93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (Jan 3rd – 6th; New York, USA)
Fred Zenker
Testing for adjunct island effects using topic structures in L1 Chinese and L1/L2 English
Fulbright Spain Mid-year Conference (Feb 7th; Valencia, Spain)
Kristin Rock
Writing in the Digital World
Hawai’i TESOL Conference 2019 (Feb 16th; Laie, O’ahu)
R. L. Hughes
Task Supported Academic Writing: Pre- and Post-Task Development & Sequencing
University of Hawai’i – UH System First Year Writing Symposium 2019 (March 2nd)
R. L. Hughes
Creatively Building a Student-Centered FYW Classroom: Task Supported Academic Writing
41st Language Testing Research Colloquium (March 4th – 8th; Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Ruslan Suvorov
Examination of test-taking strategies used for two item types during L2 listening assessment
American Association of Applied Linguistics 2019 (March 9th – 12th; Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Carrie Kristine Bach
“Omigosh lol It’s like me”: Emotions and cross-cultural affiliation on a Korean Facebook page
Ann Tai Choe
Complexity in L2 writing development: A complex dynamic systems theory perspective
Richard Day
The Component Skills of L2 Chinese Reading (with J. Zhou)
Christina Higgins
Localizing the global call center industry: Learning to serve customers in Hawai‘i (with G. Furukawa)
Chris Hunter
Critical English Language Teacher Identity and Practice in Japan: A Duoethnographic Exploration of Origins, Identities, and Obstacles (with Y. Nagashima)
Kristopher Kyle
Automatically assessing multiple features of lexical sophistication with TAALES
Geoffrey LaFlair
Identifying and understanding pragmatic language use in speaking assessments using corpus-based register analysis and systemic functional linguistics (with J. Egbert & S. Staples)
Hoa Vinh Le
A methodological review of L2 online, hybrid, and blended learning: Challenges and recommendations
Yu-Han Lin
Transition and Tradition in Taiwan: Family Relations During a Home Visit to a New Immigrant
Anna Mendoza
Confronting heritage plurilingualisms and cosmopolitan plurilingualisms in youth’s mixed language practices
Jayson Parba
Language Ideologies and Discourses of Philippine ELT on Webpages for Japanese EFL Learners (with T. Morikawa)
Patharaorn Patharakorn
Accomplishments in silence during a role-play assessment task: Construct irrelevance but interactional significance?
Parvaneh Rezaee
Membership in action: Identities in professional – client interaction
George Smith
The relationship between L2 vocabulary knowledge and listening comprehension ability: A meta-analysis
Fred Zenker & Kristopher Kyle
Development of text length guidelines for the measurement of lexical sophistication
Investigating Minimum Text Lengths for Lexical Diversity Indices
Nicole Ziegler
The role of metacognitive instruction on interactional feedback in the L2 classroom: Examining learners’ perceptions and performance across multiple modalities (with K. Moranski)
Multi-site studies in SLA research: Challenges, risks, and rewards (with K. Moranski)
TESOL 2019: International Convention and English Language Expo (March 12th – 15th; Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Betsy Gilliland
Preservice EFL Teachers’ Reflective Writing Assessed Through e-Portfolios
Response to Writing: Enduring Issues and New Frontiers
L2 Writing Pedagogy in Global Contexts: Challenges and Possibilities
Academic Writing Instruction for Bilingual/Multilingual Students
The 37th Conference of the Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (March 27th – 29th; Valladolid, Spain)
Kristin Rock
The Role of Multilingualism in the Processing of Spanish Clitics
33rd Hawai’i Association of Language Teachers Spring Conference (April 13th; Honolulu, Hawai’i)
Jarrid Baldwin
Teacher Training Development in the Miami Tribe
Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages with the UH CreaDivLang Group
University of Hawai’i – 23rd Annual College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature Graduate Student Conference (April 20th)
R. L. Hughes
Vocabulary Building Tasks: SLA of Indonesian as a Foreign Language
Micah Mizukami
Preliminary Analysis of Positioning and Rapport Maintenance in Japanese Classes
University of Hawai’i – Spring 2019 Undergraduate Showcase (May 3rd)
Victoria Lee
