SLS Letter
Volume XXVII
Fall-Winter 1996-97
The Fall 1996 semester was not an easy one, but it did mark significant progress in a number of respects. We were able to hire an excellent specialist to serve as Assistant Director of the English Language Institute, David Rickard’s old position. Kenton Harsch has been able to take much of the heavy load that the Director, Kate Wolfe-Quintero had been carrying since the Rickard position was frozen. In addition he has taken over a number of the functions that Dave had filled, especially those of employment counselor and informal adviser to our graduate students.
Moreover, we have made significant progress towards hiring a new faculty member to fill the position held by the late (and much missed) Dr. Charlene Sato. I hope that the appointment will have been made by the time you receive this ESLetter.
Additionally, the teething problems encountered upon the incorporation of the Hawai‘i English Language Program seem to have been partly resolved. The program has been expanding, thanks to the strenuous efforts of its faculty and its Program Coordinator, Mary Hammond. With the rising enrollments, the instructors have been able to feel more secure about their positions, while the program has generated almost enough positions for our graduate students to make up for the severe reductions in GA positions and tuition waivers. One additional instructor position has been added, bringing us closer to the cap of twelve positions allowed us. In the meantime, graduate students work as teachers, providing the flexibility needed as enrollments expand and shrink. Our hope is that the present enrollment boom will continue, enabling us to employ the maximum number of instructors along with a good number of graduate students. But HELP still lacks adequate facilities. It’s a major problem finding classrooms on our overcrowded campus.
Finally, Dr. Kathryn Davis, Director of the Center for Second Language Research, in cooperation with alumnus No’eau Warner, now an assistant professor in the Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages department, was successful in obtaining a $250,000 federal grant to implement a community- and activity-based adult Hawaiian language learning program which will generate support for approximately ten graduate students for two years.
The department retreat yielded a generous amount of money for the fund to foster pidgin and creole studies set up in memory of Charlene Sato and matched by her husband, Mike Long. Please consider making a donation to help this along.
The Elizabeth Holmes Fund set up to help support students needing help at this period of increased tuition and decreased aid, will be making a $1,200 award shortly. Providing further help is the annual $500 scholarship set up by the Center for Asia-Pacific Exchange (CAPE). It has been awarded to Mary Christianson. this year. The Rickard Fellowships fund set up under the auspices of the Ruth Crymes Memorial Fund is showing significant growth. Such scholarships will go some way to reducing the presently serious gap between our student needs and the resources available to fill them. They may also enable us to compete more adequately for the best students. Our renown as the leading such program worldwide is due in no small measure to the excellence of our alumnae/alumni. Please be generous.
It should be clear, then, that we have all been working hard to build an adequate base of support for our students in these hard times. Any help you can give us will be much appreciated.
Faculty and graduate students representatives have also been working hard to improve our course offerings. For me, one area of activity that needs enhancing is that of applied research in the ELI and HELP. The two programs have high standards but presently there is very little innovative experimentation. We have on our faculty major leaders in curriculum research whose work has been widely recognized, as for example, the Task-Based Language Teaching work done by Michael Long and Graham Crookes. Yet the ELI curriculum does not yet reflect this. I hope we will be evaluating the possibilities in the near future. Our ELI (and HELP) should, like our MA/ESL and the Ph.D. in SLA degrees, be a prestigious model for the field.
I want to thank our overworked faculty for the strenuous efforts they have made to keep us flourishing in the budgetary squeeze imposed by a short-sighted state administration. Building maintenance support is increasingly insufficient, the libraries still grossly underfunded, salaries increasingly inadequate to recruit and hold the best people, and the quantity of classrooms available still very much lacking despite the money constantly being poured in to erect new buildings with many administrative offices and too few classrooms for our students to learn in. Yet all indications are that this department continues to be the world leader in its fields. Cheers!
Roderick (Ricky) Jacobs, Chair
August 1996 graduates:
MA: Ong-on Thananart
December 1996 graduates:
MA: R. Jeffrey Blair, Bill Bonk, In Sue Chang-Shin, Steve Jacques, Rebeca Jasso-Aguilar, Young Kyu Kim, Pearly Koh, Pamela Minet-Lucid, John Norris, Sara Rabie, Megan Taylor, Nurul-Zafar Syed, Susan Wooldrik.
ELI News
This past summer Kenton Harsch became the ELI Assistant Director, after a period of a year since Dave Rickard retired. This has been an exploratory period for Kenny, who has been observing classes and meeting with instructors on a regular basis. Kenny has begun work on making reflection a collaborative process among teachers, following the ‘reflective practitioner’ paradigm. This past Fall, three ELI 80 teachers (Bill Bonk, John Norris, and Andrea Dasrath) designed and administered a project involving multiple steps of listening and speaking, in which students researched and presented needs for giving presentations in their fields of study. And in ELI 83, Lourdes Ortega, in collaboration with Mark Warschauer, worked on an interactive computer curriculum for graduate student writers, with classes meeting in the Multimedia Computer Lab. We plan to continue this type of collaborative development of the curriculum in our future ELI projects.
Kate Wolfe-Quintero, Director
Kenton Harsch, Assistant Director
The HELP program became a part of the Department of ESL in January 1996, and is an intensive English language program for international students improving their English for academic study or for professional reasons. During this past year, the program has experienced significant growth in enrollment, curriculum, and staff. The enrollment has diversified, and now includes students from Austria, Brazil, Cambodia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, People’s Republic of China, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. We also began a new computer lab last January that has been incorporated into the HELP curriculum. And in addition to full-time HELP instructors, the DESL has added a number of Graduate Assistantships at HELP. With growth in both the student body and faculty, 1997 will bring new opportunities and challenges to the HELP team.
