AIP 50th anniversary physics vade mecum. NY: American Institute of Physics, 1981. ISBN 0883182890. Handbook covering the most important data, information, definitions etc from 22 subject areas of physics. QC61 .A37 Reference
AIP physics desk reference. 3rd ed. E. Richard Cohen, David R. Lide, George L. Trigg, eds. NY: Springer/AIP Press, 2003. ISBN 0387989730. QC61 .A37 2003
AIP style manual. 4th ed. N.Y.: American Institute of Physics, 1990. ISBN 088318642X.
"For guidance in writing, editing, and preparing physics manuscripts."
QC5.45 .A45 1990 Reference
American Institute of Physics handbook. American Institute of Physics. Bruce H. Billings [and others] ed. Dwight E. Gray. 3d ed. NY: McGraw-Hill 1972. ISBN 007001485X. QC61 .A5 1972
Biographical dictionary of scientists. Physicists. David Abbott ed. NY: P. Bedrick Books, 1984. ISBN 0911745793. QC15.B56 1984 Butsurigaku daijiten = McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of physics. Tokyo: Maruzen, 1989. ISBN 462103345X. QC5 .B87 1989 Reference
Cambridge illustrated thesaurus of physics. Teresa Rickards; ed. R.C. Denney and Stephen Foster. Cambridge; NY: Cambridge University Press, 1984. ISBN 0521263638. QC5 .R5 1984b
Concise dictionary of physics and related subjects. Thewlis, James, 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, 1979. ISBN 0080230482. QC5 .T5 1979
Concise handbook of mathematics and physics. Alenit︠s︡yn, A. G. (Aleksandr Georgievich). Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press; Moscow: Nauka Publishers, 1997. ISBN 0849377455 . QC61 .A4813 1997 Reference
Conversion tables of units in science & engineering. Ari L. Horvath. London: Macmillan, 1986. ISBN 0333408578. Q199 .C65 1986 Reference
CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics. Eric W. Weisstein. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1999. ISBN 0849396409. QA5.W45 1999
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 86th ed.(2005/2006). Cleveland, Ohio: CRC Press, 1977-. ISBN 0147-6262.
ebook: CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics
QD65 .H3
SciTech Reference Desk
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae. 31st ed.(2003). Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991-. QA47.M315 Reference
Dictionary of pure and applied physics. Boca Raton, Fla.; London: CRC Press, 2000. ISBN 084932890X. QC5 .D485 2001 Reference
Dictionary of the physical sciences: terms, formulas, data, tables. Emiliani, Cesare. NY: Oxford University Press, 1987. ISBN 0195036514. Q123.E46 1987
Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics: general, nuclear, solid state, molecular, chemical, metal and vacuum physics, astronomy, geophysics, biophysics, and related subjects. ed. J. Thewlis eds: R.C. Glass, D.J. Hughes, A.R. Meetham. 9 v. Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, 1961-1964. QC5 .E52
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology. Robert A. Meyers ed. 3rd ed. 18 v. San Diego: Academic Press, 2002-. ISBN 0122274105. Q123.E497 2002
Encyclopedia of physics. 3rd ed. Robert M. Besan con. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1985. ISBN 0442257783. QC5 .E546 1985
Encyclopedia of physics. ed. Rita G. Lerner and George L. Trigg. NY: VCH, 1991 (1990?). ISBN 0895737523. QC5 .E545 1991
English-Russian physics dictionary [Anglo-russki fizicheskii slovar]. Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, 1978. ISBN 0080230571. QC5 .A55 1978
Facts on File dictionary of physics. 3rd ed. John Daintith and John Clark eds. NY: Facts On File, 1999. ISBN 0816039119. Concise dictionary intended for students. QC5 .F34 1999.
