Please see list below for upcoming conference presentations:
Hawaii TESOL (February 19)
- Chang, Choe, Holden, & Isbell – Practical Concerns with a Local Intensive English Program’s Rubric Revision (paper presentation)
- Gilliland & Munoz Galleguillos – Reflection on Teaching and Assessing Grammar in Chilean EFL (paper presentation)
- Miller, Bachus, and Ishiyama – Utilizing Online Corpus Tools for Academic English Word Knowledge Construction (workshop)
Language Testing Research Colloquium (March 7-11)
- Isbell, Crowther, & Nishizawa – Speaking performances, stakeholder perceptions, and scores: Extrapolating from the Duolingo English Test to the university (paper presentation)
- Nishizawa – Fairness of an operational academic English listening test featuring non-standard accent inputs (paper presentation)
American Association of Applied Linguistics (March 19-22)
Crowther, Isbell, & Nishizawa – What characterizes ‘acceptable’ academic English speaking? Examining task and linguistic/temporal influences on university stakeholders’ judgments (poster)
- DeVore – Development of Syntactic Complexity in early learners of Mandarin: From prototypes to analyzed constructions (paper presentation)
- Gilliland, Kunkel, Qayyum, Larkin, Lee, & Suzuki – Teacher-Student Group Conferences in Online Writing Courses: Conference Talk, Textual Revision, and Student Attitudes (colloquium)
- Isbell, Lee, Jang – Linguistic and temporal influences on L2 Korean accentedness and comprehensibility (paper presentation)
- Ishiyama – “Native Check” Requirement and EAL Doctoral Students’ Writing Processes (paper presentation)
- Kunkel & Gilliland – Language teacher-researchers: Negotiating the boundary between knowledge creator and knowledge consumer (paper presentation)
- Nguyen & Higgins – Toward a Hawaiian Place of Learning: International Students’ Perspectives (paper presentation)
- Nishizawa, H. – The factor structure of an English listening test featuring non-standard accents (paper presentation)
- Polio, Vashti, DeVore, & Malone – Distinguishing language use among OPI proficiency levels by learners of Mandarin
TESOL International Convention and English Language Expo (March 22-25)
- Chang, Choe, & Holden – Examining Rater Effects on ESL Placement Essays Using Rasch Analyses (paper presentation)
Crowther, Gilliland, & Isbell – Assessing pre-service language teachers’ oral communication: A rubric development project (poster)
- Gilliland – Contextualizing General Concepts: Best Practices for Virtual MOOC Camps (poster)
- Gilliland, Kunkel, Qayyum, Larkin, Lee, & Suzuki – Lessons Learned from “Zooming” into Teacher-student Group Writing Conferences (panel)
- Kunkel & Gilliland – Onions, Twisters, and Field Trips: (Re)conceptualizing Action Research via Metaphor (paper presentation)
The 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing (March 24-26)
- Zhu & Grüter – Can structural priming support L2 learning of the Mandarin dative alternation? (poster)
Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (May 12-14)
- Zhu & Grüter – Does priming lead to learning? It depends on what you mean by learning (poster)
Psychology of Language Learning Conference (June 23-25)
- Crowther – Insight from task complexity on global speech production