a student handbook, discussion board, forum for student publication, and online self-access center). Kenny also recently ventured out of the ivory tower of administration by teaching a summer course, SLS 480P, Film & video in second language classrooms. He continues to work with Jim Yoshioka of the NFLRC facilitating the teacher portfolio & preparation series of job-preparation workshops.

Thom Hudson has most recently been involved as co-P.I. in a project described elsewhere in this newsletter related to English capacity building in Vietnam. He has also continued investigating approaches to use the Internet for language assessment. He and Siwon Park presented a paper on Korean language testing via the WWW in Hong Kong in December of 2002, and another paper in Arlington, VA at AAAL in March 2003. They are now in the process of writing up those papers, as well as developing a manual for web-based testing. Thom presented a series of workshop on language assessment over two weeks in Malaysia during April of 2003. It was very interesting to travel around Malaysia and meet with teachers and Ministry of Education officials. In March of 2004 he presented a series of workshops in Vietnam addressing language teaching methodology, syllabus design, and assessment.

Gabriele Kasper has traveled since the last newsletter to attend conferences, teach, and lecture in Australia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Scotland, and Spain. In April 2003, she directed a national NFLRC workshop on technology for CA (conversation Analysis), led by Johannes Wagner (University of Southern Denmark). Since June 2003, she has been the North American editor of Applied Linguistics. For the second time in the history of the journal, the editorship went to SLS faculty: from 1989-1994, Craig Chaudron served in this capacity.

Youngkyu Kim has been teaching SLS 490 since fall 2003, when he was appointed as an assistant professor in the department, and at the same time working as acting director of the UH Korean Flagship Program, while Mike Long was on leave. In his free time, Youngkyu enjoys watching the Food Network, his favorite channel on TV, and he is excited to learn that the Food Network is also available in Korea, where this fall will find him teaching TESOL and SLA.

Dick Schmidt continues to teach second language acquisition (SLS 650) with occasional forays into sociolinguistics and second language phonology, and also continues as director of the National Foreign Language Resource Center at UH. In addition, he is the current president of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). One of the most “memorable” events of the past five years was last year’s AAAL conference, held in Arlington, Virginia, overlooking the Pentagon, just as the US bombing of Iraq began. Dick will be on sabbatical leave in the fall, welcoming the chance to read and think about cognitive linguistics (not something he knows much about yet) instead of pushing papers, going to meetings, and fretting about the state that the world is in. On a personal note, his dog Jack, stolen in 1997, was recovered in 2004.

Jeff Siegel taught English as a second language for 12 years at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels in Fiji, Hawai`i and Papua New Guinea. For the past 18 years, he has been teaching linguistics at the University of the South Pacific, the University of New England (Australia), and most recently at the University of Hawai`i. In 2002, he helped to establish the Charlene Sato Center for Pidgin, Creole and Dialect Studies at UH, and served as director for two years. His recent research has focused on the role of processes of second language acquisition in the development of pidgins, creoles and other language contact varieties, and on the use of these varieties and minority dialects in education.

Kate Wolfe-Quintero has been working for the past couple of years on an input-based approach to pedagogical grammar that utilizes explicit inductive consciousness-raising activities and authentic input to teach grammar. She has been writing demonstration materials for the HELP program and working on an effect-of-instruction research project with Mary Ryan. She has given several talks and workshops on this topic, including a plenary at Hawai`iTESOL and an invited talk at Duke University, and will be presenting the research results with Mary at AAAL this spring.



Bley-Vroman, R. (2002). Frequency in production, comprehension, and acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 24, 209-213.

Bley-Vroman, R. (2003). Corpus linguistics and second language acquisition: Rules and frequency in the acquisition of English multiple wh-questions. In P. Leistyna & C. Meyer (Eds.),Corpus analysis: Language structure and language use (pp. 255-272). Amsterdam: Rodopi Publishers.

Bley-Vroman, R., & Joo, H.-R. (2001). The acquisition and interpretation of English locative constructions by native speakers of Korean. Studies inSecond Language Acquisition, 23, 207-219.

Brown, J. D. (2001). Constructive errors and fluency development. Ke-Wave Kaiho, 16, 1-3.

