Technology Resources

The following resources are available if looking for technological equipment to conduct research, such as audio/video recorders (and accessories). The LAELabs, staffed by SLS faculty and graduate students, is a great resource for both borrowing equipment and processing/editing data.

If the following resources do not have the equipment necessary for your research, refer to the department’s funding sources to apply for funding to purchase equipment. Purchased equipment must be donated back to the department.

Hamilton Library Loanable Technology

"Items must be picked up from and returned to the Hamilton Library Circulation Desk.

An item can be renewed up to three times if no one else requests it."

Center for Language & Technology (must be Graduate Student, Staff, or Faculty)

"Equipment is usually loaned for only the class period(s) or the event when it will be used. CLT requests equipment to be returned upon completion of use; however, if circumstances warrant and equipment is available, equipment can be borrowed for up to 1 week at a time, and can be renewed up to three times. Equipment needed for weekend usage may be borrowed Friday afternoon and returned Monday morning."

Center for Instructional Support (must be Graduate Assistant, Staff, or Faculty)

"Equipment may be reserved, picked-up and returned at the Media Services Office in Kuykendall 103 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except university-observed holidays. Equipment reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on availability. Equipment is usually loaned for only the class period(s) or the duration of the event when it will be used. Maximum rental period is 24 hours unless authorized by a CIS Manager. Equipment loaned for weekend usage may be borrowed Friday afternoon, and returned Monday morning. Certain pieces of equipment (i.e. remote controls and wireless microphones) may be available for “long-term” loan but must be returned by the end of the semester.

Media equipment is for on-campus usage unless authorized by a CIS Manager. Devices are restricted to on-island use and must not be subjected to environmental conditions that may damage the equipment such as salt water/air from the ocean. The borrower (not authorized representative) is responsible for the care and security of the equipment during the loan period. Equipment must be returned as scheduled, in the same condition as received. Customers returning damaged, defaced, and/or inoperable equipment due to negligence may be subject to sanctions from future CIS services and/or replacement or repair costs. If problems or delays occur in returning equipment, contact CIS immediately. CIS is not responsible for breakage or damages to personal or other university-owned equipment in conjunction with CIS managed or borrowed equipment."

LAELabs Equipment Reservations (must be Advanced Lab User)

"To reserve equipment through our online system, you must be an active LAE Labs user.

We strongly recommend dropping by the LAEbrary while a lab monitor is in, so that you can take a look at the equipment in person. Then, a lab monitor can walk you through how to submit your reservation request online."