UH System Policies and Procedures
Board of Regents Policies
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UH‐Related Laws and Rules
- Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) 304A
- Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 20
Board of Regents Policy 1.210 Board of Regents Policy 1.210Title
Regents’ Policy on Faculty Involvement in Academic Decision-Making and Academic Policy Development
Regents Policy Chapter 1, General Provisions
Regents Policy RP 1.210, Regents’ Policy on Faculty Involvement in Academic Decision-Making and Academic Policy Development Effective Date: Oct. 18, 2002 Prior Dates Amended: April 12, 1979; Oct. 31, 2014 (recodified) Review Date: August 2017 I. Purpose
To set forth policy on shared governance in academic decision-making and academic policy development.
II. Definitions
No policy specific or unique definitions apply.
III. Board of Regents Policy
A. Introduction
1. With unanimous agreement and understanding that the faculty of an educational institution contributes to its quality, spirit, aspiration, and effectiveness, the board issues this policy to provide for organized faculty involvement in the development and maintenance of a collegial approach to academic decision-making and policy development. The role of a university faculty governance organization is to advise the administration (primarily at the campus and unit level) on matters impacting and/or relating to the development and maintenance of academic policy and standards to the end that quality education is provided, preserved, and improved. 2. The board has the ultimate responsibility for the governance of the university and the formulation of policies which guide and determine its affairs. In carrying out these ultimate responsibilities, the board entrusts and delegates various functions to members of the university community and various organizational units. Unless specifically delegated or entrusted to others, all governing authority resides with the board. 3. The president is the chief executive officer of the board and the university, and has primary responsibility for recommending and implementing board policies. The interpretation of board policies, however, shall rest exclusively with the board. 4. The chancellors have the leadership responsibility for the immediate operational management and governance of their respective organizational units within board governing and presidential administrative policies. B. Faculty Involvement in Academic Decision-Making and Academic Policy Development 1. It is the policy of the university to maintain and strengthen organized and systematic involvement by faculty in academic decision-making and policy development. Consistent with this policy, the faculties of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, the University of Hawai‘i at West O‘ahu, and the Community Colleges are authorized to develop faculty organizations by which regular and organized faculty involvement may be exercised in carrying out their collective responsibilities with their administrative colleagues in matters of academic policy for the particular campus, major organizational unit headed by a chancellor, and the university, and to make such determinations as set forth herein below. 2. While the primary focus of this responsibility is at the campus level, involvement in university-wide academic policy through normal administrative channels is also important in protecting and strengthening the quality of the university. 3. The following further describes details of this policy. a. Together with and subject to the approval of its chancellor, each campus faculty may: (1) Determine its own organization consistent with this policy and any other applicable university and/or board policies, bylaws, and procedures; and (2) Adopt its own bylaws and rules of procedure for exercising the role and performing the duties outlined in this policy. Once such organization or organizations and charters are approved, the pattern of participation in campus and university matters will be realized in accordance with the charters. b. The duly authorized organization specified by each charter shall have the responsibility to speak for the faculty on academic policy matters such as: (1) Determining the initiation, review, and evaluation of proposed, probationary, or authorized research, instructional, and academic programs; (2) Budget planning and implementation; (3) Student-faculty relations; (4) Evaluation of faculty and campus academic administrators; (5) Establishing a canon of professional ethics and an effective means of professional maintenance of those ethics, including faculty self-discipline; and (6) Other subjects referred to it or them by the chancellor, or by request of the appropriate faculty organization. c. As stated previously by the board, the faculty has primary responsibility for such fundamental academic areas as curriculum content, subject matter, and methods of instruction and research. On these matters the power of review and concurrence or final decision lodged in the board or delegated to administration officers should be exercised adversely only in exceptional circumstances and for reasons communicated to the faculty. d. In cases of academic policy proposals that may be initiated by the board or recommended by the president, the president shall decide the manner by which the advice and full input of duly constituted faculty organizations are obtained. Prior to final board action, such advice, along with the president’s recommendations, will be considered. e. The role of the faculty as set forth herein shall not be delegated to any other entity by the faculty organization established pursuant to this policy. f. Each action of the faculty under these provisions shall be consistent with such policy and directives as the board may prescribe. If there is any conflict, the chancellor shall notify the faculty of the conflict and initiate consultation to resolve the problem. 4. The authority for implementing this policy is vested in the president of the university or his/her designee. Each campus is encouraged to develop and submit for approval a system of faculty involvement in academic decision-making and policy development in accordance with this policy. IV. Delegation of Authority
The board entrusts and delegates various functions to members of the university community and various organizational units. Unless specifically delegated or entrusted to others, all governing authority resides with the board.
The authority for implementing this policy is vested in the president of the university or his/her designee. V. Contact Information
Office of the Board of Regents, 956-8213, bor@hawaii.edu
VI. ReferencesVII. Exhibits and Appendices
No Exhibits and Appendices found
Approved Approved as to Form: Cynthia Quinn October 31, 2014 Date TopicsNo Topics found.AttachmentsNone |