Submitted by: Residential Services Division
Organization: Hawaiian Electric Company


     2 lb                medium shrimp
                         deep fat for frying
     1 cup               flour
     1 cup               cornstarch
     1/4 teaspoon        monosodium glutamate
     1/4 teaspoon        salt
     1                   egg yolk, slightly beaten
     1 tablespoon        sherry
     1 cup               cold water
Shell and clean shrimp leaving tails on. Lightly slash underside diagonally. Heat deep fat to 365 degrees F. Sift the one cup flour with constarch and seasonings. Combine egg yolk, sherry and water; stir into flour mixture. Sip shrimp in flour, then batter, and fry until lightly browned. Drain and serve immediately. Makes three dozen.
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