Submitted by: Residential Services Division
Orgainization: Hawaiian Electric Company


     3                   large turnips
     1                   medium carrot
     1                   medium green pepper
     2 tablespoons       salt
     2/3 cup             sugar
     1/2 cup             vinegar
Pare turnips and carrot; cut into lengthwise halves, then cut crosswise slices 1/8 inch thick. Cut green pepper into 1 1/2 X 1/4 inch strips. Mix vegetables with salt; let stand 1 hour. Rince and squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Pack into quart jar. In small saucepan, cook sugar and vinegar until sugar dissolves; cool. Pour over vegetables. Refrigerate several days before serving. Serve with Sweet and Sour Spareribs. Makes one quart.
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