Fundamental formulas of physics. NY: Dover Publications [1960]. QA40.M492
GRE: practicing to take the physics test. 3rd ed. Princeton, NJ: Graduate Record Examinations, Educational Testing Service, 1997. ISBN 0446396346. QC32 .P73 1997 Exams
Handbook of physical quantities. Igor S. Grigoriev and Evgenii Z. Meilikhoved. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997. ISBN 0849328616. In-depth commonly used numerical data. QC61 .H36 1997 Reference
Handbook of physics. E. U. Condon and Hugh Odishaw ed. 2d ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1967. QC21 .C7 1967
Handbook of physics. Walter Benenson ... [et al.] NY: Springer, 2002.ISBN 0387952691. QC61 .T3713 2002
Handbook of vacuum science and technology. ed. Dorothy M. Hoffman, Bawa Singh, John H. Thomas, III. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1998. ISBN 0123520657. TJ940 .H59 1998
Handbuch der Physik. (Encyclopedia of physics). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1956-1962. 54 v. QC21 .H1912
Instrumentation reference book. 3rd ed. Ed. Walt Boyes. Boston; Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann,c2003. ISBN 0750671238. QC53 .I574 2003 Reference
International critical tables of numerical data, physics, chemistry and technology. National Research Council (U.S.). 1st ed. NY [etc.] Pub. for the National Research Council by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, inc. Q199.N2 Reference
Macmillan dictionary of physics. Lord, M. P. London: Macmillan Reference Books, 1986. ISBN 033342377. QC5 .L67 1986
Macmillan encyclopedia of physics. John S. Rigden, ed. NY: Macmillan Reference USA, 1996. 4 v. QC5 .M15 1996
Mathematical methods for physicists. George B. Arfken. 6th ed. Boston: Elsevier, 2005. ISBN 0120598760. Mathematical methods for physics students. QA37.3.A74 2005
McGraw-Hill dictionary of physics and mathematics. Daniel N. Lapedes ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1978. ISBN 0070454809. QC5 .M23.
McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms. 6th ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003. ISBN 007042313X. Q123.M15 2003 Reference
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology. 9th ed. 20 v. NY: McGraw-Hill, 2002. ISBN 0079136656. Q121.M3 2002 Reference
Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology: comprehensive index for 6th edition 1950-1980 and new series 1961- 1985 [Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik]. Berlin; NY: Springer-Verlag, 1987. ISBN 0387166750. Comprehensive data from physics and related fields. QC61 .L2362 1987
Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology: comprehensive index for 6th edition 1950-1980 and new series 1961- 1985. Berlin; NY: Springer-Verlag, 1987. ISBN 0387166750. Reference QC61 .L2362 1987 Reference
Periodical Title Abbreviations: by abbreviation. 2 vols. 16th ed. To figure out what that tricky journal title abbreviation stands for. PN4832 .A38 SciTech Reference Desk
Physicist’s desk reference. Herbert L. Anderson ed. NY: American Institute of Physics, 1989. ISBN 0883186292. QC61 .P49 1989 Reference
Physics handbook: fundamentals and key equations. Charles P. Poole, Jr. NY: John Wiley, 1998. ISBN 0471181730. QC61.P65 1998
Physics quick reference guide. Cohen, E. Richard, NY: American Institute of Physics, 1995. ISBN 1563961431. QC61 .C65 1995
Practicing scientist's handbook: a guide for physical and terrestrial scientists and engineers. Alfred J. Moses. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1978. ISBN 0442255845. QC173.397.M67 Reference
Smithsonian physical tables. William Elmer Forsythe. 9th rev. ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1954. QC61 .S6 1954 Reference
Tables of physical and chemical constants and some mathematical functions. Kaye, G. W. C. 15th ed. London; NY: Longman, 1986. ISBN 0582463548. QC61 .K3 1986
Tables of physical and chemical constants and some mathematical functions. G.W.C. Kaye and T.H. Laby. 15th ed. London; NY: Longman, 1986. ISBN 0582463548. QC61 .K3 1986
