680U (1) Topics in Second Language Studies: UseIntroduction to multilingual and multicultural perspectives and practices

SLS 680U, Topics in Second Language Studies: Use
Introduction to multilingual and multicultural perspectives on Hawaiʻi

SLS 680U - Introduction to Multilingual and Multicultural Perspectives and Practices
This course introduces students to concepts, theories, policies and practices of multilingual language use (spoken and written), supported by multicultural orientations and practices, within the contemporary context of Hawaiʻi as a society with substantial linguistic and cultural diversity, including indigenous populations, homegrown Pidgin speakers, sojourners and tourists, the results of successive waves of migration, colonization, and globalization. Though recognizing Hawaiʻiʻs unique features, the course also locates Hawai’i within a world in which multilingualism and multiculturalism have become (or always were) the norm in many communities.

The course will be of interest to graduate students with professional interests in language, arising from professional schools or areas such as education, law, social work, medicine, or business as well as those primarily interested in languages, multilingualism, multiculturalism, and applied linguistics.