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Following the collection of extensive feedback and recommendations across the UH System, a Revisions Team produced a revised proposal, which can be downloaded by clicking on the button below.

Download the Revised General Education Redesign Proposal Here

For those who may not have time for a careful reading of the full document, the short video below summarizes the main takeaways.

General Education Revised Proposal Overview

Click here to view the video

Revised Proposal Feedback Form

If you would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to use this form to do so. We will be sure they are forwarded to the appropriate senate committee on your campus. Note also that this form is for the collection of anonymous feedback. If you would like to include your name, please do so directly in the text of your response.

Submit anonymous feedback Poll

We have also set up a poll for widespread participation. The poll asks your opinion on each of the proposed changes. You can create an account using any email address, indicate your level of support or opposition along a sliding scale, and add comments or reasons for your votes (which can be anonymous if you so choose). Here is the link:

Last modified: October 13, 2022
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