Note: This is an archive version of the UH Strategic Directions 2015-2021 site, for the current plan see UH Strategic Plan 2023-2029
As the sole provider of public higher education in Hawaiʻi, the University of Hawaiʻi (UH) is committed to improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of current and future generations. The University of Hawaiʻi Strategic Directions, 2015–2021 will guide the university’s priorities for three biennia. A progress report was submitted to the Board of Regents in January 2018, summarizing the first three years of implementation. Following that assessment, the Strategic Directions was further reviewed and updated in October 2018 with revised action strategies and tactics and new and revised performance metrics. A major change reflected in this update is the separation of the original High Performance Mission-Driven System (HPMS) into two Strategic Directions—Mission Focused System (MFS) and High Performing System (HPS). The intent of establishing MFS as a standalone Strategic Direction is to bring greater visibility to the importance of UH’s mission objectives of becoming an indigenous-serving institution and of advancing sustainability efforts. HPS continues to target improving system efficiencies and leveraging resources in support of UH’s mission and goals.
The update takes into consideration two key planning documents, the Integrated Academic Facilities Plan (IAFP) and the Enrollment Management (EM) Action Plan, 2017-2020 created after the establishment of the Strategic Directions in 2015. The IAFP provides UH with a strategic vision to align and leverage the unique mission, capabilities and resources of each campus while reducing unnecessary duplication and increasing collaboration. It brings together academic planning and facilities planning, two areas that have been historically managed independently. The Enrollment Management Action Plan sets enrollment and retention targets for specific student populations, enabling campuses to formulate more nuanced recruitment and retention strategies. These two documents work in concert with the Strategic Directions to support the university’s mission and goals.
The five strategic directions, updated in October 2018, reflect the university’s priorities through 2021.