Introduction: |
 FN "Why the Freedomist Network?" ( 4/16/05) |
"The Solution
to Mass Poverty" (12/12/08) |
Democracy/Nondemocracies: |
"Unchaining Human Rights, Not Imposing
(11/28/08) |
“The Realism of Helping People Cast off Their Chains”
(12/12/08) |
 FN “DemocracyNews, 5/05”
( 5/5/05) |
 FN “The WMD's Democracy Alert”
( 5/15/05) |
 FN “Organization of American States
Democracy Declaration” ( 6/5/05) |
 FN "New Democracy List" ( 7/7/05) |
 FN "Promoting Democracy -- from Rhetoric to
Reality" By Colleague ( 7/31/05) |
"Redefining Historical Democracy" (4/6/09) |
"What Makes Democracy Permanent?" (1/30/09) |
 FN: "The Transatlantic Democracy network"
( 9/17/05) |
"On the "liberal" of liberal democracy"
(1/2/09) |
"Are Democracies Least Corrupt?" (5/8/09) |
 "The Quiet March of Democratic Freedom"
( 12/20/05) |
"The Wisdom Of The Demos" (2/24/09) |
"Alliance of Democracies (Swedish Version)"
(1/24/09) |
"The World Movement for Democracy" (1/21/09) |
"Happiness -- This Utilitarian Argument For
Freedom Is True" (1/16/09) |
"World Public Opinion About Democracy"
(1/12/09) |
"Global Corruption and Democracy 2006"
(1/12/09) |
" How To Effectively Democratize" (1/10/09) |
 "This And That On Democracy/Democratization"
( 3/12/06) |
 "Do Non-Western Cultures Prevent
Democratization?" ( 1/1/09) |
 Repost: "Promoting Democracy-From Rhetoric to
Reality" ( 4/16/06) |
 Freedom (liberal democracy)
“Freedomist vs. Libertarian -- A Debate challenge” (12/13/08) |
“Freedom and Human Security” (6/17/9) |
"Telecommunications and the Rise of Political Liberty" (12/13/08) |
 Response to the Challenge |
"Knap Responding to the Freedomist Challenge"
(12/14/08) |
 "Knapp's Response: A Rebuttal, Part I"
( 6/
8/05) |
 "Not Imposed—Freedom’s a Right"
( 1/25/05) |
"Political Freedom Vs. Economic Freedom and
Wealth" (6/18/09)
 "Freedom Saves and Enriches Life" ( 3/21/05) |
"The Free
Market as Utopia" (1/8/09) |
 Repost: "Not
Imposed-Freedom's a Right" ( 11/15/05) |
Free People Happier and More Satisfied?" (5/6/09) |
"Why Foster
Global Freedom?" (1/10/09) |
 "Update And
Audio Of The Blue Book Of Freedom" ( 4/25/06) |
 Freedomism |
"Libertarian Is Out -- Neolibertarian Is In"
(12/15/08) |
 "The Freedomist Network Site" ( 4/18/05) |
 "Partisanship for Freedom" ( 4/17/05) |
"American Vs. French Revolutions: A
Freedomist View" (6/11/09) |
"A Freedomist View of Libertarianism"
(1/19/09) |
 FN "Knowing and Doing--Freedomism's Triangle"
( 4/20/05) |
"Understanding the Spontaneous Society"
(2/6/09) |
 "Dictatorships -- A Crime Against Humanity"
( 12/5/08) |
 and Famines |
 OC “
Democracy? Prosperous and No Famine Ever ” ( 2/23/05)
"If Democracies
Have No Famines, What About India?" (5/28/09) |
 "Is Niger the
Exception to Democracies Never Have Famines?" ( 8/8/05) |
 and Wealth/Poverty
"Why Poor
Nations? It’s Power, Of Course" (1/4/09) |
 FN "The
Economic Freedom Network" ( 4/24/05) |
 "The Windfall
for Dictators" ( 6/13/05) |
"What Countries
Are Best For Business?" (2/2/09) |
 "Dictatorships -- A Crime Against Humanity"
( 12/5/08) |
"Tyrants Several Times Deadlier Than Natural
Disasters" (2/13/09) |
 "On This Freedom's Principles
Book Blog "( 5/2/05) |
 FP "Chapter 1. On Freedom" (
5/4/05) |
 FP "Chapter 2. Freedom is a State of Mind"
( 5/5/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 3. The Subjectivity Principle"
( 5/7/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 4. The Intentionality Principle"
( 5/11/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 5. The Self-Esteem Principle"
( 5/14/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 6. The Expectation Principle"
( 5/22/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 7. The Responsibility Principle"
( 5/31/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 8. The First Master Principle"
( 6/4/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 9. The Communication Principle"
( 6/11/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 10. The Power Principle"
( 6/19/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 11. The Conflict Principle"
( 6/26/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 12. The Cooperation Principle"
( 7/3/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 13. The Gap Principle" ( 7/9/05) |
 FP " CHAPTER 14. The Helix Principle"
( 7/16/05) |
 FP " CHAPTER 15. The Second Master Principle"
( 7/25/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 16. The Universality Principle"
( 7/31/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 17. The Trisocial Principle"
( 8/9/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 18. The Violence Principle"
( 8/25/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 19. The Polarity Principle"
( 9/11/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 20. The Third Master Principle"
( 9/25/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 21. The Field Principle"
( 10/15/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 22. The Exchange Principle"
( 11/22/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 23. The Freedom Principle"
( 12/15/05) |
 FP "CHAPTER 24. The War Principle" ( 1/10/06) |
 FP "CHAPTER 25. The Fourth Master Principle"
( 2/8/06) |
 FP "CHAPTER 26. The Commonality Principle"
( 2/8/06) |
"How To Make Peace -- Understand Freedom"
(1/7/09) |
 "CHAPTER 27. The Peacemaking Principle"
( 3/30/06) |
"How To Keep The Peace -- Understand Power"
(1/2/09) |
 "CHAPTER 28. The Peacekeeping Principle"
( 4/13/06) |
"The Peacefostering Principle" (12/11/08) |
 Democratic Peace
 In General |