Tables of physical and chemical constants. Kaye, G. W. 16th ed. Essex, England; NY: Longman, 1995. ISBN 0582226295. QC61 .K3 1995 SciTech Reference Desk
Allen's astrophysical quantities.4th ed. NY: AIP Press: Springer, 2000. ISBN 0387987460. Extensive astrophysics quantities. QB461.A564 2000 Reference
Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews, 1963-. ISBN 0066-4146. Reviews of various branches of astronomy. QB1.A2884
Astronomy and astrophysics abstracts. Berlin: Springer-Vela. ISSN 0067-0022. Comprehensive print index of astronomy and astrophysics literature. QB1.A798 Reference
Astrophysical formulae. 3rd enl. and rev. ed. NY: Springer, 1999. ISBN 354061267X. Formulas employed in astronomy, astrophysics, and general physics. QB461.L36 1999 Reference
Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics: general, nuclear, solid state, molecular, chemical, metal and vacuum physics, astronomy, geophysics, biophysics, and related subjects. ed. J. Thewlis eds: R.C. Glass, D.J. Hughes, A.R. Meetham. 9 v. Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, 1961-1964. QC5 .E52
Encyclopedia of astronomy and astrophysics. Bristol; Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Pub.; London; NY: Nature Pub. Group, 2001. ISBN 0333750888. QB14.E534 2001 Reference
Scientific companion: exploring the physical world with facts, figures, and formulas. Cesare Emiliani. Wiley science editions. NY: Wiley, 1988. ISBN 0471624837. QB981.E58 1988
Soviet scientific reviews. Chur, Switzerland; NY: Harwood Academic. ISBN 0143-0432. To bring to the international community important developments in Soviet space sciences. QB460.S67
Absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible region. Budapest: Akadémia Kiadó, 1959-. ISBN 0065-0412. QC437 .L32 Reference
Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics. NY: Academic Press, 1965-. ISBN 1049-250X. Articles somewhere between "scientific journals and a monograph." QC173.A2543
Atomic, molecular, & optical physics handbook. Gordon W.F. Drake ed.. Woodbury, NY: American Institute of Physics, 1996. ISBN 156396242X. QC173.A827 1996 Reference
CRC handbook of laser science and technology. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1982. ISBN 0849335019. TA1675 .L38 1982
Handbook of optical constants of solids. Edward D. Palik ed. Orlando: Academic Press, 1998. ISBN 0125444206. QC176.8.O6 H36 1998 Reference
Handbook of optics. Optical Society of America. 2nd ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1995. ISBN 007047740X. QC369 .H35 1995
Handbook of optics. Optical Society of America; Michael Bass [et al.] ed. 2nd ed. ISBN 007047740X. QC369 .H35 1995 Reference
Optics source book. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1988. ISBN 0070455066. Reference book introducing major aspects of optics. QC355.2 .O69 1988 Reference
Practicing scientist's handbook: a guide for physical and terrestrial scientists and engineers. Alfred J. Moses. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1978. ISBN 0442255845. QC173.397.M67 Reference
Progress in optics. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co., ISBN 0079-6638. Current review articles in optics. QC351 .P7
Atomic Physics and related subjects
Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics. NY: Academic Press, 1965-. ISBN 1049-250X. QC173.A2543
Atomic, molecular, & optical physics handbook. Gordon W.F. Drake ed.. Woodbury, NY: American Institute of Physics, 1996. ISBN 156396242X. QC173.A827 1996 Reference
Compendium of thermophysical property measurement methods. NY: Plenum Press,1984-. ISBN 0306414244. QC176.8.T4 C66 1984 Reference
Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths. ed. Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr. and LeRoy Eyring. Amsterdam ; NY: North-Holland Pub. Co.; NY: Elsevier North-Holland, 1978-. ISBN 0444850228. QD172.R2 H26
Practicing scientist's handbook: a guide for physical and terrestrial scientists and engineers. Alfred J. Moses. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1978. ISBN 0442255845. QC173.397.M67 Reference
