Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT), Honolulu, Hawai’i; March 3–5, 2016
Ivan Banov
Reddit as a Medium for Foreign Language Learning
TESOL International Convention, Baltimore MD, April 5–8, 2016
Betsy Gilliland
Learning to teach beyond national borders
Postsecondary writing: Reflecting future writing expectations (panel)
Kendi Ho
Cross-cultural communication for home care workers in Hawai’i
Mitsuko Suzuki
Investigating EFL Learners’ L1 and L2 Interaction (poster)
Nicole Ziegler
Interaction in speaking and listening.TESOL’s Speech Pronunciation and Listening Interest Section (SPLIS)
American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, April 9–12, 2016
Christina Higgins
Localizing the global call center industry: Learning to serve customers in Hawai’i (individual paper)
Gerriet Janssen & Valerie Meier
Meeting the Challenges of Global Publishing in an EFL Environment: One Colombian University’s Pedagogical Response (paper in colloquium)
Gabriele Kasper, Matthew T. Prior (ASU) & Steven Talmy (UBC)
Identity in Action: Moving forward with Membership Categorization Analysis (colloquium)
Hanbyul Jung (SNU) & Gabriele Kasper
Program Evaluation in Focus Groups: Challenging a Contested Category (paper in same colloquium)
Sangki Kim & Eunseok Ro
When raters disagree in scoring writing performance assessments for EAP placement tests: Score negotiation as a social activity (individual paper)
Travis Lockwood
TESOL from the Other Side of the Fence: An Engaged Ethnographic Approach to L2 Writing Instruction in a Juvenile Hall (individual paper)
Prem Phyak
What Counts as Multilingualism in Education? Language Ideologies in Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education Policies and Practices (colloquium)
From linguistic nationalism to linguistic neoliberalism: Impacts of language ideologies in multilingual education policies and practices in Nepal (paper in same colloquium)
Jayson Parba
Language Ideologies and Flexible Multilingualism in the Philippines (paper in same colloquium)
Eunseok Ro
The social organization of extensive reading in a book club (poster)
Bal Krishna Sharma
Chinese in the Gobalizing Era: Negotiating Identities and Ideologies (colloquium)
Ideologies of the Chinese language in Nepali tourism industry (paper in same colloquium)
Nicole Ziegler & L. Plonsky
Two decades of CALL research in SLA: Insights from a second-order synthesis
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa College of Languages, Linguistics & Literature 20th Annual Graduate Student Conference, Honolulu Hawai’i, April 23, 2016
James Dean Brown
Senior Faculty Excellence in Scholarship & Research Award
In recognition of outstanding scholarship and research
Featured Speaker: Keys to Actually Doing Successful Mixed Methods Research
Ricky Domingo & Machiko Hasegawa
Japanese English Learner Motivation: The Influence of Japanese Culture and Society in L2 English Learners
Michael Garrett
Motivation, and Sexuality, and Second Language Acquisition: One man’s language quest for the perfect Korean woman
Dan Holden & Yang Liu
Place-based Language Learning: Re-Designing a MALL Game for an ESL Program
Hong Ri Kim
Korean Third Culture Kids and their pursuit of multilingualism
Yang Liu
Analyzing Intercultural Communication in a Chinese Talk Show
Elham Monfaredi
Telling Story, Teaching Grammar in a Persian Language Program
Emily Plumb
Ideologies of Literacy in a Samoan Community Language School
Kristin Rock
Learning Italian to Teach Spanish: A Diary Study
Ding Wang
Error treatment sequence and the effectiveness of corrective feedback in Chinese tutoring sessions
Sookmyung TESOL 20th Anniversary Celebration, Seoul, Korea; April 30, 2016
J.D. Brown
Rubrics in language assessment (plenary)
Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Murcia, Spain, June 15–18, 2016
Christina Higgins
Language attitudes as stance-taking: A discourse analytic study on intergenerational language transmission in Hawai‘i
Daniel Holden
A mobile-enabled place-making project: Expansion of cultural diversity and learning space (colloquium)
Gavin Lamb
This Must Be the Place: Language, Identity and Voices of Climate Change in the Pacific
Mónica Vidal
“Hola, Hello, Aloha, and Helloha”: The beginnings of a comparative study of Hawaiian Revitalization and Spanish/Italian Transmission
Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, Hawai’i; April 25–26, 2016
Jennifer Holdway
Mathematics and multilingual learners: Transformative learning through in-service teacher professional development
NAFSA (Association of International Educators) National Conference, Denver, CO; May 29–June 3, 2016
Joel Weaver, Trainer of Trainers
Induction workshop for new NAFSA Trainer Corps members
Enrichment workshop for continuing NAFSA Corps members
2nd International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies, Hong Kong; June 23–24, 2016
Jennifer Holdway
Language access to public services: Interpretation-related challenges to policy implementation in Hawai‘i
Third International Conference on Interactivity, Language and Cognition, Kingston University, London, UK; June 29–July 1, 2016
Daniel Holden
Languaging and Translanguaging
Conference on Psychology of Language Learning 2 (PLL2), Jyväskylä, Finland; August 22–24, 2016
Priscila Leal
Beliefs and emotions in the L2 classroom: Confronting the past, questioning the present, and imagining the future
European Second Language Association, Jyväskylä, Finland; August 24–27, 2016
J. L. Moreno Vega, S. Ruiz, M. Chinkina, S. Grey, W. Li, D. Meurers, P. Rebuschat, & Nicole Ziegler
Input enhancement meets ICALL: Theoretical and methodological implications
Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Teachers College, Columbia University; September 22–25, 2016
Hyunah Ahn
The incremental processing of linguistic and non-linguistic information in L2
C. M. Berger, S. A. Crossley, & K. Kyle
Using native-speaker word recognition norms to assess spoken lexical proficiency in L2 learners
Wei-Li Hsu
Lower and Higher-Level Processing Skills in L2 Chinese Reading Comprehension
K. Kyle & S. A. Crossley
Measuring longitudinal writing development: A usage based perspective
Wenyi Ling, Amy J. Schafer, & Theres Grüter
Identification and discrimination of tone by L2 learners of Mandarin
O. Parlak & Nicole Ziegler
The impact of recasts on the acquisition of lexical stress in a computer-mediated environment
Parvaneh Rezaee
The Organization of Repair and Language Search: A Case of Persian Language
Bethany Schwartz
L2 learners’ adaptation to teacher accent
George Smith & Nicole Ziegler
Exploring the effects of meta-cognitive instruction and peer interaction on learners’ L2 pronunciation awareness.
Nicole Ziegler & George Smith
Teacher individual differences: A first look at working memory, corrective feedback, and interaction in SCMC.
Universal Language Institute, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; October 8, 2016
Joel Weaver
How to improve Academic English skills for success in an American university
7th Regional ELT Conference, Colombo Americano Pereira-Cartago, Pereira, Colombia; October 13–14, 2016
J. D. Brown
Developing and using rubrics language classroom assessment (plenary)
Symposium on Second Language Writing (SSLW), Arizona State University; October 20–22, 2016
Jay Tanaka
Teacher cognition on the ideal EAP writing student
3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA), Indiana University, Bloomington; November 4–6, 2016
Parvaneh Rezaee
Participation Framework and Footing Shifts in a Bilingual Persian-Kurdish Service Encounter
41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD); November 4–6, 2016
Hyunah Ahn
The integration of linguistic and non-linguistic information in L2 sentence processing
Theres Grüter, Aya Takeda, Hannah Rohde, & Amy J. Schafer
L2 Listeners Show Anticipatory Looks to Upcoming Discourse Referents
Ryan Peters, Theres Grüter, & Arielle Borovsky
Language experience and skill alters the dynamics of lexical prediction in sentence processing
Fred Zenker & Bonnie D. Schwartz
Topicalization from adjuncts in English vs. Chinese vs. Chinese-English Interlanguage
42nd JALT Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Nagoya, Japan; November 25–28, 2016
J. D. Brown
Using assessment to improve teaching and learning: Language learning, assessment, and the brain (plenary)
Actually doing successful mixed-methods research (featured speech)
172nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Honolulu, Hawai’i, November 28–December 2, 2016
Wenyi Ling, Theres Grüter, & Amy J. Schafer
Categorical perception of Mandarin tone by Chinese-native, English-native and Chinese-as-a-second-language English listeners