Nanobubble tech could revolutionize aquaculture, aquaponics
Samir Khanal's goal is to uncover new opportunities for improving fish and plant yields—with concomitant improvements in water quality.
Samir Khanal's goal is to uncover new opportunities for improving fish and plant yields—with concomitant improvements in water quality.
HIMB is the first in the state to begin operating a state-of-the-art incineration toilet that uses no water and produces no sewage.
Teams were challenged to develop concepts using wave energy to drive small-scale desalination systems for use in disaster response scenarios.
The program will provide knowledge and skills to collect, analyze and interpret environmental and water quality data.
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa researchers are working with a third-generation farming family to better understand challenges to their livelihoods on Oʻahu.
By cost-effectively measuring four critical aspects of water quality–temperature, flow direction, salinity and biocontaminants–the DROP module provides a way to remotely monitor well water within the islands.
Our Project in Hawaiʻi’s Intertidal in the Curriculum Research and Development Group will train middle school and high school teachers and students on the local watershed and scientific process.
Brytne Okuhata, who is working toward her doctorate in geology and geophysics, is focusing on the aquifer systems in Kona and Pearl Harbor.
Underground aquifers, coastal habitats and water filtration systems dealing with the flow of water containing suspended particles were examined.
Researchers say clean drinking water and energy cost savings might be achieved by co-locating hydro energy storage systems with reverse osmosis desalination plants.