The most valued and important resources of the University of Hawaiʻi are its employees. Here are some ways we provide recognition.
Service Awards
To commemorate anniversaries in 10 year increments beginning with the 20th year of service, eligible employees shall be awarded a service award certificate with holder and a UH bookstore gift card for length of service.
Retirement Awards
Retirement awards may consist of a monetary award (check) or an engraved wooden bowl, and shall be presented to each retiree that has completed 10 or more years of qualifying government service.
Guidelines and Procedures
- EP 9.220 – Service, Retirement and Incentive Awards
- Service Awards Procedures for HR Representatives
- Retirement Awards Procedures for HR Representatives
- University Bookstore Ordering Site – Order bookstore gift cards, certificate and holder, and engraved wooden bowl.
For gift card and monetary awards, the employee must sign theTaxability of Service or Retirement Award form.
The Emerita/Emeritus title is an honor bestowed to eligible retired faculty members in recognition of dedicated and honorable service to the University. Eligible retired vice presidents and chancellors may also be awarded this title for their exceptional contributions to the University, long and distinguished service, and recognition as distinguished leaders in their profession.
Information about the following awards can be found on the Board of Regents’ page
- Regents’ Teaching Medal
- Regents’ Research Medal
- Willard Wilson Award for Distinguished Service
- Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
- President’s Award for Excellence in Building and Grounds Maintenance
- Masaki and Momoe Kunimoto Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions to Vocation Education
The Governor’s Awards for Distinguished State Service are part of the state’s employee recognition and incentive program that is administered by the State Department of Human Resources Development. It is designed to honor the state’s executive branch employees and managers who exemplify the highest caliber of public service and dedication in serving the people of Hawai‘i.
2024 Governor’s Awards Memo, Nomination Procedures & Instructions, and Criteria
Nomination forms for the 3 award categories:
Nomination period opens in February and closes in March. Nominations should be submitted to the System Office of Human Resources by UH File Drop to, by fax to (808) 956-3952, or by mail to 2440 Campus Road, Administrative Services Building 2, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822.
Please contact Marilyn Ho in the Office of Human Resources at (808) 956-8988 or via e-mail at for any questions or require additional information.
Administrative, Professional, and Technical employees that have received an overall “Exceptional” performance rating in the Performance Evaluation System (PES) may be eligible to receive a one-time lump-sum performance bonus.
Supervisors should check with their Human Resources Office on whether their campus/program will be participating in the Special Compensation Award (SCA) – Performance Awards Program.
Special Compensation Adjustment System
The Special Compensation Adjustment System is a secured system used to nominate and approve performance awards for APT employees that have performed on an exceptional basis all year round. In accordance with administrative procedure A9.170 and campus direction, supervisors may nominate employees annually during the designated period. The vice president/chancellor is authorized to approve the performance award bonus upon recommendation by the dean/director and subject to funding availability.
- For more information, refer to the APT SCA General Information.