"The World’s Most Important Bibliography" ( 12/16/08) |
“The World’s Greatest
Q&A” [On the democratic peace] (2/21/09 |
 "Democratic Peace Lost and Found" ( 6/29/05 |
 "Ending War, Democide & Famine Through
Democratic Freedom" ( 7/4/05 |
" Visualizing the Democratic Peace" (2/3/09 |
 " More on Visualizing the Democratic Peace"
( 7/18/05) |
 "Charting the Democratic Peace" ( 7/24/05) |
"The Democratic Peace"
(3/5/09) |
 "The Incredible Democratic Peace Chart, V.13"
( 8/10/05) |
 "The Incredible Democratic Peace Chart,
Backside" ( 8/11/05) |
 "Democratic Peace Chart V.14 Frontside"
( 8/12/05) |
 "The Democratic Peace Chart V.8" ( 8/14/05) |
 "The Exquisite Democratic Peace Chart V.5,
Frontside" ( 8/15/05) |
 "Holy Mackeral -- See Revised Democratic
Peace Chart V.9, Backside" ( 8/16/05) |
 "The World's Greatest Democratic Peace Charts
[final version]" ( 9/5/05) |
 FN: "What Do Americans think of the
Democratic Peace?" ( 10/1/05) |
 "American International Relations Society"
( 11/16/05) |
 "Joy Phim Democratic Peace Institute"
( 11/17/05) |
"Democracy Is A Method of Nonviolence Part I"
(1/23/09) |
"Democracy Is A Method of Nonviolence Part
II" (1/23/09) |
 "Reading The Book Power Kills"
( 3/30/06) |
"Still More Evidence For No Wars Between
Democracies" (12/31/08) |
 Repost: "What Do Americans Think Of The
Democratic Peace?" ( 4/19/06) |
"The Best Discovery Since Fire-Pax
Democratica" (12/09/08) |
 Misunderstandings/Misinterpretations/ Distortions
 "What? Violence is Everywhere?" ( 4/26/03) |
OC "Counting the Democratic Peace Away
" (5/14/09) |
"The Ukrainian Crises Discredits the
Democratic Peace. What??" (12/01/08) |
"Another Expert Wrong about Democracy" (1/6/09) |
 "Libertarian to the Barricade" ( 1/23/05) |