Brown, J. D. (2001).Report on academic specialist visit to the United Arab Emirates and Oman: March 12-31, 2001 [HTML document]. Washington, DC: United States Department of State, Education and Cultural Affairs. Retrieved May 4, 2001 from the World Wide Web:

Brown, J. D. (2001). Six types of pragmatics tests in two different contexts. In K. Rose & G. Kasper (Eds.), Pragmatics in language teaching (pp. 301-325). Cambridge: Cambridge University.

Brown, J. D. (2001). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics (What is two-stage testing?).Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 5(2), 13-16. Also retrieved November 1, 2001 from the World Wide Web:

Brown, J. D. (2001). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics (What is a point-biserial correlation coefficient?). Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 5(3), 12-15. Also retrieved November 1, 2001 from the World Wide Web:

Brown, J. D. (2001).Waiyu jiaoxue yanjiu fangfa: Jiaoyu tongjixue daodu [Research methods in foreign language teaching: Guide for reading educational statistics]. Beijing, PRC: Jointly by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press & the People’s Education Press.

Brown, J. D. (2002). Language testing and curriculum development: Purposes, options, effects, and constraints as seen by teachers and administrators.The TESOL Arabia Conference Proceedings. Al Ain, UAE: United Arab Emirates University.

Brown, J. D. (2002). Report on academic specialist visit to Turkey: January 1-13, 2002 [HTML document]. Washington, DC: United States Department of State, Education and Cultural Affairs. Retrieved May 7, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

Brown, J. D. (2002). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics (The Cronbach alpha reliability estimate). Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 6(1), 14-16. Also retrieved April 15, 2003 from the World Wide Web:

Brown, J. D. (2002). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics (Extraneous variables and the washback effect).Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 6(2), 12-15.

Brown, J. D. (2002). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics (Distractor efficiency analysis on a spreadsheet). Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 6(3), 20-23.

Brown, J. D. (2003). Creating a complete language-testing program. Case studies in language testing (pp. 9-23). Washington, DC: TESOL.

Brown, J. D. (2003). English language entrance examinations: A progress report. In A. S. Mackenzie & T. Newfield (Eds.), Curriculum innovation, testing and evaluation: Proceedings of the JALT Pan-SIG Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2002 (pp. 95-105). Tokyo: Japan Association for Language Teaching.

Brown, J. D. (2003). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics (The coefficient of determination).Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 7(1), 14-16.

Brown, J. D. (2003). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics: Norm-referenced item analysis (item facility and item discrimination). Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 7(2), 16-19.

Brown, J. D. (2003). Statistics Corner. Questions and answers about language testing statistics: Criterion-referenced item analysis (The difference index vs. the B-index).Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG Newsletter, 7(3), 13-17.

Brown, J. D. (2003). The importance of criterion-referenced testing in East Asian EFL contexts.ALAK news: A newsletter for the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea 2003(1), 7-11.

Brown, J. D. (2003). The many facets of language curriculum development. ELT in a globalized world: Innovations and applications .Selected papers from the 5th CULI International Conference, 2003 (pp. 1-18). Bangkok: CULI, Chulalongkorn University.

Brown, J. D. (2004). Grade inflation, standardized tests, and the case for on-campus language testing. In D. Douglas (Ed.), English language testing in U.S. colleges and universities. Washington, DC: NAFSA.

Brown, J. D. (2004). Research methods for Applied Linguistics: Scope, characteristics, and standards. In A. Davies & C. Elder (Eds.),The handbook of applied linguistics. London: Blackwell.

Brown, J. D. (In press). A review of The Word Meaning Through Listening Test. In J. I. Impara & B. Plake (Eds.)The fifteenth mental measurements yearbook. The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

Brown, J. D. (In press). Promoting fluency over accuracy. In T. Newfield (Ed.),Conversational fluency: Ideology or reality: Proceedings of the JALT Pan-SIG Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 2003. Tokyo: Japan Association for Language Teaching. Also retrieved February 1, 2004 from the World Wide Web:

Brown, J. D. (In press).Report on academic specialist visit to the Russian Federation: January 18-31, 2004 [HTML document]. Washington, DC: United States Department of State, Education and Cultural Affairs.

