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Imperative One: Successful Students for a Better Future

Goal: Educate more students, empowering them to achieve their goals and contribute to society.

  1. UH will increase participation in post-secondary education statewide.
  2. UH will provide all students the necessary support for them to succeed.
  3. UH will fully embrace multiple modalities of instruction that recognize changing times and widely differing student preferences, needs and goals.
  4. UH will actively monitor and report on the post-graduation success of its students.

Sample metrics: Increase the number of degrees and certificates awarded, including employer recognized credentials; Improve student success metrics including retention, graduation rates and time to degree (including recognition of part-time students). Disaggregate all student outcome by demographic groups.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. I think this imperative should start with an action verb – like imperatives 2, 3, and 4.
    Meet, Embrace, Diversify

    Imperative One: “Create or Educate” Successful Students for a Better Future

  2. Bravo for getting us going! I love that things are simple and clear. 3-5 subpoints are ideal. However, are things/definitions missing such as “necessary”? Should we stay away from language that is subjective like “fully embrace” and instead use “use”? Maybe use “regularly” instead of “actively”? I think, ideally, the metrics, measures, processes, and/or tools of assessment would be associated with each of the individual sub-points. The subpoints may want to establish baseline data and highlight specific areas of success and that need improvement. I think the transparency of the structure would allow for direct buy-in from each of the campuses. Additionally, is there a need for an imperative and a goal in this format? Should we have established and known strategies that can or already are facilitating us toward the goal? I donʻt think we would want people to get the impression that these things are not already being done. What do we do when we find some data that demonstrates we need to improve? Is it to be inferred that we will actively move towards the goal? In my opinion, a plan should include efforts or at least the vision to address the “what ifs”.

  3. #2 is very vague and does not really demonstrate how exactly the University is to do that with the information given.

    As someone who graduated not too long ago, the problem I often see is does this plan assist students to be more successful?

    How exactly is UH planning to increase certificates/degrees awarded to students? Are these things that students will have to “opt” for in their programs or will it be something already incorporated in their program? Many programs do not provide much of the “experience” employers often seek for. How will UH implement this into something students can provide as “employer recognized credentials” on their resume and have the confidence and success after graduation?

    Some methods of these metrics would confide more success. e.g. incorporating internship/in-field work in their program that serves as experience as well providing recommendations for their time there.

  4. Equity is listed as one of the plan’s guiding principles: UH System embraces its commitment to provide higher education opportunities for all, especially those historically underrepresented. How can the broad goal of ensuring success of all students be refined to bring attention to our equity goal? According to data from the Community College Research Center (CCRC), large scale student success efforts don’t necessarily result in equitable outcomes. Unless reforms explicitly address how they will address
    racial disparities in student outcomes and undo structural racism that contributes to these disparities, it is unlikely that equity gaps
    will close.

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Last modified: October 19, 2022
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