Dr. Cook’s research interests include Japanese linguistics, language socialization, discourse analysis, and pragmatics. She has focused her studies in the areas of: 1) indexical analysis of linguistic forms, including Japanese sentence-final particles and honorifics and 2) language socialization of novices (both Japanese young children and learners of Japanese as a foreign language). Her research explores how participants of social interactions utilize linguistic forms as a resource to construct a social world and how novices learn to use this resource in routine interactions with experts. She has published a number of articles on these topics in major journals and edited volumes. Her book on style shift in dinnertime conversation between JFL learners and their host family was published in 2008 (Multilingual Matters), and her article on JFL learners’ comprehension of style shift, originally published in 2001, is included in The Pragmatics Reader (Routledge) published in 2011. Her most recent research interest is Japanese workplace discourse with a focus on language socialization of adults into members of the Japanese business community.