Kate Wolfe-Quintero, Director
Mary Hammond, Coordinator
HATESL welcomed over 30 new members last August. As in years past, the highlight of the Fall semester was the annual DESL Retreat to the North Shore. HATESL decided to donate this year’s auction proceeds to the Charlene J. Sato Memorial Fund for Pidgin and Creole Studies. Thanks to the efforts and generosity of the faculty and students, the auction was extremely successful. Over $3000 will be donated to the Sato Fund.
The Fall Social was titled “The Best of Hawai’i and the Worst of Waikiki.” Guests sampled Hawaiian foods ranging from crack seed to pipikaula, showed up in their favorite aloha wear, and performed a hula together. Awards were given to Yuichi Watanabe for “Worst Aloha Shirt,” Shanti Arnold for “Worst Mu’umu’u,” Terri Menacker for “Best Don Ho Impersonation” for her rendition of “Tiny Bubbles,” and John Norris for “Best Magnum P.I. Look-alike.” Last Spring’s “Casino Nite” was also a smash hit. HATESLers played Blackjack, Roulette, and Poker until the wee hours of the morn. Everyone came out a winner!
HATESL is now reaching out to the world! Rebecca Fisher and Shanti Arnold have established a homepage on the Web. Its URL is and includes information for new students, HATESL’s event schedule, links to job resources and teaching resources. Additionally, links to HATESL members’ home pages and e-mail are included. A page has been established for HATESL Alumni also. Please e-mail Shanti Arnold ( if you would like to be included on this page.
This spring semester HATESL members will have the opportunity to present at both the HATESL Academic Conference and the first annual Languages, Literature, and Linguistics College-wide Conference. We are expecting an outstanding group of participants at both conferences.
Shanti Arnold
Dana Petteys
Co-Presidents, HATESL
Graduate Program News
Despite a faculty shortage and therefore larger classes, the Fall semester went smoothly and productively. This semester, we welcome nine new MA students – e komo mai to you all. We proposed a few changes to the ESL curriculum: ESL 360 (Pidgin and Creole in Hawai’i) will be upgraded to ESL 430 in order to make the course available as a requirement in the College of Education. The electives on research methods were restructured and expanded. ESL 670 is now Second Language Quantitative Research Methods. Second Language Interpretive Qualitative Research, formerly offered as 680alpha, has a regular course number now (ESL 675). A brand new course is ESL 678 Microanalysis in Second Language Research. This course combines different discourse-analytic approaches and various types of verbal report.
Two new students were admitted to the Ph.D. program for this spring: John Norris, recently graduated from our MA in ESL program, and Yoshinori Fukuya, an MA graduate of the Ohio State University who has been teaching in Asahikawa, Hokkaido. Both of them have worked on aspects of language testing.
Gabriele Kasper, Graduate Chair of ESL
Craig Chaudron, Graduate Chair of SLA
National Foreign Language Resource Center
In 1990, the University of Hawaii at Manoa became host to the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) under a grant from the US Department of Education to serve national needs in foreign language teaching. A second three year grant was obtained in 1993, and in October of this past year a third grant was obtained. Of the applications received, Hawaii’s ranked first. The six other centers across the US are at San Diego State University, the University of Minnesota, Iowa State University, The Ohio State University, Michigan State University, and the Georgetown/CAL/GWU consortium.
Center projects for the next three years will be organized around three major areas of emphasis: research for effective teaching strategies; alternative approaches to FL performance assessment; and materials, methods, and teacher training for less commonly taught languages. In Spring ‘97, Graham Crookes (ESL) and Paul Chandler (European Languages & Literature) will initiate a new NFLRC project to incorporate action research into the training of foreign language teachers (TAs). Dick Schmidt will continue his research into relationships among learner motivation, learning strategies, and preferences for different kinds of classroom activities, with the able assistance of ESL/SLA grad students Dana Petteys and Yuichi Watanabe. New SLA doctoral student John Norris will continue to work with JD Brown on performance assessment. Gabi Kasper will be working with Dina Yoshimi (East Asian Languages and Literature) on a study of the acquisition of Japanese pragmatics in foreign language classrooms.
SLA doctoral student Mark Warschauer was appointed editor of a new refereed journal, Language Learning & Technology, sponsored by the NFLRC and our counterpart at Michigan State, to be published on the World Wide Web. The first issue of the journal is scheduled to appear in July, 1997. For any alumni who may be working with language teaching/learning and technology and who may be interested in submitting an article or just subscribing, please see
The highlight of each NFLRC year is the Summer Institute for Professional Development. This past summer, over a hundred participants attended workshops on the pedagogy of the Internet (Mark Warschauer), Chinese Net (Candace Chou), and SpiderWare (Tom Burke) and/or participated in a symposium on new technologies and less commonly taught languages. In summer ‘97, the theme of the Institute will be Foreign Language Instruction Via Distance Education. Two workshops will be offered: Tools & techniques for interactive television-based instruction, July 7-18, and Tools & techniques for Web-based multimedia instruction, July 21-August 1. For an application, send an email message to and include “GET SI97 APP” in the subject line of the header. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS FEBRUARY 14.
