Hae K. Okimoto, PhD
Office of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

May 7, 2021


TO:    Council of Chief Academic Affairs Officers (CCAO) Schedulers

FROM:   Hae K. Okimoto
       Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Director of Academic Technologies

SUBJECT: Instructional Method Codes

This memo updates and creates new instructional method (IM) definitions and codes.

Historically, IM codes were used to identify distance learning modes of delivery. This practice continues but IM codes are also used to identify and track classes offered at other locations. Currently, IM codes are tied to student fee exemptions, IRO reporting, financial aid and VA processing. The IM codes also allow students to easily identify distance delivered courses during the registration process.

In Fall 2020, a working group was tasked with creating clear instructional method definitions. This group included the following members: Merrissa Brechtel (UH System), Geri Imai (WCC), Catherine Kawada (UH ITS), Mei Li Kinney (UH ITS), Tiana Loo (UHCC System), Megan McGehee (UHM), Flora Mora (UHMC), Gloria Niles (UHWO), Janel Oshiro (LCC), Sherrie Padilla (UHH), Sherry Proper (UH System), Amy Rozek (UH ITS), Princess Soares (UHWO), Melissa Tome (UH ITS), and Lei Wakayama (Outreach College).

I thank the working group for their work and dedication to revise the definitions and codes. As campuses have already begun rolling their schedules for Spring 2022, we recommend that these codes and definitions be effective Fall 2022.

The attached chart describes the finalized definitions and codes.

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Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822
Telephone: (808) 956-5023
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An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution

Instructional Methods

Instructional Methods Codes
Instructional Method Type Banner Code Definition
Distance Completely OnlineDCODCO refers to a distance education course that is available to students at any location. This includes all distance learning courses for which the mode of delivery is through the use of personal computers or similar devices that access the Internet. DCO courses can apply to scheduled/synchronous and/or unscheduled/asynchronous approaches. The student is never required to visit campus or a UH site (e.g. for testing, instructional activity or orientation).

Considered DE for IPEDS reporting
Distance Interactive VideoDIVDIV refers to a distance education course offered to students in assigned video conference rooms at locations other than the offering campus. DIV courses may have additional instructional activities online (both scheduled/synchronous or unscheduled/asynchronous). DIV should be used as the instructional method code regardless of the section located at the offering campus.

DIV should be used even if the course is offered in HYB format, except for the section located at the offering campus.
Distance Cable TelevisionDTVDTV refers to a distance education course that is offered via cable television. A DTV course may also include live video streaming or video-on-demand (VOD).
HybridHYBHYB refers to a course that includes instructional activities both online and in-person at a UH designated site (when not covered under another definition). The online instruction may be scheduled/synchronous or unscheduled/asynchronous but the in-person requirement(s) is always scheduled/synchronous and at a UH designated site.
Off-Site-NFOSNOSN refers to a course that utilizes in-person meetings at any location(s) other than the home campus but on the same island. No fees are assessed for this instructional method.

OSN should be used even if the course is offered in a HYB format.
Off-Site-FOSFOSF refers to a course that utilizes in-person meetings at any location(s) other than the home campus but on the same island. Fees are assessed for this instructional method.

OSF should be used even if the course is offered in a HYB format.
Off Island-NFOINOIN refers to a course that utilizes in-person meetings at any location(s) other than the home campus and on a different island. No fees are assessed for this instructional method.

OIN should be used even if the course is offered in a HYB format.
Off Island-FOIFOIF refers to a course that utilizes in-person meetings at any location(s) other than the home campus and on a different island. Fees are assessed for this instructional method.

OSF should be used even if the course is offered in a HYB format.

UH Designated Site: any physical location operated by the University of Hawaiʻi in the state of Hawaiʻi (e.g. Education Center, University Center, Coconut Island). This also includes courses taught at sites other than UH campuses such as hospitals, military bases, prisons, DOE schools, and other locations.

EP 6.208 authorizes Chancellors to waive fees for students in outreach and continuing education programs on their campuses or for students due to their geographic locations.

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