“If Not Stupid, Then What?” ( 2/20/05) |
 “What? Hitler Was Not Elected?”
( 12/16/08) |
 "The Democratic Peace A Matter of Definition?
No Way" ( 7/14/05) |
"Subjective Perception and the Democratic
Peace" (3/18/09) |
"The CATO Institute Gets It All Wrong"
(3/10/09) |
"Still Not 50 Times Better Than
Democracy--Part I" (3/19/09) |
"Still Not 50 Times Better Than
Democracy--Part II" (3/20/09) |
"Arguments Against the Democratic Peace"
(5/13/09) |
 "Does Incomplete Democratization Risk War?"
( 1/7/09) |
"On Democratization And Its Globalization"
(4/24/09) |
"Is The Democratic Peace Elusive?" (1/22/09) |
 "More of CATO's Anti-Democratic Peace
Prejudice" ( 1/19/06) |
"The Myth Of "The Myth Of Democratic Peace""
(1/20/09) |
 "Again-Incomplete Democratization DOES NOT
Risk War" ( 3/28/06) |
 Regarding Democide |

" Even Elie Wiesel Doesn’t Get It" ( 12/17/08) |
"It's Not
Hopeless -- There Is An Antidote" (6/4/09) |
 And Foreign Policy of |
 OC " Introductory comments on Krauthammer's
lecture" ( 12/17/08) |
"Global Peace And Human Security Are Not Hopeless
" (3/24/09) |
 OC "A Forward Strategy of Freedom" ( 11/10/03) |
 "The Democratic Peace—From
Science to Foreign Policy" ( 1/20/05) |

“Rice’ing Expectations for Freedom” ( 2/9/05) |
 “Bush: Down With Tyranny –
Everywhere” ( 3/9/05) |
 FN “ Sec. Rice Speech at the
Community of Democracies” ( 5/4/05) |
 FN "The Advance Democracy Act"
( 5/22/05) |
 FN "Promoting Democracy Through
Diplomacy" ( 5/17/05) |
 "The "Peace" of Nuclear
Nonproliferation" ( 3/12/09) |
"Nukes For Democracies" (4/1/09) |
 FN "Promoting Democracy -- from
Rhetoric to Reality" By … ( 8/7/05) |
 FN "Bugs in the of
Democracies" ( 8/20/05) |
 "Secretary Rice on the Democratic
Peace" ( 12/11/05) |
"Nation Building And The History Of
Force" (1/21/09) |
 "On President Bush's Promotion of
Democracy" ( 1/16/06) |
 "An Affirmation of Bush's Call For
Freedom" ( 2/1/06) |
 "Exporting Democracy? No, Unchaining
a People" ( 3/29/06) |
"The Fukuyama-Garfinkle Muddle on
Terrorism and Fostering Democracy" (12/31/08) |
"The American Push For Human Rights
And Democracy" (12/10/08) |
class="col1 col_width1" style="font-family: Times New
Roman, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;font-weight: 900; ">  and War/Foreign Violence |
 "Democracies Increase and Ipso Facto, World
Violence Declines" ( 12/23/04) |
"More on the Democratic Peace and Sharp Decline in Violence" (5/11/09) |

"Sharansky—No Peace With Dictators" ( 12/18/08) |
“SEE The Democratic Peace At Work” (3/26/09) |
“Democracies Increase, Violence
Decreases, Media Still Blind” (6/2/09) |
"Still, No Wars Between Democracies"
(3/23/09) |
"Global Violence in Sharp Decline" (5/19/09) |
 "On The Decline In Warfare/Reviews of Mao"
( 11/22/09) |
"On The Sharp Drop In Violence, Again"
(4/21/09) |
"The More Democratic, And The More Human Rights,
The Less Terrorism" (1/9/09) |
 Democide |
 That which is genocide |
 "Not Suicide Bombing, It’s Murder or
Genocide Bombing [#2] ( 1/6/05) |
"The Holocaust Obsession" (3/4/09) |
"It's Democide, Not Politicide" (5/8/09) |
 "A Holocaust Photo -- Is It Authentic?"
( 1/10/06) |
"The Shooting Of The Woman With Child
Holocaust Photo is Authentic" (1/15/06) |
 "Which Shooting-Woman Painting is
Best?" ( 1/23/06) |
 Teaching Democide (also see nations below)
 OC "The Intellectual Trap of Understanding"
( 4/3/04) |
 Any Democide (also see nations below) |
OC "Exemplifying the Horror of European
Colonization: Leopold's Congo" (12/20/08) |
 OC "Government Murder By Quota" ( 8/28/03) |
"Pol Pot? Idi Amin? No, It’s Pinochet.
Again" (12/1/08) |
“Democide Vs. Other Causes of
Death” (7/1/09) |
There is Hope—Great Hope” [Re: democide] ( 2/17/05) |
“See Them and Weep” [Re:
democide] (
3/25/09) |