For more information on the NFLRC and its many programs, see our Web site at
Dick Schmidt, NFLRC Director
Center for Second Language Research
Our big news is that No’eau Warner (Assistant Professor, Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures) and I, with the help of Kahulu Palmeira (SLA doctoral student), received an Administration for Native Americans (ANA) grant for $250,000. The grant project, Ke A’a Makalei: An Implementation Project for Hawaiian Language Regenesis, is designed to foster Hawaiian language learning among adults through community-based activities such as volley-ball and cooking. The project goals also include encouraging intergenerational use and expansion of domains of Hawaiian.
Two of the Center’s research assistants, Rebeca Jasso-Aguilar and Zafar Syed, are sadly leaving us this semester. Before leaving, Rebeca finished editing a CSLR technical report on the Foreign Language Partnership Project (FLPP, funded by NFLRC). Rebeca also wrote a chapter and Zafar wrote a chapter and co-edited (with Audrey Burnett) another chapter for an upcoming NFLRC publication on the FLPP. Zafar additionally completed a very nice video on the FLPP. Although we’ll miss Rebeca and Zafar a great deal, we’re fortunate to welcome Terry Menacker, Kahulu Palmeira, and Yoshinori Fukuya to the Center. Terry has been working hard on Hawaii Council on Language Policy and Planning projects. Her main effort has been in completing an information packet on language problems and goals in Hawaii, which will also be published as a CSLR technical report. Kahulu is developing literacy projects for the Ke A’a Makalei implementation grant. We’re also working on a technical report which reports data collected from the Ke A’a Makalei planning grant (1995-96). Yoshinori is currently developing his computer skills in order to transform these upcoming technical reports into professional works of art.
Kathryn A. Davis
Director, CSLR
Alumni News
Donald Stokes works in Melbourne, mostly as a relief teacher in these days of heavy budget cuts. Joel Wiskin has been working at Curtin University in Perth as coordinator of the MA program in Applied Lingusitics. He’s been responsible for teaching EAP courses and graduate units in the MA and Diploma programs.
Susan Goldberg is spending a year in Prague, doing research on Chinese literature at the Institute of East Asian Studies, Charles University.
Charlene Hosokawa is in her 6th year of teaching in the DOE system. She was a Japanese/Food & Nutrition teacher for 3 years, taught ESL for two and a half years, and is now is the social studies teacher at Moanalua High School.
Wai-king Tsang’s article on “Comparing the effects of reading and writingon writing performance” appeared in Applied Linguistics 17.2, 210-233. Wai-king is still at the City University of Hong Kong, where she specializes in teaching reading and writing, and in second language acquisition.
Peter Robinson and Steve Ross saw their article on “The development of task-based assessment in English for academic purposes” appear in Applied Linguistics (17.4). The research was carried at UH while both were doctoral students here. Peter also has as article based on his dissertation, “Individual differences and the fundamental similarity of implicit and explicit adult second language learning” in press with Language Learning. Jonathan Nosaka has headed back to Japan, where he’ll be teaching at a 4-year liberal arts college called Miyazaki International College. The student load per class is 15 per classroom and content courses are taught in English. He can be reached at C.A. Eddington sang in the opera Eugene Onegin in the Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo last summer. She’s considering traveling to Orlando for TESOL in the spring, but only if the program she supervises at Heidelberg College in Hokkaido is on its feet and able to survive a week without her. Mitsuyo Toya has taken a faculty position at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa. Junko Yamaai is teaching at an English conversation school in Kanagawa and was at a December 23 party at Yoshiko Usui’s to meet up with other Hawaii grads. She will also be teaching as a part-time instructor at several universities starting in April. Russell McCallum was promoted to program coordinator of international business communications at Sumitomo Electric Industries in Tokyo, where he has worked since finishing his MA in 1991. His easy-to-memorize email address is and he’d love to hear from one and all. His smailmail address is 1-7-21-201 Yakumo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152. Russ is in touch with Paul Kandasamy in Tokyo and has run into George Russell, Jay Ercanbrack, Peter Robinson, and quite a few other UH people in Japan. Yoshiko Usui spends 3 hours a day commuting from Tokyo to Yokohama, where she teaches at a TOEFL school. Starting in April, she will be an instructor at International Christian University. Toshi Kobayashi will be moving to Otaru University of Commerce in April, where he will be an assistant professor of English. Satomi Takahashi has been extremely busy teaching at Kyushu University and hope that she will be able to find more time for research next year. Eloise & Hitoshi Hamatani traveled far in 1996, from Japan, Hong Kong, and Macao to China (Hang Chou, Loyang, Urumqui, Dung Huang, Shanghai), Boston, and New York. “The rest of the year was the usual work.”
Happy Miller-Retwaiut reports in positively on her move to Saipan, where she is enjoying her new job as a reading resource teacher at an elementary school. Happy is in touch with several other UH grads, including Vice Riley, whose daughter is in one of her ESL classes, and Alan Taylor, who was named Teacher of the Year at the College of the Northern Marianas. Ivan Probst, an alumnus in charge of all kinds of programs at the College of Northern Marianas, is looking for two MA’s to teach at the College (in Saipan). One is a 2-year minimum appointment as an ESL instructor, the other is for someone in Special Programs who will develop curricula and programs. If interested, contact Bob Gibson (808-956-8866) right away.
Carolyn Miki (MA 1978) teaches Japanese in Southern Oregon. She returned to Hawaii this past summer to attend the NFLRC Summer Institute on New Technologies and Less Commonly Taught languages.
