The total compensation a University employee receives is comprised of two major parts: a monthly salary and employee benefits. The monthly salary is determined by University policies and negotiated collective bargaining agreements. In addition to a monthly salary, faculty and staff of the University of Hawaiʻi are eligible for a broad range of valuable benefits, including comprehensive health plans, life insurance, retirement plan, paid and unpaid leaves, paid holidays and benefits unique to University employees.

The APT broadband salary schedule is negotiated with the exclusive representative and is used to determine salary placement within the broadband system.

The salary placement of APT new hires is commensurate with relevant education and training, years and quality of relevant experience and other qualifications. Based on the assessment of credentials by the dean/director, the vice president/chancellor is authorized to approve the salary placement.

Special compensation adjustments may be authorized for APT employees when appropriate, justified and funding is available.

Related Policies: E9.217 – Hiring an Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Employee and E9.218 – Post-Hire Adjustments for Administrative, Professional and Technical (APT) Employees

The University President is responsible for adopting EM Salary Schedules that set forth the compensation structure for all EM Personnel. Four (4) distinct salary schedules have been established for the following jurisdictions: System/Mānoa, Hilo, West Oʻahu and Community Colleges.

Each salary schedule consists of pay bands organized by rank and reporting structure. Each band has a minimum and maximum salary range, as well as a midpoint. When setting the salary range for each band, the following are considered: relevant competitive market rates in both higher education and local industry, responsibility of the positions, equity in relation to comparable University positions, and value of the class in fulfilling the strategic mission of the University.

To ensure that EM salaries are competitive, salary adjustments may be granted based on merit and subject to availability of Board-authorized funds.

Since 2003, faculty have not utilized salary schedules. Faculty, however, have annual minimum salaries that are negotiated with the exclusive representative and have faculty salary thresholds that are approved by the University President.

The minimum annual salary for faculty is outlined in the Unit 7 agreement between the University of Hawaiʻi Professional Assembly and the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaiʻi, in accordance with Section 304A-1002, HRS (Faculty; classification schedule).

The University has established faculty salary thresholds for Non-High Demand and High Demand disciplines. Salaries above the thresholds require the University President’s approval.