Thermophysical properties of matter; the TPRC data series; a comprehensive compilation of data. Y. S. Touloukian ed. NY, IFI/Plenum, 1970-[79]. ISBN 0306670208. QC171.P83
Annual review of nuclear and particle science. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews. ISBN 0163-8998. Current review articles. QC770 .A5
Elsevier's dictionary of nuclear science and technology in six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and German. 2nd rev. ed. Clason, W.E. comp. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1970. ISBN 044440810X. QC772 .E4
Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics: general, nuclear, solid state, molecular, chemical, metal and vacuum physics, astronomy, geophysics, biophysics, and related subjects. ed. J. Thewlis eds: R.C. Glass, D.J. Hughes, A.R. Meetham. 9 v. Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, 1961-1964. QC5 .E52
Q is for quantum: an encyclopedia of particle physics. John Gribbin ; ed. By Mary Gribbin; illustrations by Jonathan Gribbin; timelines by Benjamin Gribbin. NY: Free Press, 1998. ISBN 068485578X. QC793.2.G747 1998
World nuclear directory. Harlow, Essex: Longman Group; Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research, 1981-. ISBN 0582017769. A "guide to organizations and research activities on atomic energy." QC770.A2 W67
Absorption spectra in the ultraviolet and visible region. Budapest: Akadémia Kiadó, 1959-. ISBN 0065-0412. QC437 .L32 Reference
Aldrich library of FT-IR spectra. Pouchert, Charles J. Milwaukee, Wis.: Aldrich Chemical Co., 1985. QD96.I5 P66 1985 Reference
Aldrich library of infrared spectra. Pouchert, Charles J. 3rd ed. Milwaukee, Wis.: Aldrich Chemical Co., 1981. QD96 .I5 P67 1981 SciTech Reference Desk
Coblentz Society desk book of infrared spectra. Clara D. Craver, ed. 2nd ed. Kirkwood, MO: The Society, 1982. QC457 .C687 1982 Reference
Eight peak index of mass spectra. 2nd ed. Aldermaston: Mass Spectometry Data Centre, 1974. ISBN 085518051X. QC454.M3 M36 1974
Encyclopedia of spectroscopy. Perkampus, Heinz-Helmut. Weinheim; NY: VCH, 1995. ISBN 3527292810. QC450.3 .P47 1995 Reference
Massachusetts Institute of Technology wavelength tables. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1969-. ISBN 0262080028. QC453 .M36 1969 Reference
Advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics. NY: Academic Press, 1965-. ISBN 1049-250X. QC173.A2543
Atomic, molecular, & optical physics handbook. Gordon W.F. Drake ed.. Woodbury, NY: American Institute of Physics, 1996. ISBN 156396242X. QC173.A827 1996 Reference
Compendium of thermophysical property measurement methods. NY: Plenum Press,1984-. ISBN 0306414244. QC176.8.T4 C66 1984 Reference
Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics: general, nuclear, solid state, molecular, chemical, metal and vacuum physics, astronomy, geophysics, biophysics, and related subjects. ed. J. Thewlis eds: R.C. Glass, D.J. Hughes, A.R. Meetham. 9 v. Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, 1961-1964. QC5 .E52
Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths. ed. Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr. and LeRoy Eyring. Amsterdam ; NY: North-Holland Pub. Co.; NY: Elsevier North-Holland, 1978-. ISBN 0444850228. QD172.R2 H26
Practicing scientist’s handbook: a guide for physical and terrestrial scientists and engineers. Alfred J. Moses. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1978. ISBN 0442255845. QC173.397.M67 Reference
Compendium of thermophysical property measurement methods. NY: Plenum Press,1984-. ISBN 0306414244. QC176.8.T4 C66 1984 Reference
Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics: general, nuclear, solid state, molecular, chemical, metal and vacuum physics, astronomy, geophysics, biophysics, and related subjects. ed. J. Thewlis eds: R.C. Glass, D.J. Hughes, A.R. Meetham. 9 v. Oxford; NY: Pergamon Press, 1961-1964. QC5 .E52
Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths. ed. Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr. and LeRoy Eyring. Amsterdam ; NY: North-Holland Pub. Co.; NY: Elsevier North-Holland, 1978-. ISBN 0444850228. QD172.R2 H26
Practicing scientist's handbook: a guide for physical and terrestrial scientists and engineers. Alfred J. Moses. NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1978. ISBN 0442255845. QC173.397.M67 Reference
Solid-state physics source book. Sybil P. Parker, ed. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1988. ISBN 007045503. QC176.S63 1988 Reference
International research centers directory. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co., ISBN 0278-2731. AS8 .I57
Research centers directory. Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Co., ISBN 0080-1518. AS25 .R4
Who's who in science and engineering. 2nd ed. Wilmette, Ill.: Marquis Who’s Who, 1995. ISSN 1063-5599. Q141.W576 Reference
Careers in science and technology: an international perspective. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1995. ISBN 0309054273. Q147 .C257 1995
Dissertations in physics; an indexed bibliography of all doctoral theses accepted by American universities, 1861-1959. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1961. Z7140 .M3 SciTech Reference
Landing your first job: a guide for physics students. Rigden, John S. College Park, MD: American Institute of Physics, Career Services Division, 2002. ISBN 0735400806. QC29 .R45 2002
Physical sciences career directory. Detroit: Gale Research, 1994- ISSN 1074-2824. Q147.P48 Reference
Concise handbook of mathematics and physics. Alenit︠s︡yn, A. G. (Aleksandr Georgievich). Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press; Moscow: Nauka Publishers, 1997. ISBN 0849377455. QC61 .A4813 1997 Reference
CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics. Eric W. Weisstein. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1999. ISBN 0849396409. QA5.W45 1999
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae. 31st ed.(2003). Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991-. QA47.M315 Reference
Fundamental formulas of physics. NY: Dover Publications [1960]. QA40.M492
Mathematical methods for physicists. George B. Arfken. 6th ed. Boston: Elsevier, 2005. ISBN 0120598760. QA37.3.A74 2005
Directory of grants in the physical sciences. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1986-. ISSN 0890-541X. Q180.U5 D4593
Foundation colelction 1st floor main
Handbook for grant proposal preparation. Ann M. Peters ..[et al.]. Washington, D.C.: Printed and distributed by the Linguistic Society of America, [1986]. Q180.55.p7h3 1986 Foundation collection 1st floor main
Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics
Aldrich library of FT-IR spectra. Pouchert, Charles J. Milwaukee, Wis.: Aldrich Chemical Co., 1985. QD96.I5 P66 1985 Reference
Aldrich library of infrared spectra. Pouchert, Charles J. 3rd ed. Milwaukee, Wis.: Aldrich Chemical Co., 1981. QD96 .I5 P67 1981 SciTech Reference Desk
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 86th ed.(2005/2006). Cleveland, Ohio: CRC Press, 1977-. ISBN 0147-6262. QD65 .H3 Reference Desk
Dictionary of organic compounds. 5th ed. 7 v. NY: Chapman and Hall, 1982. ISBN 0412170000. QD246 .D5 1982 Reference
Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths. ed. Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr. and LeRoy Eyring. Amsterdam ; NY: North-Holland Pub. Co.; NY: Elsevier North-Holland, 1978-. ISBN 0444850228. QD172.R2 H26
International Encyclopedia of heat & mass transfer. ed. G.F. Hewitt, G.L. Shires, Y.V. Polezhaev. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1997. ISBN 0849393566. QC320.4 .I57 1997 Reference
Dictionary of thermodynamics. A. M. James. NY: Wiley, 1976. ISBN 0470150351. QC310.3 .J35 1976 Reference
Handbook of thermodynamic tables and charts. Raznjevic, Kuzman. Washington: Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1976. ISBN 0070512701. QC311.3 .R3913 Reference
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