Maureen O’Brien and husband Theikdi (that’s Burmese) are now living in Capitola, CA (a 10 minute drive from Ted Plaister in Aptos). Maureen taught ESL to children at UC Santa Cruz during the summer. Steve Wann reports that he has spent no time since earning his MA actually teaching ESL, but he’s used what he learned in teaching various languages and even in his primary business of preparing sailors for offshore sailing and delivering yachts to far away places. The basis of that business began with his introduction to instructional systems design in ESL! Steve was recently in French Polynesia and when he got to the Marquesas he was surprised to learn how similar Marquesan is to Satawalese: great surprise among the locals at a haole who had never been there before but who could understand them. Caroline Crolley sent from Alaska the following list of suggested titles for extensive reading by low-intermediate students: Summer of My German Soldier (Bette Greene), Island of the Blue Dolphins (Scott O’Dell), The Story of My Life (Helen Keller), Siddhartha (Herman Hesse), The Old Man and the Sea (Hemingway), Which Way Freedom? (Joyce Hanson), I am David (Anne Holm), Brighty of the Grand Canyon (Marguerite Henry), Two Old Women: An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival (Velma Wallis), and The Long Winter (Laura Ingalls Wilder)– a good choice for the many ESL learners who have moved from warm climates to colder ones.Christy Winskowski is teaching at Lewis University in Illinois (a volleyball powerhouse), with responsibility for two courses in TEFL within an M.Ed. program. Moira (Prendergast) Delumpa lives in Cupertino, CA, and is currently on leave from teaching high school ESL to supervise student teachers for National University’s teacher credential program. Moira and her husband Brendan just had their fourth child, Mairead. She has three brothers: Brendan, 15 months; Liam, 2 and a half, and Brian, 7.Rob Manheimer is at Stanford, where he sees Julie Kerekes fairly regularly –they are taking eve Clark’s class together and both have been working for Kenji Hakuta. Mary Wang wrote from Madison to report that the temperature (early January) was about 8 degrees and that winter in Wisconsin is, as always, mentally challenging. Claire Mingyuan Wang was born on March 17, 1996. Miracle, now four and a half, has taken with great enthusiasm to being a big sister. Since July, Lao Wang has been full time at the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) at the University of Wisconsin. Mary went back to work in fall, teaching an international teaching assistants training course and a writing course. Ann Shonle broke away from TESOL Chicago, and Sara Rabie spent several days visiting in July. To see family pictures, check (type “friend” as username and “wang” as password). Lester Loschky is in Urbana, home of flat plains, corn, and Hal, the computer, where he is studying psychology with Bill Brewer, Gordon Logan and Don Dulany and pondering whether connectionism is behaviorism revived and whether it can explain linguistic development. Kris Ito Lambert is hoping that there will be a UH gathering at TESOL in Orlando in March (look for notices posted at convention headquarters in the Clarion Plaza). She and a couple of other displaced Hawaiians now at Penn State would love to get together and talk story.Joel deBenoit is in his last year in seminary in Deerfield IL, planning to establish himself in China by the beginning of 1998, probably teaching English and maybe biblical Hebrew as well. Cheryl Fong Mohr wrote to fill us in on the years since she graduated: from 1983-90 she taught ESL in Harbin (northwest China), and from 1990-95, she lived in Fullerton (Orange County) CA, where she continued to teach here and there, including adult ed, ESL, junior high math, and choir. She is now in Fountain Valley CA with husband Richard and children John, Chris, and Isaiah and can be reached at 10310 Margarita Ave, Fountain Valley, CA 92708. Stuart Luppescu received his Ph.D. in December from the University of Chicago. Louise Berry had to return to the mainland for health reasons. A message was received at press time: “Surgery was successful! Removed right lung, but tumor was benign. Not quite ready to work on diagramming sentences, but I have syntax on my mind and you guys.”
Faculty & Staff News
Robert Bley-Vroman continues his work on conservative pattern accumulation in the acquisition of second-language syntax. Handouts from talks on this work and copies of papers delivered can be accessed at via his Web page Robert’s extra-curricular interest in contradance and square-dance calling is developing apace. If you are a contradancing linguist (like Robert, Derek Bickerton or Andrew Cohen, make sure to send an e-mail message to Maybe we can organize a dance at a forthcoming conference.
Craig Chaudron taught a section of Introduction to L2 studies (ESL 600) during fall and was exceptionally pleased with the professional attitude and activity of the class. He also had a small group of students and visitors/auditors in ESL 730, a seminar on listening comprehension, in which we covered a very broad range of material and research on basic listening processes, learning from listening, and teaching methodology and testing. Craig will be giving a plenary talk at the 1997 AAAL in Orlando, on “Theory and practice in classroom research.”
Graham Crookes worked during the Fall semester with half of the large group of new MA students on our 600 intro course, which was a new one for him to teach, besides running the practicum. As DESL union representative, he had plenty of meetings to show up at and report back on, as well as demonstrations to go to and encourage other faculty and students to attend. The organizational work surrounding professors’ attempts to protect their jobs and the quality of education fit nicely into the course content of ESL 600. Future S/FL teachers can expect to have to engage in organizing themselves and developing community support if S/FL teaching jobs that presently exist are to continue, and if their working conditions are not to deteriorate further.
