Associate Professor Dr. Betsy Gilliland Awarded Excellence in Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Betsy Gilliland who was awarded the 2018 Award for Excellence in Teaching from the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature (LLL). She is among a select group of recipients within the College of LLL to receive research, teaching, and service awards.

Dr. Gilliland’s research focuses on adolescent second language (L2) literacy, particularly for immigrant youth in American middle and high schools, and language teacher learning. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the teaching of L2 writing, qualitative research methods, and reflective classroom practice. She takes SLS graduate students to northeastern Thailand for a 2-month summer teaching practicum, to teach their own English for academic purposes classes to Thai undergraduates. As a recent Fulbright Award recipient, Dr. Gilliland will teach 4th year undergraduate English language pedagogy students at the Universidad de Atacama in Chile in the fall, while on sabbatical during academic year 2018–2019.