Organization: UCLA Microcomputer Support Office


     1 lb           ground beef
     1 lb           italian sausage (or a tube of Jimmy Dean Sage pork
     1 can (7oz)    diced green chilis
     1 large        onion, chopped or diced (Maui no ka oi!)
     1 large        bell pepper, chopped or diced
     1-2 cloves     garlic, pressed, diced, chopped, whatever Beatriz
     2 pkgs         chili mix (Lawrys, etc)
                    {or to make your own, use the following spices:
                    chili powder, cayenne, cumin, paprika, salt,
                    pepper, sage & basil. I can't tell you
                    proportions, 'cause I just shake out spice until
                    it 'tastes right'}
     1 can (32 oz?) crushed or whole tomatoes
     1 can (16 oz)  kidney beans\
     1 can (16 oz)  white beans  --don't drain out the 'juice'!
     1 can (16 oz)  black beans /
Get a big pot (dutch oven should be right size).

Brown beef & sausage (do the pork first!). After it's all browned, add the chili mix/spices (for extra-hot, add more cayenne & a few dashes of tabasco sauce). Use butter or margarine for browning, NOT OIL!

In separate pan, saute green chilis, onion, bell pepper & garlic in butter or margarine. (do the bell peppers first for about 3 mins) Add sauteed stuff to the pot with the meat. Add the rest of the ingredients (don't drain out the beans!). Simmer for 3-4 hours, uncovered, stirring occasionally. If the chili is too 'wet', add masa flour or some cornstarch to thicken it up.

Make da rice (you know how!) Put da chili on top da rice & eat 'em up!

PS: Beer *in* the chili is optional. Beer *with* the chili is required.

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