Brown, J. D. (In press). Testing in language programs: A spreadsheet approach (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Brown, J. D. (In press). What do we mean by bias, Englishes, Englishes in testing, and English language proficiency? World Englishes.

Brown, J. D., & Hachima, A. (In press). A review of the Arabic Proficiency Test. In J. I. Impara & B. Plake (Eds.)The fifteenth mental measurements yearbook. The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

Brown, J. D., & Hudson, T. (2002). Criterion-referenced language testing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Brown, J. D., Hudson, T., Norris, J. M., & Bonk, W. (2002).An investigation of second language task-based performance assessments (Technical Report #24). Honolulu: University of Hawai`i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center.

Brown, J. D., & Rodgers, T. (2002).Doing second language research. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chaudron, C. (2003). Data collection in SLA research. In C. J. Doughty and M. H. Long, Eds.,Handbook of second language acquisition, (pp. 762-828). Oxford: Blackwell.

Chaudron, C., Doughty, C., Kim, Y-k., Kong, D-k., Lee, J-h., Lee, Y-g., Long, M. H., Rivers, R., & Urano, K. (In press). A task-based needs analysis of a tertiary Korean as a foreign language program. In M. Long, (Ed.),Second language needs analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crookes, Graham. (2001). Introducing action research into the education of post-secondary foreign language teachers (with Paul Chandler).Foreign Language Annals, 34(2), 131-140.

Crookes, Graham. (2001). Toward a feminist critical pedagogy in a beginning Japanese as a foreign language class (with Yumiko Ohara and Scott Saft). Japanese language and Literature: Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese, 35(2), 105-133.

Crookes, Graham. (2003). A practicum in TESOL: Professional development through teaching practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crookes, Graham. (2003). Reviews of ‘Professional communication in international settings’ and ‘Appropriating English: innovation in the global business of English language teaching’. World Englishes, 22, 341-2.

Crookes, G., & Chaudron, C. (2001). Guidelines for language classroom instruction. In M. Celce-Murcia, Ed., Teaching English as a second or foreign language (3rd ed.), 29-42. New York: Heinle & Heinle.

Davis, Kathryn A. (2001). Book review of Maenette K.P. Benham and R. H. Heck. 1998.Culture and educational policy in Hawai`i: The silencing of native voices. Mahway, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998. 261 pp. Review published on and indexed in Anthropology and Education Quarterly 32:1.

Davis, Kathryn A. (2003). Book review of Hatch, J. Amos.Doing qualitative research in education settings. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2002. 299pp. Review published on and indexed in Anthropology and Education Quarterly 34 .4.

Davis, K. A., Cho, H. and Toohey, S. (forthcoming). “Where I’m from”: Transforming education for language minorities. In B. Street (Ed.),Literacies across educational contexts.

Davis, Kathryn A., Cho, Hye-sun, Ishida, Midori, Soria, Julius and Toohey, Sarah. (forthcoming). It’s our kuleana: A critical participatory approach to language minority education. In L. Pease-Alvarez and S. Schecter (Eds.),Learning, teaching, and community. Mahway, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Davis, K. A. and Skilton-Sylvester, E. (forthcoming). Looking back, taking stock, moving forward: Investigating gender in TESOL.TESOL Quarterly (Fall 2004)

Davis, K. A. and Skilton-Sylvester, E. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Special issue on gender and language education.TESOL Quarterly (Fall 2004).

Day, R. R. (2002). Review of Success in English teaching by P. Davies & E. Pearse.The Modern Language Journal 86, 276-277.

Day, R. R. (2004). Authentic materials: A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Guidelines 25 (2). 21-24.

Day, R. R., & Bamford, J. (2002). Top ten principles in teaching extensive reading. Reading in a Foreign Language 14(2).

Day, R. R., & J. Yamanaka & J. Shaules. (2003).Impact Values. Hong Kong: Longman Asia ELT.

Dörnyei, Z., & Schmidt, R. (Eds.) (2001).Motivation and SLA (Technical Report No. 23). Honolulu: University of Hawai`i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.

Eades, Diana (2001). “Discourse analysis and the law” In Rajend Mesthrie (Ed.),Concise encyclopaedia of sociolinguistics (pp .231-3). Oxford: Elsevier Science.

