Effective: January 3, 2022
Policy: UH Telework Policy and Guidelines
Last Updated: December 13, 2021

Telework refers to a pre-approved arrangement where an employee voluntarily works from home or another alternate location away from their regularly assigned on-site work location for all or part of the workweek. The University recognizes that telework enables continuation of University operations under changing conditions or during worksite disruptions, supports flexibility, reduces environmental impacts and traffic congestion,  and provides a supportive and productive work environment attractive to employees and potential employees.

The University supports and allows the use of telework arrangements where appropriate for the employee and consistent with the University’s strategic direction and vision, business operations, and resource limitations. The determination of whether an employee is eligible and appropriate to participate and is approved for telework, will be made in accordance with the UH Telework Policy & Guidelines. Campuses and offices may permit teleworking upon request by an employee; however, whether to approve a request is solely a management prerogative. Each employee’s telework schedule and arrangement with their supervisor is at the supervisor’s discretion, subject to approval by appropriate authorities, and may vary between employees, offices, divisions and campuses.

Any employee interested in applying for telework should review the UH Telework Policy and Guidelines and FAQs below.

Employee Eligibility

This Policy and Guidelines (Policy) is applicable to all University employees to the extent that the employee can effectively perform the job duties of their position while teleworking, with the exception of employees in BUs 02, 03, 04 and 09. This Policy acknowledges that not all positions are appropriate for telework and covers both full-time and part-time employment.

BU 02, 03, 04 or 09 Employees

While BU 02, 03, 04 and 09 employees are not eligible to telework under the UH Telework Policy and Guidelines at this time, employees should refer to the following documents:

HGEA State Telework MOU 

2023 State Telework Program Guidelines

DHRD Memo to Department Heads Regarding Telework Guidelines

Attachment A – Self-Assessment for Participation in the Telework Guidelines

Attachment B – Telework Agreement

Attachment C – Telework Safety Checklist

Telework Review and Assessment

The information and FAQs on this page are not intended to apply to these employees in BUs 02, 03, 04 and 09 at this time.

Student Employees

This Policy is not applicable to student employees.



Applying for Telework

FAQs While Teleworking


Termination of Telework