Kathy Davis once again taught the 680R course on Interpretative research: Philosophy & theories. As usual, students in the course have designed extremely interesting research projects including accent discrimination in the workplace, cultural diversity and learning in a Hawaii public high school, and a needs analysis of a Marshall Islands educational community. Kathy is looking forward to working with all of the students in carrying out their research projects this spring semester through the ESL 730 Interpretive qualitative methods course. This past semester she was a discussant for an American Anthropological Association (AAA) conference symposium on identity and authenticity issues in indigenous language revitalization. With Rosemary Henze, she is now working on editing a special issue about indigenous identity and authenticity for the Anthropology and Education Quarterly (AEQ). She has several other publication and presentation projects in the works, including a co-organized (with Thom Huebner and Joe LoBianco) colloquium for the AAAL conference in March on Language policy and language planning: Sociopolitical perspectives. Thom, Joe, and Kathy will co-edit a book for John Benjamins based on the AAAL colloquium and she will also contribute a chapter to the book. Finally, she has kept extremely busy with the Center for Second Language Research activities.
Richard Day was on sabbatical during the fall semester. But before he could settle back and get into the leave, he had to finish up his role as chair of the Blue Ribbon Panel on the College of Education. The Panel was charged by President Mortimer with suggesting directions for the College of Education that would aid it in its search for a new dean. Once that was done, Richards efforts were devoted primarily to finishing the book Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom, with Julian Bamford for Cambridge University Press. He also made substantial progress on two materials development projects. One, called Journeys, is for Prentice Hall Asia ELT, and is being done with alums Jim Swan and Masayo Yamamoto. Journeys is a twelve-volume, three-level, skills-based series for young adult and adult EFL/ESL learners at, high-beginning through intermediate levels. Alum Roni LeBauer has written the reading material for the first two levels.
Thom Hudson returned last June from a year long sabbatical in Japan. It was a productive year which provided new insights into Japan and the people. Now he knows what all the to do is about the cherry blossom season. In October he attended TOEFL Committee of Examiners and TOEFL research committee meetings in Princeton. He, J. D. Brown, John Norris, and Jim Yoshioka have been working on a framework for developing authentic language performance assessments as a project for the National Foreign Language Resource Center. They are continuing that project during spring semester. Thom and J. D. are continuing to work on a book on criterion-referenced language testing. Thom is developing a text on second language reading. His return to Hawai’i has been to a second floor apartment. This has put a severe damper on his gardening efforts.
Ricky Jacobs this fall took time off from his department chair duties to give a keynote address to the the Fifth Annual Symposium of Teachers of English in Taipei. He continues working as Senior Co-Editor for a Houghton Mifflin ESL series. He was delighted to learn from a colleague in the English department that his Oxford University Press book, English Syntax, was being used as the required text for a course by her daughter at Dartmouth College. His sequence of courses on written discourse analysis from a primarily cognitive perspective has been well enrolled by students from both ESL and Lingustics, and continues with a seminar this spring primarily run by the students, who are hoping to put together a collection on text analysis. He will be giving a paper on this at the coming conference of the American Association of Applied Linguists in Orlando. His Bilingual Education seminar has, however, shrunk, as the Gingrich-driven Congress has cut off funds. He travelled with Kathryn Davis to Maui in the late Fall to advise on an innovative intensive English program that Maui Community College hopes to set up.
Gabriele Kasper enjoyed co-teaching in an interdisciplinary seminar on The Language of Leadership, co-sponsored by the East-West Center and the College of Language, Linguistics, & Literature. She organized a symposium on Approaches to Interlanguage Pragmatics Research at the SLRF conference in Tucson, AZ, gave a talk at The University of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff, and was unable to hike in the Grand Canyon on account of early snow. Her book on communication strategies, co-edited with Eric Kellerman, did not quite make the estimated production time of a decade – it will definitely appear this year. Gabi will be a plenary speaker at TESOL in Orlando.
Mike Long is in residence at the National Foreign Language Center (Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC campus) as a Mellon Fellow. He will be a plenary speaker at EUROSLA 7 in Barcelona in May.
Dick Schmidt taught ESL 650 (the basic graduate course in second language acquisition) during the fall, together with a 700-level seminar on individual differences in learning, in which student research projects dealt with foreign language aptitude, attitudes and motivation, learning styles and strategies. He presented a paper at SLRF in Tucson in October with Nick Ellis on “Rules or associations in the acquisition of second language morphology? Human learning of regular and irregular morphosyntax, and connectionist simulations of the frequency by regularity interaction.” He also attended a “summit” conference on less commonly taught languages in Minneapolis in September and went to the ACTFL conference in Philadelphia in November. He plans to attend both AAAL and TESOL in Orlando in the spring, and will be a plenary speaker at SLRF ‘97 at Michigan State. Dick continues half time as director of the National Foreign Language Resource Center. He also enjoys editing this newsletter. You may send contributions direct to
Kate Wolfe-Quintero presented a paper on “Second language students and discipline-specific discourse in writing-intensive courses” with Al Lehner and Lara Mui at AAAL in spring 1996. She also did a workshop at the American Samoa Community College in Pago Pago on “Writing across the curriculum: What is academic discourse?” This past fall she taught a seminar on pedagogical grammar for the first time, which she found personally enlightening. She has been busy all year with the ELI and the HELP programs, and just lately has been working on hiring additional teaching faculty and graduate assistants for these programs.
Funds in Memory of Charlie Sato
Two funds have been set up in memory of Charlie Sato, for purposes specified by her. The first will help support students doing work on any aspect –linguistic, social, educational, artistic, or political– of Hawai’i Creole English. For those who wish to donate, checks should be made payable to “UH Foundation” (mentioning the Charlene Sato Memorial Fund) and sent to the University of Hawaii Foundation, PO Box 11270, Honolulu, HI 96828. There’s about $15K in the fund now, but there has to be $25K in the fund before the Foundation start dispensing interest. The second will help support women members’ participation in the IWW. Checks should be made payable to “IWW” (mentioning the Charlie Sato Memorial Fund) and sent to Industrial Workers of the World, 103 West Michigan Avenue, Ypsilanti, MI 48197-5438.