“Democide Vs. Other Causes of Death” ( 2/1/05) |
“How Many Did Stalin Really
Murder?” (6/10/09) |
OC “The Red Plague [Communist
Democide]” (3/3/09
) |
 "The Victims of Communism Memorial"
( 9/6/05) |
" Why the 20th Century Was The
Bloodiest Of All" (1/27/09) |
"The World's Greatest Unknown
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing" (2/23/09) |
"The Ugly Reality of Democide -- A
Photo" (2/23/09) |
"The Answer to the "Insanity" of Democide"
(3/11/09) |
"New Estimate of 20th Century Democide as
262,000,000" (4/7/09) |
"Day-By-Day, Hour-by-Hour, and
Minute-By-Minute The Murdering Goes On" (12/09/08) |
"Who Are The Mortacracies? Part I" (12/06/08) |
"Who Are The Mortacracies? Part II" (12/6/08) |
"Who Are The Mortacracies? Part III"
(12/7/08) |
"Who Are The Mortacracies? Part IV" (12/7/08) |
"Who Are The Mortacracies? Part V" (12/08/08) |
"Who Are The Mortacracies? Part VI-The
Answer" (12/08/08) |
"Who Are The Mortacracies? Part VII-What To
Do About Them" (12/11/08) |
 "20th Century Mortacracies" ( 5/10/06) |

Countries/Nations/Regions |
 Afghanistan |
 "The Black Hole in AP’s Top 10
headlines of ‘04" ( 12/21/05) |
 "And What About Afghanistan?"
( 2/23/06) |
 Burma |
"State Socialism Exemplified --
Burma" (12/21/08) |
 Cambodia |
"Now, Dearest, You Are Here (A
docudrama of Pol Pot's Cambodia) (12/21/08) |
 China |
"China's Democide Far Exceeds
Japan's" (12/23/08) |
""Please Now, Rest In Peace:" A Docudrama on Mao's China" (4/8/09) |
"China's Cultural Revolution -- A
Docudrama" (12/23/08) |
"Not a Parody--China's White Paper On
Democracy (4/2/09
) |
"Rule by Decree Best for China?" (4/22/09
) |
"Reevaluating China's Democide to be
73,000,000" (11/24/08) |
"Love, Fear, And Death In Mao's China"
(12/10/08) |
"On The Decline In Warfare/Reviews of Mao"
() |
"Public Opinion In China" (1/11/09) |
 Congo, Democratic Republic of |
 OC "Conflict in Democratic Republic
of Congo Deadliest Since World War II, Says The IRC" ( 5/31/03) |
 "Reevaluating Colonial Democide"
( 12/7/06) |
"Leopold's Congo -- A Docudrama"
(12/20/08) |
 Iran |
"Tsunamis of Death. Why One, Not the Other?" (Iran democide] (12/03/08) |
“Kill Them All!” [Iran democide]
(6/22/09) |
 "Middle East, Democracy, and Iran" ( 4/10/06) |
 "Iran-The Leader of Islamist Terrorism"
( 4/12/06) |
 Iraq |

