University Language Access Webpage
The University of Hawaiʻi is committed to building a more multicultural community that recognizes the inherent dignity of each individual. This includes working to ensure that institutional barriers to the University’s essential programs and services are removed for individuals who have limited English proficiency. Hawaiʻi has one of the highest per-capita rates of limited English proficient persons (“LEP persons”) in the nation; those who have limited English proficiency in any one or more of four different domains – speaking, writing, reading, and listening/understanding. The University’s goal is to affirmatively address the language access needs for LEP persons, not only to meet state and federal laws concerning non-discrimination on the basis of national origin, but to ensure that we are promoting the full participation of those in our community, and optimizing our potential to become a richer and more engaging learning and working environment.
The University is affirmatively and continually working to enhance language access services for LEP persons to ensure that they will have meaningful access to essential University services and programs in areas that include health, safety, compliance, and student affairs. To this end, the University Language Access Committee, composed of members from the University System as well as each of the ten campuses, is charged with assessing the University’s areas of need and current resources and facilitating improvements to language assistance services.
Language Access Coordinators*
Campus | Coordinator | Position | |
UH Hilo | Shaunda Makaimoku | Compliance Officer, EEO/Title IX | |
UH Mānoa | Dina Yoshimi | Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Literatures | |
UH Mānoa – CTAHR | Emilie Kirk | Assistant Extension Agent, CTAHR | |
UH Mānoa – CTAHR | Jeremy Elliot-Engel | Associate Dean and Associate Director of Cooperative Extension, CTAHR | |
UH Maui College | Brian Moto | Special Assistant to the Chancellor | |
UH West Oʻahu | Beverly Baligad | Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator | |
UH West Oʻahu | Jessica Miranda | Director of Strategic Directions, Assessment, and Accreditation | |
Community College System | Christine Chun | Director of Compliance, EEO, and Title IX, Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges | |
Community College System | Brian Aune | Investigator and Compliance Officer, Office of the Vice President for Community Colleges | |
Hawaiʻi Community College | Eri Hall | Assistant Coordinator, International Programs Office, EDvance | | Hawaiʻi Community College | Kesha Kubo | Coordinator, Student Affairs-Information Center | |
Honolulu Community College | Wayne Sunahara | Interim Dean, Communications and Services Programs | |
Kapiʻolani Community College | Damian Zukeran | Educational Specialist, Honda International Center | |
Kauaʻi Community College | Thomas Noʻeau Keopuhiwa | Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs | |
Leeward Community College | Tom Hirsbrunner | Title IX Coordinator | |
Leeward Community College | Kelly Kennedy | English as a Second Langauge Coordinator | |
Windward Community College | Karen Cho | Human Resources Manager | |
*All LAC Coordinators also serve as LAC Committee Members
Additional Language Access Committee Members
Jan Fried
Professor, Languages, Linguistics and Literature
Kapiʻolani Community College
Debra Ishii
Assistant to the Senior Executive, Mānoa Office of Business and Finance
UH Mānoa
Keala Monaco
Executive Assistant, President’s Office
Christine Quintana
Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Hawaiʻi Community College
Jennifer Rose
Executive Director, UH Office of EEO/TIX
Ann Sakuma
Director, campusHELP
UH Mānoa
Ryan Tanaka
CTE Educational Technology and Civil Rights Specialist
Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education
Additional Information and Resources on Language Access
U.S. Department of Justice:
Hawaiʻi Office of Language Access:
To view the University of Hawaiʻi 2024-2026 Language Access Plan please see the link below:
Language Access Plan (PDF)
Internal Resources for Campus Units
- “Point Here” Language Access Poster (PDF)
- Tips and Advice for Phone Interpretation Services (PDF)
- “I Speak” Language Identification Cards – Full Pack – UH Design
- “I Speak” Language Identification Cards – Full Pack – Simple Design