Responsibility of Vendors
The University requires the electronic submission of various quotes and bids in order to meet statutory competitive purchasing requirements. Vendors have the responsibility to register with the University’s electronic systems and submit offers in accordance with each solicitation. In order to be awarded a contract, vendors must comply with all requirements of the solicitation, submit the most advantageous offer and provide proof of compliance with the laws regulating entities doing business with the State of Hawaiʻi.
Getting Started
- Register with Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) and follow instructions to submit for a certificate of vendor compliance.
- Register for SuperQuotes and HePS.
- Find a University bidding opportunity.
Hawaii Compliance Express Registration
A strict condition of vendor responsibility is compliance with all laws governing entities doing business with the State of Hawaiʻi. Proof of compliance is maintained through the State’s electronic Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) system. HCE produces a certificate of vendor compliance which is required for the award of any contract or payment over $2500.
- Visit Hawaii Compliance Express to register.
- Watch the Create an Account help video or view the transcript guide for step-by-step instructions.
SuperQuotes Registration
Vendors must register with and login to the SuperQuotes by CommercePoint electronic quotation system in order to view and respond to University small purchase procurements. Awards will be issued through SuperQuotes to the vendor that submits the lowest responsive quote.
SuperQuotes is a free to register, free to use system that only assesses a .00125% fee to the awarded vendor of each solicitation.
- Visit
- Click on the Click Here to Sign Up button to fill out and submit the Vendor Sign-Up Form. For assistance, email or call (808) 956-5934.
Hawaii Electronic Procurement System (HePS) Registration
Vendors must register with and login to the HePs by SicommNet, electronic procurement system, in order to respond to University invitation for bids (IFB). Awards will be issued through HePS to the vendor that submits the lowest responsive, responsible bid.
HePS is a free to register, free to use system that only assesses a .00725% fee ($5000 cap) to the awarded vendor of each solicitation.
- Visit
- Click on the Begin Secure Registration button to begin registration.
Additional Requirements
Any additional requirements to become a vendor will be stated as an obligation in the solicitation document. Any questions about these requirements should be directed to the purchasing agent responsible for that solicitation.