Administrative Procedure 8.872 Administrative Procedure 8.872 abolished on 2022-12

No current Procedure.


Emergency (Priority) Payroll


Administrative Procedure Chapter 8, Business and Finance
Administrative Procedure AP 8.872, Emergency (Priority) Payroll
Effective Date:  April 2016
Prior Dates Amended:  July 1982, March 2006    
Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Budget and Finance/Chief Financial Officer
Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: EP 1.102, Authority to Manage and Control the Operations of the Campus 
Review Date:  April 2019

I. Purpose

To promulgate procedures for processing emergency payroll payments.  These procedures apply to employees who would normally be paid through the University payroll system and will not be receiving a paycheck on their scheduled payday.

This priority payment is a temporary loan drawn from the department’s operating funds. Repayment of the loan will take place when the employee receives his/her first scheduled payment.  The repayment will be made through an authorized salary assignment.

II. Definitions

No policy specific or unique definitions apply.

III. Administrative Procedure

A.    General Procedures

    1.    The employing agency or department should submit a request for an emergency payroll.  The request should provide information on the circumstances leading to this request.  Furthermore, the request should include what corrective actions are to be taken to prevent future recurrences.

    2.    The request must be approved by the appropriate Dean or Chancellor before transmittal to the Director of Disbursing & Payroll.  The request must be supported by a copy of an approved PNF, Form 6 or Student Work Agreement to verify the employment and hours worked.

    3.    If approved, the Payroll Office will provide the Fiscal Administrator with the amount of the payment (gross pay, less tax and other deductions) that will be given to the employee (Attachment A).

    4.    The Fiscal Administrator will submit the following documents:

        a.     A Disbursement Voucher (DV) via KFS.  Attach a copy of the employing agency or department request for emergency payroll and indicate special handling to the Payroll Office on the DV.

        b.     Completed Salary Assignment/Cancellation (SA Form D-60) (Attachment B) to repay the priority payment from the employee’s subsequent gross payroll.  This must be signed by the employee to receive the emergency payroll.

IV. Delegation of Authority

There is no administrative specific delegation of authority.

V. Contact Information

Payroll Office, 956-7444, or

VI. References

View version abolished on: 2022-12-19

    A. Link to superseded Executive Policies in old format
    B. Link to Administrative Procedures in old format

VII. Exhibits and Appendices

Attachment 1:  Sample Priority Payroll Request
Attachment 2:  SAF D-60 Salary Assignment/Cancellation


    Kalbert Young    
    April 01, 2016    
    Vice President for Budget and Finance/Chief Financial Officer


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