In Spring 2022, the University of Hawaiʻi administration began discussions about possible tuition changes for academic years (AY) 2024 through AY 2027. A proposed tuition schedule was presented to the Board of Regents on October 20, 2022, and five public hearings were conducted in person and via Zoom on Oʻahu (including a separate hearing at the William S. Richardson School of Law), Maui, Kauaʻi, and the Big Island in October and November. Written testimonies were also accepted via an online comment form.
Following this consultation period, the proposed tuition schedule was presented to the Board of Regents and approved on January 19, 2023. Tuition at the UH Community Colleges shall be frozen for all four academic years covered under the new tuition schedule. The schedule includes a freeze on undergraduate tuition for AY 2023–24 and AY 2024–25 followed by a 2% increase in resident tuition rates at the three 4-year UH campuses in AY 2025–26 and a 2% increase in AY 2026–27. Non-resident undergraduate tuition rates shall increase by the equivalent dollar amount in each of those two academic years. Graduate-level tuition rates shall be frozen for all four academic years covered in the schedule, except that tuition at the UH Mānoa William S. Richardson School of Law (WSRSL) shall increase by 2% in each of the three years beginning in AY 2024–25 to generate revenue that would support WSRSL. The approved tuition schedule for 2022-23 to 2026-27 can be viewed at the link below.
Tuition Schedule
Executive Policy
Tuition and Fees