Eades, Diana (2002). Evidence given in unequivocal terms: Gaining consent of Aboriginal young people in court. In Janet Cotterill (Ed.), Language in the legal process (pp. 161-196). London: Palgrave.

Eades, Diana (2003). The politics of misunderstanding in the legal process: Aboriginal English in Queensland. In J. House, G. Kasper and S. Ross, (Eds.), Misunderstanding in social life: Discourse approaches to problematic talk (pp 196-223). London: Longman.

Eades, Diana (2003). The participation of second language and second dialect speakers in the legal system. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 23, 113-133.

Eades, Diana (2003). “I don’t think the lawyers were communicating with me”: misunderstanding cultural differences in communicative style. Emory Law Journal. 52, 1109-1134.

Eades, Diana (In press) Beyond difference and domination?: Intercultural communication in legal contexts. In C. Paulston and S. Kiesling (Eds.), Intercultural Discourse and Communication: The Essential Readings.

Eades, Diana (in press) Review of cultural studies and discourse analysis: A dialogue on language and identity by Chris Barker and Dariusz Galasinski. Language in Society.

Eades, Diana (In press) Review of Forensic linguistics: An introduction to language in the legal system, by John Gibbons. Journal of Sociolinguistics.

Eades, Diana (In press) Understanding Aboriginal English in the legal system: A critical sociolinguistics approach. Applied Linguistics.

Eades, Diana; Fraser, Helen; Siegel, Jeff; McNamara, Tim and Brett Baker (2003) Linguistic identification in the determination of nationality: A preliminary report. Language Policy. 2(2), 179-199.

Harsch, K., & Wolfe-Quintero, K. (2001). Impact Listening 3. Hong Kong: Longman Asia.

House, J., Kasper, G., & Ross, S. (Eds.) (2003). Misunderstanding in social life. Discourse approaches to problematic talk. London: Longman/Pearson Education.

Hudson, T. (2001). Indicators for pragmatic instruction: Some quantitative tools. In K. Rose & G. Kasper (Eds.). Pragmatics in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 283-300.

Kasper, G. (2001). Classroom research on interlanguage pragmatics. In K.R. Rose & G. Kasper (Eds.), Pragmatics in language teaching. (pp. 33-60). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Kasper, G. (2001). Four perspectives on pragmatic development. Applied Linguistics, 22, 502-530.

Kasper, G. (2001). Learning pragmatics in the L2 classroom. In L. F. Bouton (Ed.), Pragmatics and language learning monograph series, (vol. 10, pp. 1-25). Urbana, IL: Division of English as an International Language, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Kasper, G. (2003). Applied pragmatics. In W. Bright (Ed.), Oxford international encyclopedia of linguistics (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Kasper, G. (in press). Participant orientation in conversations-for-learning. Modern Language Journal, 88.

Kasper, G., & Roever, C. (in press). Pragmatics in second language learning. In Hinkel, E. (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language learning and teaching. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Kasper, G., & Rose, K. R. (2002). Pragmatic development in a second language. Oxford: Blackwell.

Kasper, G., & Ross, S. (2003). Repetition as a source of miscommunication in oral proficiency interviews. In J. House, G. Kasper, & S. Ross (Eds.), Misunderstanding in social life. Discourse approaches to problematic talk. (pp. 82-106). London: Longman/Pearson Education.

Kassabgy, O., Boraie, D., & Schmidt, R. (2001). Values, rewards, and job satisfaction in ESL/EFL. In Z. Dörnyei and R. Schmidt (Eds.), Motivation and SLA (Technical Report No. 23, pp. 213-237). Honolulu: University of Hawai`i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.

Neff, J.A., Dafouz, E., Díez, M., Prieto, R., & Chaudron, C. (2004). Contrastive discourse analysis: Argumentative text in English and Spanish. In C. Moder & A. Martinovic-Zic (Eds.), Discourse across languages and cultures. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Typological Studies in Language series.

Norris, J. M., Brown, J. D., Hudson, T. D., & Bonk, W. (2002). Examinee abilities and task difficulty in task-based second language performance assessment. Language Testing, 19, 396-418.

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