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New faculty & student publications
Bailey, K. M., & J. D. Brown. (in press). “Language testing courses: What are they?” In A. Cumming and R. Berwick (Eds.), Validation in language testing. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.
Bamford, Julian & Day, Richard R. (in press). “Extensive reading: What is it? Why bother?” The Language Teacher.
Bray, E., & Harsch, K. (1996). “Using reflection/review journals in Japanese classrooms.” The Language Teacher 20 (12), 12-17.
Bray, E., & Harsch, K. (1996). “Opinions and support,” “Requests and reasons,” “Directions from memory,” Introducing topics naturally,” and “Using more descriptive words.” In D. Gardner and L. Miller (Eds.), Tasks for independent language learning (pp. 45-46, 47-48, 81-82, 111-113, 7-58). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
Brown, J. D. (1996). Testing in language programs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.
Brown, J. D. (1996). “Fluency is an issue in all skills,” “No credit for teaching fluency,” “Getting students to cooperate in communicative activities,” & “Testing students’ abilities at the beginning of instruction.” In G. M. Jacobs and B. R. S. Rajan (Eds.), Who is the most talkative of all? Stories for language teacher education. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
Brown, J. D. (1996). “Japanese entrance exams: A measurement problem?” The Daily Yomiuri (Educational Supplement), February 5, 1996, 15.
Brown, J. D. (1996). “English language entrance examinations in Japan: Problems and solutions.” In G. van Troyer (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1995 JALT International Conference. Tokyo: JALT.
Brown, J. D. (1996). “Fluency development.” In G. van Troyer (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1995 JALT International Conference. Tokyo: JALT.
Brown, J. D. (in press). Review of the IDEA Reading and Writing Proficiency Tests. In J. C. Conoley and J. I. Impara (Eds.) Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook. The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
Brown, J. D. (Ed.). (forthcoming). New ways in classroom assessment. Washington, DC: TESOL.
Brown, J. D. (forthcoming). Impact series unit tests and Impact series placement test. London: Longman.
Brown, J. D., & Ross, J. A. (in press). “Decision dependability of item types, sections, tests, and the overall TOEFL test battery.” In Proceedings of Language Testing Research Colloquium, Arnhem, Netherlands.
Brown, J. D. & Te-fang Hua (in press). Review of the Chinese Speaking Test. In J. C. Conoley and J. I. Impara (Eds.) Thirteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook. The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
Brown, J. D., & Wolfe-Quintero, K. (to appear). “Teacher portfolios for evaluation: A great idea? Or a waste of time?” The Language Teacher.
Chou, C., Syed, Z., & Warschauer, M. (1996). Internet basics for language professionals. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.
Crookes, G. (in press). “What influences what and how second and foreign language teachers teach?” Modern Language Journal.
Crookes, G. (in press). “SLA and language pedagogy: A socioeducational approach.” Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Ellis, N. C., & Schmidt, R. (in press). “Morphology and longer-distance dependencies: Laboratory research illuminating the A in SLA.” Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19.2.
Gregg, K., Long, M. H., Beretta, A, & Jordan, G. (forthcoming). “Rationality and its discontents in SLA.” Submitted to Applied Linguistics.
Harsch, K., Lange, E. Millet, S., Blackwell, A., Kusuya, B., & Murphey, T. (1996). Impact words and phrases. Hong Kong: Longman/Lingual House.
Hudson, T. (1996). Assessing second language academic reading from a communicative competence perspective: Relevance for TOEFL 2000. TOEFL Monograph Series: MS-4. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
Kasper, G (1995). “Interlanguage pragmatics.” In J.-O. Oestman, J. Verschueren, & J. Blommaert (Eds.), Handbook of pragmatics (pp. 1-17). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Kasper, G. (1995). “Politeness.” In J.-O. Oestman, J. Verschueren, & J. Blommaert (Eds.), Handbook of pragmatics. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Kasper, G. (Ed) (1996). Development of pragmatic competence, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18 (2).
Kasper, G. (1996). “The development of pragmatic competence.” In E. Kellerman, B. Weltens, and T. Bongaerts (Eds.), EUROSLA 6: A selection of papers (= Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 55), 103-120.
Kasper, G (1996). “Linguistic etiquette.” In F. Coulmas (Ed.), Handbook of sociolinguistics (pp. 314-385). Oxford: Blackwell.
Kasper, G. (in press). “Pragmatics in language teacher education.” In K. Bardovi-Harlig & B. Hartford (Eds.), Beyond methods. New York: McGraw Hill.
Kasper, G. (in press). “Interlanguage pragmatics.” In H. Byrnes (Ed.), Perspectives on research and scholarship in second language learning. Modern Language Association.
Kasper, G. (in press). “Beyond reference.” In G. Kasper and E. Kellerman (Eds. ), Communication strategy research: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic aspects. London: Longman.
Kasper, G., & Kellerman, E. (in press). Communication strategy research: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic aspects. London: Longman
Kasper, G., & Schmidt, R. (1996). “Developmental issues in interlanguage pragmatics.” Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18, 149-169.
Kim, H-Y. (1996). “Comprehensible or perceptible input?: The effect of prosodic adjustment on comprehension.” In C. Reves, C. Steele, C. S. P. Wong (Eds.). Linguistics and language teaching: Proceedings of the sixth joint LSH-HATESL conference (pp. 189-200). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (Technical Report #10).