Tracking Potential Attrition in a Child SecondLanguage Learner’s Phonological Development after a Change in Learning Environment
CALICO Conference 2019 (May 21st – 25th; Montréal, Québec, Canada)
Marta González-Lloret, J. Scott Payne and Mery Diez-Ortega
Gaming for Beginner Level Learners
Eunsun Lee
Synchronous Auto-Translation Tool as an Affordance in Online Bilingual Communication
Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (May 24th – 25th; Seoul, Korea)
Haerim Hwang
Second language perception of English stops by Korean-speaking child learners: Effects of position and lexical knowledge
Interactional Competence and Practices in a Second Language (May 29th – 31st; Västerås, Sweden)
Ann Tai Choe
Epistemic Management in a Multiparty Conversation among L2 Speakers of English
16th International Pragmatics Conference (June 9th – 14th; Hong Kong)
Lin Chen
Getting Busy Doing Emotionality
Thinking, Learning, Doing 2019 Conference (June 17th – 19th; Jyväskylä, Finland)
Chau Truong
Dialectal Differences in a Vietnamese Heritage Classroom
The 2019 Conference of the International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (July 2nd – 5th; Mannheim, Germany)
Junichi Yagi
Embodied Activity Transitions in a Casual Studio Session
The 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (Aug 6th – 11th; Nishinomiya, Japan)
Haerim Hwang & Hye Young Jung (with H. Kim)
How do different processes of speaking and writing affect syntactic complexity in child second language production?
The 4th International Conference on Ecolinguistics (Aug 12th – 15th; Odense, Denmark)
Kevin Rickman
Everyday Eco-literacy: Making an Impact (with Jen Noel Fabel)
2019 International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (Aug 19th – 21st; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Carrie Bach
A corpus approach to functional adequacy at different proficiency levels
Marta González-Lloret (Invited Colloquium Convener)
Technology-mediated tasks: Development, implementation, and assessment
Hoa Vinh Le
Exploring L2 learners’ task-related Identities in a reading circle task through conversation analysis
Task-based needs analysis for an EAP hybrid course
Mery Diez-Ortega
Cognitive complexity and technology-mediated TBLT: An analysis of tasks characteristics in a Spanish 3D game
Kristin Rock
Creating a rubric to fit the task: An academic blog post
Nicole Ziegler
Meta cognitive training in a computer mediated task-based environment (Invited Colloquium Speaker)
Miscommunication in Maritime English: Insights from a Task-Based Needs Analysis
Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching (Sept 12th – 14th; Flagstaff, Arizona)
Hitoshi Nishizawa
The Dynamics of L2 Speech: Intelligibility, Comprehensibility, Accentedness and Language attitudes
Second Language Research Forum (Sept 20th – 22nd; East Lansing, Michigan)
Dustin Crowther
Accentedness and comprehensibility as predictors of task performance: listeners’ scalar-based vs. raters’ rubric- based scoring
The Construct of Accuracy in Oral Language Production Studies (Invited Colloquium Speaker)
‘I thought if I ever went undercover in Russia’: Foreign Language Motivation in a Military Context (with Z. Miller)
Wenyi Ling & Theres Grüter
Learning words with lexical tone: Does cue contrastive training help?
Hitoshi Nishizawa
Comprehension and perception of non- native speech and listeners’ background
Kristen Urada & Precious Arao
Task-induced involvement for Filipino foreign language learners
The 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Nov 7th – 10th; Boston, Massachusetts)
Haerim Hwang & Bonnie Schwartz
L2 acquisition of contrasts in interpretive ambiguity between VP ellipsis and gapping
The 18th Symposium on Second Language Writing (Nov 13th – 16th; Tempe, Arizona)
Kristin Rock
Designing an Analytic Rubric for an Online Writing Task
2019 Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English (Nov 21st – 24th; Baltimore, Maryland)
Anna Mendoza
Becoming inquirers: Examining the uses of inquiry in preservice teacher education (invited panelist)
Linguistic inquiries in English language arts classrooms
ACTFL 2019 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo (Nov 22nd – 24th; Washington, DC)
Adam Bramlett
Integrating Interactive Teaching Materials into Lower Level Chinese Class