Submitted by: Residential Services Division
Orgainization: Hawaiian Electric Company


     3 cups              flour
     1 cup               sugar
     1/2 teaspoon        soda
     1/2 teaspoon        salt
     1 1/2 cups          shortening
     1                   egg, beaten
     1 teaspoon          almond extract
                         red food coloring
Preheat electric oven to 350 degrees F. Sift flour with sugar, soda and salt into a large bowl. Mix in shortening and knead thoroughly (8 to 10 minutes). Combine egg and almond extract; stir into flour mixture. Mix well. Shape into balls using 1 tablespoon of dough. Place on ungreased baking sheets and make a depression in the top with the thumb. Dip the blunt end of a chopstick in red food coloring and press into the top of each cookie. A blanchend almond may be pressed into the center of each instead of red coloring. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes. Makes six dozen.
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