"Negative Polls on Iraq? It's the Major Media" ( 12/22/04) |

“Kennedy’s Vietnam All Over Again” ( 1/30/05) |
 “How Many Iraqi Civilians
Killed?” ( 2/7/05) |
 “Iraqi Civilians
Killed—Revisited” ( 2/13/05) |
 “Iraqi Civilians
Killed—Revisited” ( 2/13/05) |
 "The Old foreign Policy Establishment vs. the
New on Iraq" ( 8/4/05) |
 "The Sheehan Terrorist/Murder Appeasers"
( 8/18/05) |
 "The Draft Iraq Constitution" ( 9/8/05) |
 "Fingered by the American Spirit" ( 9/28/05) |
 "Hitchen's and 'A War To Be Proud Of'"
( 10/05/05) |
"Scowcroft Just Doesn't Get It" (12/26/08) |
"Why Are We Fighting In Iraq" (1/29/09) |
 "Crimes Against Humanity to Compare to Abu
Ghraib" ( 12/26/05) |
 "So, How's the Iraq War going?" ( 2/22/06) |
"What? Saddam Was Going To Do That?"
(1/11/09) |
 "There Is Not A Civil War in Iraq" ( 2/27/06) |
 "More Reasons For Optimism About Iraq"
( 2/28/06) |
 "Yes, There Is Progress And Success in Iraq"
( 3/20/06) |
 "Inside Saddam's Head and Regime" ( 3/27/06) |
"Democratization-The Implicit If-Then of the
Iraq War" (12/29/08) |
 Israel |
 OC “Genocide Bombing of the Jews”
( 8/28/03) |
 OC “Israel's Just Assassination”
( 4/18/04) |
 Middle East and Muslim Africa |
 “The Middle East Democratic
Earthquake” ( 3/1/05) |
 “Cheers for ME
Instability” ( 3/17/05) |
FN “Women's Freedom in the
ME/N.Africa” (1/26/09) |
 FN “ Arab Freedom Ahoy”
( 6/5/05) |
 "The Lethal Curtain Of Silence"
( 7/11/05) |
FN "Muslim Arabs Favor Democracy"
(5/2/09) |
 FN "Muslim Africa and Democracy"
( 7/28/05) |
 "A Large Majority of Arab Muslims
Favor Democracy" ( 11/8/05) |
 Repost: "Women's Freedom in the
Middle East" ( 11/07/05) |
Repost: "Arab Freedom Ahoy" (
5/4/09) |
 Repost: "Muslim Arabs Favor
Democracy" ( 1/4/06) |
 "The Hamas Political Quake and
Democracy" ( 1/26/06) |
 "Will The Hamas Win Test The
Democratic Peace?" ( 1/30/06) |
"Middle East Authoritarianism IS
Getting Better-Look At The Data" (12/30/08) |
 Korea, North |
 OC "What Is To Be Done About The
Democidal Famine In North Korea?" ( 1/27/04) |
 "N. Korea? It’s the Trend
Line, Dammit" ( 12/30/04) |

“Is the N. Korean Thugdom Collapsing?” ( 2/2/05) |
 "Assassinate Kim Jong Il, Part II"
( 5/9/05) |
"Impoverishment and Death by
Socialism" (6/13/09)
 "Quotations For All time" ( 4/25/05) |
"Kim Jung Il's Kakistocracy"
(6/3/09) |
 "Handling Kim With Kid Gloves"
( 1/26/09) |
"The Commonplace Horror Of It All"
(3/9/09) |
 "Brain Washing South Korean Children"
( 11/9/05) |
"Incredible! And The Horror Continues
As The Threat Increases" (1/8/09) |
 Korea, South |
 “South Korea’s Repugnant
Appeasement” ( 3/13/05) |
 "S. Korea Should Be Ashamed"
( 2/8/06) |
 Pakistan |
"Pakistan's Mega-Genocide -- A
Docudrama" (4/16/09) |
 Rwanda |
"Kill Them, Or We Will Kill You -- A
Docudrama" (12/26/08) |
 Russia/U.S.S.R. |
 "Russia--A Renewed Problem and
Danger" ( 12/20/04) |
“No, God, I Can't Believe It
[docudrama of Stalin's forced Ukrainian famine in the early
1930s]” (4/28/09) |
 Sudan |
 OC "Democide In Sudan--Dither, Delay,
and Doublespeak While People are Murdered Wholesale" ( 7/31/04) |
 "Okay, 100,000 Dead—What About
Sudan’s 370,000?" ( 12/29/04) |
’It's Only Mass Murder, Not Like A Disaster" (7/9/09) |
 "Darfur—A Bloody Test for the
Noninterventionist" ( 1/26/05) |
 “Noninterventionists to
Darfurians—Drop Dead” ( 1/31/05) |
 “Noninterventionists to
Darfurians—Drop Dead” ( 1/31/05) |
 “Darfur—400,000+ Not
Genocide? But, Damn It, It’s Democide” ( 2/6/05) |
 "6,000 More Darfurians to be MURDERED
in July" ( 7/5/05) |
 "The Continuing Darfur Extermination"
( 8/22/05) |
 "Can't Even Pay Them to Cover
Genocide" ( 8/25/05) |
 "Darfur Figleaf Falls Away --
Hypocrisy Exposed" ( 9/13/05) |
 Turkey |
 "Refusing to Acknowledge Turkey's
Genocide" ( 5/04/05) |
"Please Kill Him Now" A docudrama of
the Armenian genocide)(4/8/09) |
"Repeat After Me -- There Was An
Armenian Genocide!" (4/3/09) |
 United States |
 OC " A Dysfunctional State
Department??" ( 4/24/03) |
OC "The Courts Take Over" (3/6/09) |
 OC "Three Cheers for the United
States" ( 5/3/03) |
 OC "Just the Facts: The United
States, Democide, and Democracy" ( 5/10/03) |
 OC "Was World War II American Urban
Bombing Democide?" ( 9/22/03) |