Lehner, A., Mui, L., Wolfe-Quintero, K., & Hilgers, T. (to appear). Perceptions of the experiences and needs of bilingual students and writing-intensive instructors across the curriculum (Technical Report #19). Honolulu: The University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Manoa Writing Project.
Long, M. H. (1996). “The role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition.” In W. Ritchie and T. Bhatia (Eds.), Handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 413-468). New York: Academic Press.
Long, M. H. (1996). “The Mondragón Co-operative Federation: A model for our times?” Libertarian Labor Review, 19 (Winter 1996), 19-36.
Long, M. H. (in press). “Authenticity and learning potential in L2 classroom discourse.” In G. Jacobs (Ed.), Language classrooms of tomorrow: Issues and responses. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
Long, M. H. (in press). “The process of foreign language acquisition.” In E. de Corte and F. Weinart (Eds.), International encyclopedia of developmental and instructional psychology. Oxford: Elsevier Science.
Long, M. H. (in press). “The unbearable rightness of media.” Social Anarchism, 22.
Long, M. H. (forthcoming). Task-based language teaching. Oxford: Blackwell.
Long, M. H., Inagaki, S., & Ortega, L. (forthcoming). “Models and recasts in Japanese and Spanish: Two experiments.” Modern Language Journal.
Long, M. H., Oliver, R., & Ortega, L. (forthcoming). “Implicit negative feedback in and out of classrooms. Language Teaching Research.
Long, M. H., & Robinson, P. (forthcoming). “Focus on form: Theory, research, and practice.” In C. Doughty and J. Williams (Eds.), Focus on form in second language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Maeshiba, N., Yoshinaga, N., Kasper, G., & Ross, S. (1996). “Transfer and proficiency in interlanguage pragmatics.” In S. M. Gass and J. Neu (Eds.), Speech acts across cultures (pp. 155-187). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Menacker, T. (1996). “Surmounting language barriers: Beyond classroom solutions.” In C.Reves, C. Steele, C. S. P. Wong (Eds.), Linguistics and language teaching: Proceedings of the sixth joint LSH-HATESL conference (pp. 63-276). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (Technical Report #10).
Norris, J. M. (1996). “Native speaker judgments of oral proficiency: Investigating the validity of a SOPI.” In C. Reves, C. Steele, C. S. P. Wong (Eds.), Linguistics and language teaching: Proceedings of the sixth joint LSH-HATESL conference (pp. 239-262). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (Technical Report #10).
Norris, J. M. (1996). “Performance and portfolio assessment (1985-1995): An extended annotated bibliography of sources useful for language teachers” Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, HTML document:
Norris, J. M. (in press). “The audio-mirror: Reflecting on student speaking ability.” In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New ways in classroom assessment. Washington, DC: TESOL.
Norris, J. M. (in press). “Presenting presentations: Using interviews and presentations to elucidate authentic public speaking needs.” In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New ways in classroom assessment. Washington, DC: TESOL.
Norris, J. M. (in press). “The reading beat: Investigative questioning and reading comprehension.” In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New ways in classroom assessment. Washington, DC: TESOL.
Oliphant, K. (1996). “Teacher development groups: Growth through cooperation.” Ikala (Colombia), 1, 67-86.
Ortega, L. (1996). “Planning and second language oral performance: The state of the art.” In C. Reves, C. Steele, C. S. P. Wong (Eds.), Linguistics and language teaching: Proceedings of the sixth joint LSH-HATESL conference (pp. 223-238). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (Technical Report #10).
Robinson, P., & Ross, S. (1996). “The development of task-based assessment in English for academic purposes.” Applied Linguistics, 17, 455-476.
Schmidt, R., Boraie, D., & Kassabgy, O. (1996). “Foreign language motivation: Internal structure and external connections.” In R. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning motivation: Pathways to the new century (pp. 14-88). Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center (Technical Report #11) (University of Hawaii Press).
Schmidt, R., Shimura, A., Wang, Z., & Jeong, H-S. (1966). “Suggestions to buy: Television commercials from the US, Japan, China, and Korea.” In S. M. Gass and J. Neu (Eds.), Speech acts across cultures: Challenges to communication in a second language (pp. 285-316). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Tateyama, Y., Kasper, G., Mui, L., Tay, H.-M., & Thananart, O. (in press). “Implicit and explicit teaching of pragmatic routines.” In L. Bouton (Ed.), Pragmatics and language learning, Vol. 8. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Todd, S. C. (1996). “Why we should stop teaching our students to take notes: Evidence that the ‘encoding hypothesis’ isn’t right.” In C. Reves, C. Steele, C. S. P. Wong (Eds.), Linguistics and language teaching: Proceedings of the sixth joint LSH-HATESL conference (pp. 201-222). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (Technical Report #10).
Wang, M. M. (1996). “Macro and micro structuring of Chinese ESL learners’ comparison and contrast essays.” In C. Reves, C. Steele, C. S. P. Wong (Eds.), Linguistics and language teaching: Proceedings ofthe sixth joint LSH-HATESL conference (pp. 277-299). Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (Technical Report #10).
Warschauer, M. (Ed.) (1996). Telecollaboration in foreign language learning. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center (University of Hawai’i Press).
Warschauer, M. (1996). “Comparing face-to-face and electronic discussion in the second language classroom.” CALICO Journal 13(2), 7-26.
Warschauer, M. (1996). “Computer-assisted language learning: An introduction.” In S. Fotos (Ed.), Multimedia language teaching (pp. 3-20). Tokyo: Logos International.
