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The Rotuman Forum is a webpage where viewpoints on Rotuman History, Culture, Language and Politics can be posted. The purpose of the forum is to give Rotumans, and other interested parties, an opportunity to share their views regarding matters of concern to the Rotuman community.

The Forum is managed by Alan Howard and Jan Rensel who ask that submissions be respectful to the views of others. We will not post views that indulge in name-calling or use insulting language. With those exceptions, we will post submissions in either Rotuman or English. In order to avoid embarrassment, we edit English submissions for spelling and grammar and post them after the edited versions are approved by the author. Submissions may be sent by e-mail to Rotuman_Forum. Please identify the forum in which you would like your submission to be posted.


Issues of Concern

About the Proclamation of Sovereignty

The Coup in Fiji


Land Disputes

Rotuman Independence

Rotuman History

Rotuman Identity

Environmental Concerns

Tourism on Rotuma

Problems of Youth on Rotuma

Parliamentary Representation

Why not Fiji and Rotuma?

Developing Rotuma

The Dominion of Melchizedek and Rotuman Secession

Should the Rotuma Hospital have a Morgue?

On the Legitimate Aspirations of the Rotuman People

Thoughts about Rotuma by a Returning Daughter

Fishing Rights of Indigenous People

On having a Rotuman Gallery at Fiji Museum Rotuman Land Commission
Rotuma Investment Ltd Thoughts of Rotuma
On the Use of the Rotuman Language Rotumans Lost at Sea
Rotumans as a Blessed People The Forgotten Women of Our Community
Electrifying Rotuma A Boat for Rotuma
The Question of Leadership The probelm of Kava Drinking
Lest We Forget Preserving Rotuman Culture
Rotuma's Energy Problems Life Behind the Scenes in Rotuma
Fiji Election of 2006 On the Governance of Rotuma

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