Kim Chee (My Recipe)

Yields 1 quart


     1 lb      Chinese (celery or Nappa) cabbage
     1         large carrot
     1/4 lb    white Oriental (Daikon) radishes
     2         scallions, thinly sliced
     1/4 cup   soy sauce
     1/2 cup   water
     2 Tbs     honey
     3 Tbs     cider vinegar
     1 tsp     fresh ginger, minced
     4 cloves  garlic
     2 to 4    hot red peppers, dried, 2 inches long, split

  1. Slice the cabbage lengthwise into quarters. Remove the tough core and then slice the quarters into 1 to 2 inch-long pieces.
  2. Slice the carrot and radishes lengthwise and then into 2 inch-long sections. Slice the sections into very thin strips.
  3. Toss cabbage, carrot and radishes with the scallions, soy sauce and water. Cover loosely and let stand overnight.
  4. Drain liquid from the vegetables into a bowl. Add honey and vinegar to the liquid and stir well until honey is dissolved.
  5. Add ginger, garlic and peppers to the vegetables and pack them into sterilized jars. Pour liquid into the jars. If more liquid is needed to cover vegetables, add water.
  6. Cover loosely with a lid and let sit at room temperature for 3 to 5 days to ferment. The liquid will bubble and the flavor will become sour.
  7. Refrigerate the Kim Chee for 3 to 4 days. The cabbage will become translucent and will be ready to serve.

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