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Flexibility in Schedule

The following draft schedule is subject to change as needed. This flexibility includes the time estimated for each topic: if the discussion peters out, they can be adjusted to end early or move onto the next topic. Breaks from zoom meetings can be taken when the group wants.

  • Schedule and Topics

June 1-June 13

Read draft proposal and selection of materials, which can be found here.

Review committee and senate reports

Week 1

Monday, June 13

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Intro to work and tasks, guardrails, design process, overview of where to find everything in Revisions Team shared drive:

  • Overview of current Gen Ed program
  • Discuss variability in programs and campuses: students, credit room, teaching capacities, accreditation standards, etc…

Tuesday, June 14

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Read the proposal, come with notes, and talk to design team – overview of pitfalls of the process and points of contention, UHM’s program review

Wednesday, June 15

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Problems with Gen Ed: transfer and articulation, assessment results

  • Hone in on transfer problems in Gen Ed, policies
  • Discussion of campus autonomy – curricular structure continuum
  • Discussion with Transfer and Assessment experts

Thursday, June 16

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Intro to AAC&U VALUE rubrics, national definitions and standards for core competencies, and those in current Gen Ed 

  • Liberal education/disciplinary breadth
  • Hawaiian/Second Language

Friday, June 17

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Curricular models overview, focus of work to revise/rewrite proposal

  • Link to sample proposals, introduce outline of revised proposal

Week 2

Monday, June 20

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Feedback overview and organization: confusion, criticisms, misunderstandings, recommendations, implementation

  • Divide into groups to read through and extract common elements from feedback in each area below

Tuesday, June 21

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Work in the morning in small groups on summaries of feedback for foundations, reinforcement, capstone, guiding principles/other

  • Come together in afternoon to discuss summaries
  • Will also need to review campus senates’ feedback, committees’ feedback

Wednesday, June 22

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

 Continue discussions of summaries, feedback

Thursday, June 23

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

Skeletal Gen Ed, which competencies to include and how (separate designations or as SLOs), how to layer thematic pathways, multidisciplinary clusters, interdisciplinarity, other curricular structures on top – outline samples to include in proposal

Friday, June 24

9:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00

 Work ahead planning

  • Proposal outline pre-populated with national definitions, rubrics, citations
  • Schedule of weekly meetings, small group assignments, and assigned tasks

Week 3

Friday, July 1

Weekly Meeting

Week 4

Friday, July 8

Weekly Meeting

Week 5

Friday, July 15

Weekly Meeting

Week 6

Friday, July 22

Weekly Meeting

Week 7

Monday, July 25

9:00-12pm, 1-4pm

Work on finishing sections of revised proposal as a group, to include:

  • Summaries of feedback
  • Skeletal shared GE, including mapping to current GE on different campuses, references to national definitions and literature, and assessment results
  • Options/samples for fleshing it out with different curricular models, pathways, etc.

Tuesday-Friday; July 26-29

9:00-12pm, 1-4pm

Implementation recommendations to include:

  • Encourage scaffolding through pairing of Foundations and Reinforcement level expertise (e.g. FW and WI together) on committees
  • Adopt UHM external review recommendations for approval periods (5 years for new, 10 for renewal), course-based only
  • Reduce paperwork through simplified hallmarks and SLOs, # committees
  • Curricular support once approved include mini-development grants, TEs, etc.
  • Systemwide GEC like ACCFSC for info sharing
  • Address enrollment concerns, territoriality, workload, teaching equivalencies, etc.
  • Recommended next steps at campus level
  • Plan for revisions to or development of hallmarks and SLOs

Week 8

Monday, August 1

9:00-10 am, 3-5pm

Work on finishing revised proposal as a group:

  • Assign sections to edit and finish
  • From 3-5, answer marginal questions, resolve comments and suggested changes

Tuesday August 2


Group discussion

Wednesday, August 3

Writing (no meeting)

Thursday, August 4

9:00-12pm, 1-4pm

Editing, group work as needed

Friday, August 5

9:00-12pm, 1-4pm

Consultation processes ahead, wrap-up

Week 9

Monday, August 8


Dual implementation plans: fast and slow versions

Tuesday-Wednesday, August 9-10


Writing in small and large groups

Thursday, August 11

9:00-12pm, 1-4pm

Editing together on Google docs, meet on zoom as needed (if not done, plan to get it done within a week or so)

Friday, August 12

9:00-11 am

Consultation processes ahead, wrap-up

Last modified: July 26, 2022
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