"Another Side to the Abu Gharib Prison Abuses" ( 12/25/08) |
 "Lets Honor America for a Change" ( 2/3/05) |

“No, A Republic AND Democracy” ( 3/10/05) |
 “The Law is an Ass -- the Terri Shiavo
Euthanasia” ( 3/28/05) |
 “The Bolton War and a Surprise”
( 5/03/05) |
 “The Unconstitutional
Judiciarchy” ( 5/05/05) |
 "The Struggle for the Judiciarchy" ( 6/20/05) |
 "Three Cheers for the United States of
America" ( 7/3/05) |
 "Hiroshima-Nagasaki was Democide"
( 8/5/05) |
"Rethinking Hiroshima and Nagasaki"
(3/31/09) |
 "The Door to Totalitarianism"
( 8/17/05) |
 "Dr. Condoleezza Rice for President"
( 8/24/05) |
 "Republicans are Not Anti-Black"
( 9/7/05) |
 "The Chilean Coup--Icon of the
Anti-American Left" ( 9/18/05) |
 "The Democrat Party -- Hijacked by
Treasonous Liars" ( 11/23/05) |
 "Why Does The U.S. Ignore Genocide?"
( 12/15/05) |
"A Just Democide Doctrine?" (4/3/09) |
"Is America The Most Violent Of All?"
(1/18/09) |
"But, Didn't the U.S. Support Tin-Pot
Dictators?" (1/14/09) |
"Why are Americans So Incredibly
Happy?" (1/13/09) |
 "How The U.S. Military Plan To Fight
The War On Terror" ( 3/5/06) |
 "A Content Analysis of Bush's
National Security Document" ( 3/19/06) |
 "The Firing of the CIA Director"
( 5/11/06) |
 Vietnam |
“The Blood of Millions on Their
Hands” (4/29/09) |
“Peace Love, Compassion--A Vietnamese Story” (4/14/09) |
 Foreign Policy (General)
 "Stability No.
Freedom and Life Yes" ( 12/11/04) |
"Realistic Idealism vs. Idealistic Realism"
(7/4/09) |
 FN "The Freedom House Cornucopia on
Freedom" ( 4/30/05) |
 "What To do About Nuclear Weapons"
( 1/30/09) |
 Repost: "Realistic Idealism vs.
Idealistic Realism" ( 11/13/05) |
 "The New Transformational Diplomacy"
( 3/8/06) |
"The Ignored Iron Triangle of Power"
(1/1/09) |
 Leftist Conceptual
Perversions |