Warschauer, M. (1996). “Motivational aspects of using computers for writing and communication.” In M. Warschauer (Ed.), Telecollaboration in Foreign Language Learning (pp. 29-46).
Warschauer, M. (1996). “Sociocultural learning theory and computer-mediated communication.” In F. L. Borchardt, C. L. Bradin, E. Johnson, and L. Rhodes (Eds.), Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium 1996 Annual Symposium “Distance Learning” (p. 265-269). Durham, North Carolina: Duke University.
Warschauer, M. (1996). “It’s great to be bilingual.” In G. M. Jacobs and B. R. Sundara Rajan (Eds.), Stories for Language Teachers (p. 7-8). Singapore: Regional Language Centre.
Warschauer, M. (1996). “Insults for pennies.” In G. M. Jacobs and B. R. Sundara Rajan (Eds.), Stories for Language Teachers (p. 56). Singapore: Regional Language Centre.
Warschauer, M. (1996). A review of Brave new schools: Challenging cultural illiteracy through global learning networks. TESOL Quarterly, 30, 363-365
Warschauer, M., Turbee, L., & Roberts, B. (1996). “Computer learning networks and student empowerment. System, 24(1), 1-14. (An earlier version appeared as “Computer learning networks and student empowerment,” Research Note #10, University of Hawai’i Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.)
Warschauer, M. & Lepeintre, S. (in press). “Freire’s dream or Foucault’s nightmare?: Teacher-student relations on an international computer network.” In J. Gassin (Ed.), Horwood language centre occasional papers, Volume 2. Parkville, Australia: University of Melbourne.
Warschauer, M. (in press). “A sociocultural approach to literacy and its significance for CALL.” In K. Murphy-Judy & R. Sanders (Eds.), NEXUS: The convergence of research and teaching through new information technologies. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University.
Warschauer, M. (in press). “Internet for English teaching: What, why, and how.” In D. Dai (Ed.,) Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on English Teaching. Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University. (Also to appear in revised form in the Dong-Eui International Journal.)
Warschauer, M. (in press). Eigo kyoiku no tame no e-mail (E-mail for English Teaching). (Trans., M. Watanabe). Tokyo: Yohan.
Warschauer, M. (in press). Yong dian zi you jian jiao xue ying wen (E-mail for English Teaching). (Trans., C. Chang) Taipei: Bookman.
Warschauer, M., & Whittaker, F. (in press). The Internet for English teaching: Guidelines for teachers. TESL Reporter.
Warschauer, M. (forthcoming). “Computer-mediated collaborative learning: Theory and practice.” Modern Language Journal. (An earlier version appeared as “Computer-mediated collaborative learning: Theory and practice,” Research Note #17, University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.)
Warschauer, M. (forthcoming). “Online learning in sociocultural context.” Anthropology & Education Quarterly.
Wolfe-Quintero, K. (1996). Review of Bialystok, E., & K. Hakuta, In other words. Studies in Second Language Learning, 18, 274-275.
Wolfe-Quintero, K. (1996). “Nativism does not equal Universal Grammar.” Second Language Research, 12, 335-373.
Wolfe-Quintero, K. (in press). “ESL language portfolios: How do they work?” In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New ways in assessment. Washington, DC: TESOL.
Wolfe-Quintero, K. (To appear). “ESL language portfolios: How do they work?” In J. D. Brown (Ed.), New ways in assessment. Washington, DC: TESOL.
Yoshinaga, N and Bley-Vroman, R. (1996) The acquisition of multiple wh-questions by high-profiency non-native speakers of English. Has been submitted for publication and will appear in the next issue of UHWPESL.
Conferences of interest
January 19-23, 1997. Australian Council of TESOL Associations, Sydney. Information: Pat Tart, Australian Convention & Travel Services, GPO Box 2200, Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia. Tel.: 61-6-257-3299, Fax: 61-6-257-32-56.
February 4-8, 1997, National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), Albuquerque, NM. contact NABE, 1220 L. St. NW, Suite 605, Washington DC 20005-4018. Tel. 202-898-1920, Email
February 6-8, 1997, International Colloquium: Alternance des langues et apprentissage, Paris. Information: D. Moore, CREDIF, E.N.S. de Fontenay, St-Cloud, Grille d’Honneur, Le Parc, F-92-211 Saint-Cloud Cédex. Tél: (33) 1 47 91 11, Fax (33) 1 46 02 39 11.
March 8-11, 1997, American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Orlando Florida. Contact Matt Howe, AAAL Conference Liaison, AAAL Business Office, 7630 West 145th St., Suite 202, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Phone 612-953-0805, Fax 612-891-1800, e-mail
March 11-15, 1997, TESOL, Orlando FL. Contact TESOL Conventions Dept., 1600 Cameron Street Suite 300, Alexandria VA 22314. Tel. 703-836-0774. Fax 703-836-7864. Email Proposals due 5/15/96 for papers, demonstrations, workshops & colloquia; 8/30/96 for poster & video proposals.
March 12-15, 1997, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Phoenix AZ. Contact CCCC, 1111 W. Kenyon Rd., Urbana, IL 61801-1097. Tel. 217-328-3870.
March 24-26, 1997, 19th Congress of FIPLV, Recife, Brasil. Contact Francisco Gomes de Matos, Rua Steubal 860b/apto.604 Boa Viagem, Recife 51030-010. Email or
March 26-28, 1997. TESOL Arabia, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Contact Chris Pearson: ae.