Along with comprehensive health coverage, EUTF offers group life insurance at no cost to employees. Group Life Insurance is offered through Securian Financial (Securian). Coverage is underwritten by Minnesota Life Insurance Company, an affiliate of Securian Financial.
Your life insurance benefit is $33,770*
Note: Age reductions apply. Your coverage reduces to $21,951 at ages 65-69; $15,197 at ages 70-74; $10,131 at ages 75-79 and $6,754 at ages 80 and over.
Learn more about Securian’s group life insurance benefits.
You are eligible for the Group Life Insurance provided through Securian Financial if you are an active employee or retiree eligible for EUTF health benefits.
New employees have 45 days from the date of hire to enroll in EUTF Life Insurance benefits. There is no waiting period – employees are covered from the first day of employment, contingent on enrollment.
To Enroll
- Following your start date, you will receive a letter in the mail from the EUTF to register and enroll for EUTF coverage online via their Member Self-Service Portal by clicking here. If you don’t receive a letter within two weeks of your start date, please contact your departmental HR Representative.
- However, IF you require immediate EUTF coverage before enrolling online in their Member Self-Service Portal, please contact your departmental HR Representative.
The following link provides instructions on how to enroll in EUTF health benefits as a new employee.
To Designate/Update Beneficiaries
Members can designate or update beneficiaries online at Please follow the instructions on how to view or change beneficiaries online.
In late August 2019, Securian sent letters that contain a user ID and a temporary password to the members who had an existing beneficiary designation on file with USAble. New members will receive a letter with a user ID and a temporary password enclosed. If you haven’t received the letter, please contact Securian at 1-866-293-6047.
By Fax or Mail:
Members can also complete the beneficiary designation form and return it to Securain via fax or mail as noted on the form.
Securian does not accept digital signatures for their forms.
As an alternative, employees may request to utilize DocuSign, a digital signature option Securian accepts. Docusign is an online signature solution that provides the option to complete, sign, and submit forms electronically. To utilize DocuSign, contact their Toll-Free Customer Service at 877-291-8466 or Local Customer Service at 808-536-9890.