Representing the Temporality of Collaborative Embodied Action in Multimodal Transcripts
A linguistic analysis of the communication demands in typical technology-mediated learning environments (with Kristopher Kyle & Masaki Eguchi)
Dr. Dustin Crowther & Dr. Daniel Isbell
Who speaks “broken English” now? A conceptual replication of Lindemann (2005) 15 years later
Susanne DeVore, PhD student
Identifying and validating syntactic complexity indices for Mandarin (with Kristopher Kyle)
Mery Diez-Ortega, PhD student
Peer-interaction of beginner L2 learners during collaborative gaming
Dr. Christina Higgins
The affordances of ʻohana: Revitalizing language through Hawaiian kinship
Kendi Ho, PhD student
Cross Cultural health communication in elder care
Dr. Daniel Isbell
Validation of a standardized Elicited Imitation Test of oral language proficiency: A measurement approach (with Young-A Son)
Jia Kang, AGC student
Task Orientation and Participation Framework in EAP Peer-led Small Group Discussion
Michelle Kunkel, PhD student & Dr. Betsy Gilliland
From language teacher to teacher researcher: Insights into teacher cognition from action research
Rickey Larkin, PhD student
“An earthquake occurred many people to death?!”: Acceptable vs. unacceptable resultative sentences in English (with Trtiana Tytko, Hiroyuki Oshita, Rachael Pack, An Sakach, & Mark Sakach)
Yu Han Lin, PhD student
Representing Touch in Multilingual Eldercare Encounters
Yu-Han Lin & Ann Choe, PhD students (Colloquium Organizers)
Multimodality in Multilingual Interaction: Methodological Problems and Solutions
Yang Liu, PhD student
Learning On-the-go: Generating and Analyzing Data of a Mobile Game in Action
Michaela Nuesser, PhD student
The theoretical rationale of a VR game designed for ecological, situated, and problem-based language learning
Jay Ritch, MA student & Parvaneh Rezaee, PhD student
Stylizing categories in Iranian-American stand-up comedy
Kristin Rock, PhD student
“You wanna grade my blog post?” A validity study of a rubric for academic blogging
Bethany Schwartz, PhD student, Dr. Gavin Lamb, & Dr. Christina Higgins
Promoting language rights in Hawaiʻi: Fostering positive public dialogue about Pidgin
Chau Truong, MA graduate
Indexes of Dialect Differences in a Vietnamese Language Classroom Discourse
Junichi Yagi, PhD student
Membership Knowledge and Its Analytical Consequences: Examining Multimodal Interaction in Sports
Dr. Nicole Ziegler
Metacognitive instruction on interactional feedback in the L2 classroom: Learners’ perceptions and performance (with Kara Moranski and Abbie Finnegan)