"Another Conceptual Perversion—International Community" (span> 12/25/08) |
"They are Terrorists—They Murder, Not
Just Kill" (12/11/08) |
"Extremists? Militants? Rebels? No, They Are Terrorists" (12/11/08) |
"The Left Does It Again" (1/5/09) |
"Hitler Was A Socialist [Not a Right-Wing
Conservative, as the Left Wants You to Believe]" (5/23/09) |
 "Socialists? Vast Ignorance or Religious
Faith?" ( 3/21/06) |
 Media |
There actually is Censorship?” ( 2/4/09) |
“The Washington Post Exhibits Its
Leftism to China” (12/30/08) |
 “The Great Puppy Theft
Scandal” ( 4/12/05) |
"Understanding The Cartoon Riots"
(1/15/09) |
 "And How Do The People view the
Media?" ( 3/22/06) |
 Miscellany |
"Anarchies Do Exist-You Live In One"
(46/8/09) |
"Do Republicans Hate Blacks?"
(5/20/09) |
“[Rummel] Newspaper
Interview” (6/7/09) |
“No To Reifying Groups”
(6/1/09) |
“Unity? No,
Self-Determination” (2/5/09) |
 "The Forthcoming Flu Pandemic and
Maybe 360,000,000 Dead" ( 6/20/05) |
 "A Life-Saving, Life-Enriching Lie"
( 7/27/05) |
"Method, Method, It's All In The
Method" (5/15/09) |
"A Moment For A Good Laugh" (5/16/09) |
"A Little Primer on
Multicollinearity" (5/1/09) |
"A Nobel Peace Prize Finalist?"
(5/14/09) |
 " The Best 2008 Democratic Peace
Candidate" ( 10/10/05) |
 "Harriet Miers -- What Happened?"
( 10/27/05) |
"Understanding Propaganda" (2/9/09) |
"The Moral Argument for Killing
Another" (3/2/09) |
"To Begin With, It's In The Mind"
(1/19/09) |
"World Public Opinion: People vs.
Leaders" (1/14/09) |
"On That Mysterious "p" In
Quantitative Reports" (1/9/09) |
 University Leftism
"Leftsville -- the American
University" (12/04/08) |

"Marxists Are Communist—Communists are Marxists" ( 12/11/08) |
 "Too Radical for Tenure?" ( 1/14/05) |
“Peace Studies Vs. Peace
Research” (4/13/08) |
“On Ward Churchill and Academic
Leftmania” (3/16/08) |
“Tenure, Like Power, Corrupts; (3/16/09) |

“Eliminate Tenure—Cure Leftmania” ( 2/28/05) |
"Its Worse Than You Think" (6/11/09) |
" Academic Tenure- Protecting
Incompetence, Malingering, and Leftism" (5/11/09) |
"Our Own Re-Education Camps"
(4/17/09) |
 UN |
"On Thugsville—Oops, The
UN—Dealing with Global Threats" (12/5/08)
 “The UN (United Thugs) And Human
Rights” ( 2/23/05) |
“The UN and Humanity's
Hope – Peacekeeping” (2/11/09) |

“The UN’s (United Thugs’) Specialized Agencies”
( 3/14/05) |
"The UN's (United Thug's) Shameful
Antisemitism" (2/10/09)
 "Kofi Annan's
Fatally Flawed Fix" ( 3/27/05) |
 " What To Do About the UN" ( 4/4/05) |
 FN "A New U.N.? No, The Old Thugdom" ( 7/9/05) |
"How The World Views the UN" (1/13/09) |
 War, Past and Present
 OC "World War IV--The Islamicist War"
( 12/1/03) |
"What? Only 35,000,000 Killed in War?"
(11/30/08) |
 "Did He Really Risk Nuclear War?" ( 4/6/05) |
"No, Not 50-60 Million--It's 15 Million"
(4/25/09) |
"Somme Deadly Madness -- A Docudrama"
(3/24/09) |
"Measuring Victory In The War On Terror"
(5/20/09) |
"On War and Interventionism"
(4/20/09) |
"Can We predict War and Is It Inevitable?"
(5/18/09) |
 "On the Necessity of Preemption" ( 10/13/05) |
"What? Only 34,000,000 20th Century
Battle Dead" (1/30/09) |
 "This War Is For Real" ( 3/6/06) |
Terrorism |
“Why Terrorist Nukes the Greatest Threat Ever” (3/13/09) |
“No, Poverty Is Not The Cause”
(4/27/09) |
 "It's Neither Poverty or Madrassas" ( 7/8/05) |
 "Al Qaeda and Suitcase Nukes" ( 11/1/05) |